100 Packaging Project 107 Output Format 108 VSPKG.HLP 109 Visual Studio Packaging General Property Page 111 Cabinet (CAB) Properties 112 VSPKG.HLP 113 Visual Studio Packaging Cabinet (CAB) Property Page 115 Outputs of %0 117 Uninstalled Packaging Engine 118 An error occurred during packaging:%n%1 119 vsbnd.hlp 120 Visual Studio Cabinet Packaging Engine 121 ZIP Archive (ZIP) Properties 122 VSPKG.HLP 123 Visual Studio Packaging Java Archive (JAR) Property Page 124 Visual Studio Self Installing EXE Packaging Engine 125 Target 126 VSPKG.HLP 127 Visual Studio Packaging Setup Target Property Page 131 Browse for Package Output File 132 All Files|*.*|Web Files|*.bmp;*.class;*.htm;*.html|| 133 %0 (%1) 134 Outputs of %1, Configuration %2 135 Outputs of %1, Inferred Configuration 137 Browse for Certificate File 138 Project outputs which are not local file URLs cannot be put into packages. 139 Error encountered in the format of the persisted packaging project file. A simple property value was found when a property section was expected. 140 The referenced project, %0, is not active within the solution. 141 Not Found 142 The help file for this dependency cannot be found. 143 Java Permissions 144 Visual Studio Packaging Cabinet (CAB) Permissions Property Page 145 Install %0? 146 The installation completed successfully. 147 Deployment 148 External Dependencies 149 Additional FIles 150 Certificate Files (*.spc)|*.spc|All Files (*.*)|*.*| 151 All Files (*.*)|*.*| 152 Microsoft System Libraries 153 Visual Studio Packagin Setup System Libraries Property Page 154 VSPKG.HLP 155 Low 156 Medium 157 High 158 Custom 159 None 160 MSZIP 161 Quantum 162 LZX 163 Access to client-side storage 164 The ability to run other programs 165 The ability to read, write, and delete files 166 Access to enhanced multimedia functionality 167 The ability to perform networking functions 168 The ability to priint 169 The ability tp access and manipulate global system properties 170 The ability to perform reflection operations 171 The ability to access the registry 172 Access to the java.lang.security package 173 The ability to create and manipulate threads and thread groups 174 Access to enhanced user interface functionality 175 The ability to perform user-directed file I/O 176 Debug 177 Release 178 Install to the following location: 179 INF Helper 180 : This shared file may be used by other installed applications. Do you want to remove it? 181 : The installer needs to update these files, but they are currently in use by another application. Please exit all programs and re-run this installer. 182 Private Key Files (*.pvk)|*.pvk|All Files (*.*)|*.*| 183 Visual Studio Installer Packaging Engine 184 Installer Packaging Error: Cannot get the needed information to create package. 185 Setup Packaging Error: build cancelled. 186 Setup Packaging Error: %n%1 187 Setup Packaging Error: error writing file. 188 Setup Packaging Error: cannot create CAB for this setup. 189 Setup Packaging Error: no input files 190 Are you sure you want to un-install this package? 191 Uninstall Complete! 192 The project you are removing, "%0", is referenced by project "%1". Would you like to remove it from project "%1"? 193 Remove project reference? 194 %0 195 %0(%1) 196 Setup Packaging Error: Another process is currently building. Please try to build again later. 197 The file "%0" from source "%1" conflicts with a file from source "%2"; the file from "%1" is being skipped. 198 Browse for Private Key File 199 Signing 200 VSPKG.HLP 201 Visual Studio Packaging Setup Signing Property Page 202 File already in Distribution Unit 203 The file '%0' has already been added to the distribution unit. 204 File does not exist 205 The file '%0' does not exist. Add to the distribution unit anyway? 206 MFCDLL 207 MFC DLLs 208 Microsoft Foundation Class Extension 209 This is the dynamic link library for the Microsoft Foundation Classes. Please use with discretion. 210 http://www.microsoft.com/mfc/ 211 212 ADODLL 213 ADO Installer 214 Microsoft ADO Installer 215 It's the files that are required to install ADO onto the client system. Please register these DLLs. 216 http://www.microsoft.com/ADO/ 217 218 VMINST 219 Microsoft Java VM Installer 220 Microsoft Java VM Installer 221 This executable installs the Microsoft Java virtual machine. 222 http://www.microsoft.com/java/ 223 224 Dependency is already present 225 The dependency '%0' has already been added to the dependency list. 226 Advanced... 227 http://timestamp.verisign.com/scripts/timstamp.dll 228 Visual Studio Packaging Setup Nested Setups Property Page 229 Executables|*.exe|All Files|*.*| 230 Nested Setups 231 VSPKG.HLP 232 Remote Components 233 VSPKG.HLP 234 Visual Studio Packaging Setup Remote Components Property Page 235 &Remove %0 236 Selection 237 Cabinet (CAB) 238 Self-Extracting Setup 239 ZIP File 240 A compressed and optionally digitally signed Cabinet file for use with Internet Explorer code download. 241 A self-extracting Setup program that you can use to distribute your application. 242 A ZIP format file. 243 Cabinet 244 Setup 245 Zip 246 Distribution Units 247 Distribution Units (*.pkp);*.pkp 248 Packaging %0 249 Packaging succeeded 250 Packaging failed 251 Digitally signing %0 252 Signing failed 253 Signing succeeded 254 Writing CAB %0 255 Distribution Units (*.pkp)|*.pkp|| 256 Save Project As... 257 -- uninstall 258 -- install 263 : this file needs to be installed, but is not found. Continue with installation? 264 : this file exists. Overwrite? 265 Error creating dialog needed for installation. Exiting... 266 Error getting UI contents. Exiting... 267 Please select the directory to install to. 268 The path entered is not a full path. Please try again. 269 Error creating registry key during installation. Continue? 270 : error deleting this registry key. Please make sure the registry is clean after this setup. 271 : the preceding command was run as part of un-installation, but it did not return a successful status. Please verify that it was run successfully. 272 The following error message was received from Windows: 273 Continue? 274 Setup needs to perform a reboot to update system configurations. Reboot now? 275 Error creating start menu shortcut. 276 : error deleting this file. Continue? 277 Cannot delete start menu item. 278 Please note that this application may not run correctly until after a reboot. 279 Copying files to machine and updating configurations... 280 Removing files and updating configurations... 281 OK 282 Exit Setup 283 &Browse... 284 The specified directory does not exist. Do you want to create it? 285 Microsoft Windows Foundation Classes for Java 286 Microsoft Windows Foundation Classes for Java Distribution Unit 287 Microsoft Windows Foundation Classes for Java Distribution Unit 288 These are the distribution units associated with Microsoft Windows Foundation Classes for Java. 289 http://www.microsoft.com/ironwood 290 291 : an error occurred while running the preceding command. Click OK to exit. 292 The optional redistributable files for the installer are not installed on this computer. 293 Packaging 294 %0 could not be added. 295 : this file exists. Overwrite? 296 *.bat|*.exe 297 *.vbr 298 *.tbl 299 Setup packaging error: cannot write to resources of output file. 300 Setup packaging error: cannot find input file. 301 Setup packaging error: cannot find the TLB files associated with the VBR files. 302 : error running the preceding command. This command was run after the installation to ensure registration of certain components. Please check that all components are installed properly. 303 : this file exists and is the same version as what is being installed. Overwrite? 304 : this file exists, but its version is earlier than what is being installed. Overwrite? 305 : this file exists, and its version is greater than what is being installed. Overwrite? 306 Error: Failed to generate signature for CAB, possibly because the signature executable or one of its support libraries could not be found. If the problem persists, please reinstall Visual Studio and try again. 307 Server name for remote components used by this application: 308 An error occurred while installing DCOM components. Please verify that all components were properly installed. 309 Please fill in a value for the Installation Folder. 310 The input field for the installation directory is not a valid path. Please try again. 311 If you want to create an entry in the start menu, please provide a name for the shortcut. 312 In order to create an entry in the start menu, we need the command line program. 313 Failed to generate signature for '%0', because no custom Java permissions were selected. 314 Failed to generate signature for '%0', because the private key file '%1' does not exist. 315 Failed to generate signature for '%0', because the certificate file '%1' does not exist. 316 Failed to generate signature for '%0', because it does not exist. 317 Failed to generate signature for '0', because 'javasign.dll' can't be found. 318 Failed to generate signature for '%0', because 'signcode.exe' can't be found. 319 Failed to generate signature for '%0', because of an unknown internal error getting module. 320 Failed to generate signature for '%0'. See the Output Window for details. 321 Insufficient disk space to install this component on the specified drive. This application requires %ld additional free bytes of disk space. 322 : an error occurred registering this component. Do you want to continue the installation? 323 : an error occurred while unregistering this component. It may still be partially registered in your system's registry. 324 Internal Error - Packaging Engine Exception 325 : error while un-registering this component. Please verify that it was uninstalled correctly. 326 The Java Package Manager (JPM) is required to install certain parts of this setup. Please install the Microsoft Java Virtual Machine and run this installer again. 327 This installer is about to run sub-installers that are included in this package. If any of them causes a reboot, please re-run this installer. 328 Setup is now done running the sub-installers. You do not need to re-run this setup in the case of a reboot. 329 Setup needs to restart this machine to conclude uninstall. Reboot now? 330 Please note that some applications may not run correctly until after a reboot. 331 This installation requires an updated version of the Microsoft Java Virtual Machine. Please install the update before running this setup again. 332 An error occurred while trying to reboot the system. Please restart your machine. 333 An error occured while packaging '%0' 334 Running sub-installer: 335 Installing file: 336 Creating registry entries... 337 Creating start menu shortcut... 338 Deleting file: 339 Deleting registry entries... 340 Deleting start menu shortcut... 341 Installation Status 342 Uninstallation Status 343 Progress: 344 Error creating registry entries. Exiting... 345 : this is a read-only file. Delete? 346 Installation cancelled. Please delete any installed files. 347 Un-installation cancelled. Please delete any remaining files. 348 Package output filename '%0' was longer than 256 characters and has been trimmed. 350 &Yes 351 Yes To &All 352 &No 353 No &To All 354 Failed to generate signature for '%0', because the private key file was not specified. 355 Failed to generate signature for '%0', because the certificate file was not specified. 356 Failed to generate signature for '%0', because the Visual Studio test certificate VSTest.spc was not found. 357 Failed to generate signature for '%0', because the Visual Studio test private key VSTest.pvk was not found. 358 '%0' could not be added to '%1' 359 Unable to load the required packaging engine. 360 Friendly Name 361 URL 362 Version 363 Required fields are empty 364 The URL and Friendly Name fields are required for the generation of an external dependency. 365 System Directory Installation 366 vspkg.hlp 367 Visual Studio Packaging Setup File Placement Property Page 368 Go! 369 Change 370 Installation folder (hit "Go!" to continue): 371 : this file exists and was created at the same time as what is being installed. Do you want to overwrite it? 372 : this file exists and is more recent than what is being installed. Do you want to overwrite it with the older file? 373 : this file exists and is older than what is being installed. Do you want to overwrite it? 374 : the preceding file is a fundamental part of this installation, but is missing. That means this file is probably corrupted. Exiting... 375 The installation completed with errors. 376 Another installer (or uninstaller) is running, please try again later. 377 Insufficient privileges to make required registry changes. 378 Specify Remote Server 379 Use the field below to specify the machine name where the components can be located. 380 To specify a different machine, type an existing machine name. 381 Setup was successful 382 The installation is complete and the application has been properly set up. 383 Press "Close" to exit setup. 384 Uninstallation is complete and all the installed components have been removed. 385 Setup is running sub-installers that are included in this package. Note that these installations may cause a reboot. Please re-run this setup if a reboot occurs before reaching the end of this setup. 386 Running nested setups... 387 Select Application Folder 388 Use the field below to specify the folder where you want the application files copied to. 389 To specify a different folder, type a new name, or use the Browse button to select an existing folder. 390 Installation Progress 391 Setup is installing the required files. 392 Installing files... 393 Un-Installation progress 394 Setup is deleting the installed components. 395 Deleting files... 396 Welcome! 397 Welcome to the %0 installation wizard. This wizard will install the necessary files to your system. 398 It is recommended that you exit all other applications before starting. Press Ctrl+Esc to switch to other applications, save your work, and close each application. 399 Press "Continue" to begin. 400 Welcome! 401 Welcome to the %0 uninstallation wizard. This wizard will delete the installed files from your system. 402 &Continue 403 &Exit Setup 404 &Next 405 &Close 406 Installation Completed 407 Un-installation Completed 408 Invalid machine name, please try again. 409 Setup was unable to complete un-install some components from the system. Please verify that everything has been uninstaled. 410 Cab Archive (.CAB) 411 Zip Archive (.ZIP) 412 Self-extracting Setup (.EXE) 413 Uninstalled successful 414 Zip Archives (*.zip);*.zip 415 Executable Files (*.exe);*.exe 416 Cabinet Files (*.cab);*.cab