Name Property (MSHFlexGrid)


Returns or sets the name of the aggregate field or the field by which to group.

Note   This is not applicable to the MSFlexGrid.


object.Name [=string]

The Name property syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.
string A string expression that contains the name of the aggregate field or the field by which to group. For the GroupingField object, the default is the name of the first field in the current Command object. For Aggregates, the default is "Aggregate" plus a number that uniquely identifies the field.


This property cannot have the same name as the field where the aggregate will be created. For AggregateOn with grouping, this is the name of any field in the current Command object. For AggregateOn with relation, this is the name of any field in the parent Command object.

The name of the GroupingField object must be a field name that exists in the current Command object.

The ADO Name property is used to generate the SHAPE command.