MergeCol, MergeRow Properties


Returns or sets a value that determines which rows and columns can have their contents merged. These properties must be True to use the MergeCells property.


object.MergeCol(number) [=Boolean]
object.MergeRow(number) [=Boolean]

Syntax for the MergeCol and MergeRows properties has these parts:

Part Description
object An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.
number A Long value that specifies the column or row in the MSHFlexGrid.
Boolean A Boolean that specifies whether merging occurs when adjacent cells display identical content.


The settings for Boolean are:

Part Description
True When adjacent cells display identical content, the rows merge to the left or the columns merge to the top.
False When adjacent cells display identical content, no cells merge. This is the default for MergeCol and MergeRow.


If the MergeCells property is set to a nonzero value, adjacent cells with identical values are merged only if they are in a row with the MergeRow property set to True or in a column with the MergeCol property set to True.

For details on the merging functionality of the MSHFlexGrid, see the MergeCells property.