CellHeight, CellLeft, CellTop, CellWidth Properties (MSHFlexGrid)


Returns the position and size of the current cell, in twips. These properties are not available at design time.


object.CellHeight [=value]
object.CellLeft [=value]
object.CellTop [=value]
object.CellWidth [=value]

Syntax for the CellHeight, CellLeft, CellTop, and CellWidth properties has these parts:

Part Description
object An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.
value A numeric expression that specifies the return position or size of the current cell.


These properties are useful if you want to emulate in-cell editing. By trapping the MSHFlexGrid's KeyPress event, you can place a text box or some other control over the current cell and let the user edit its contents.

The return values are always in twips, regardless of the formÆs ScaleMode setting.