This example adds several Node objects to a TreeView control. When a Node is selected, a reference to the selected Node is used to display its key. To try the example, place a TreeView control on a form, and paste the code into the form's Declarations section. Run the example, select a Node, and click the form.
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim nodX As Node ' Create a tree.
Set nodX = TreeView1.Nodes.Add(,,"r","Root")
Set nodX = TreeView1.Nodes.Add(,,"p","Parent")
Set nodX = TreeView1.Nodes.Add("p",tvwChild,,"Child 1")
nodX.EnsureVisible ' Show all nodes.
Set nodX = TreeView1.Nodes.Add("r",tvwChild,"C2","Child 2")
Set nodX = TreeView1.Nodes.Add("C2",tvwChild,"C3","Child 3")
Set nodX = TreeView1.Nodes.Add("C3",tvwChild,,"Child 4")
Set nodX = TreeView1.Nodes.Add("C3",tvwChild,,"Child 5")
nodX.EnsureVisible ' Show all nodes.
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Click()
Dim intX As Integer
On Error Resume Next ' If an integer isn't entered.
intX = InputBox("Check Node",,TreeView1.SelectedItem.Index)
If IsNumeric(intX) Then ' Ensure an integer was entered.
If TreeView1.Nodes(intX).Selected = True Then
MsgBox TreeView1.Nodes(intX).Text & " is selected."
MsgBox "Not selected"
End If
End If
End Sub
The following example adds three ListItem objects to a ListView control. When you click the form, the code uses the Selected property to determine if a specific ListItem object is selected. To try the example, place a ListView control on a form and paste the code into the form's Declarations section. Run the example, select a ListItem, and click the form.
Private Sub Form_Load()
Listview1.BorderStyle = vbFixedSingle ' Show the border.
Dim itmX As ListViewItem
Set itmX = ListView1.ListItems.Add(,,"Item 1")
Set itmX = ListView1.ListItems.Add(,,"Item 2")
Set itmX = ListView1.ListItems.Add(,,"Item 3")
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Click()
Dim intX As Integer
On Error Resume Next ' If an integer isn't entered.
intX = InputBox("Check Item", , Listview1.SelectedItem.Index)
If IsNumeric(intX) Then ' Ensure an integer was entered.
If ListView1.ListItems(intX).Selected = True Then
MsgBox ListView1.ListItems(intX).Text & " is selected."
MsgBox "Not selected"
End If
End If
End Sub