Add Method (ListSubItems Collection)


Adds a ListSubItem object to the ListSubItems collection and returns a reference to the newly created object.


object.Add (index, key, text, ReportIcon, ToolTipText)

Part Description
object Required. An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.
index Optional. An integer specifying the position where you want to insert the object. If no index is specified, the object is added to the end of the collection.
key Optional. A unique string that identifies the object. Use this value to retrieve a specific object in the collection.
text Optional. The string displayed by the ListView control in Report view.
ReportIcon Optional. The Index or Key property value specifying a ListImage object in the associated ImageList control.
ToolTipText Optional. The string displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over the ListSubItem.


The ListSubItems collection replaces the SubItems array of strings. The SubItems array is still available in the ListView control, but it's recommended that new applications use the ListSubItems collection because of the increased flexibility.