DropDown Event Example

The following code checks the value of a menu item to see if the status of items should be displayed. If status display is active, the code checks the value of the Tag property of each list item and sets the Image property accordingly. If status display is inactive, the Image for the item is set to an image named "Unchecked."

Private Sub ImageCombo1_DropDown()
   If mnuShowStatus.Checked = True Then
      For Each CboItem in ImageCombo1.ComboItems
         Select Case CboItem.Tag
         Case "Locked"
            CboItem.Image = "Padlock"
         Case "Deleted"
            CboItem.Image = "X-mark"
         Case "Checked"
            CboItem.Image = "Checkmark"
         Case Else
            CboItem.Image = "Unchecked"
         End Select
      Next CboItem
      For Each CboItem in ImageCombo1.ComboItems
         CboItem.Image = "Unchecked"
      Next CboItem
   End If
End Sub

In the above code, "Unchecked, "Padlock", "X-mark" and "Checkmark" are key values that indicate particular images in the ImageList control associated with the ImageCombo.