Trappable Errors for the Windows Common Controls (ComCtlLib)


The following tables list the trappable errors and constants for the Windows Common Controls in the ComCtl32.OCX file.

The following are the errors for the Windows Common Controls located in the ComCtl32.OCX file. Controls included in this file are: TabStrip, Toolbar, StatusBar, ProgressBar, TreeView, ListView, ImageList, and Slider.

Constant Value Description
ccInvalidProcedureCall 5 Invalid procedure call
ccOutOfMemory 7 Out of memory. The operation could not allocate enough memory.
ccTypeMismatch 13 Type Mismatch. One of the arguments could not be converted to the correct data type.
ccObjectVariableNotSet 91 Object variable or With block variable not set.
ccInvalidPropertyValue 380 Invalid property value
A value has been assigned to a property, that is outside its permissible range.
ccSetNotSupportedAtRuntime 382 Property cannot be set at run time
ccSetNotSupported 383 Property is read-only
ccSetNotPermitted 387 Property can't be set on this control
ccGetNotSupported 394 Property is write-only
ccInvalidObjectUse 425 Invalid object use
ccWrongClipBoardFormat 461 Specified format doesn't match format of data.
ccInvalidPicture 481 Invalid picture
ccDataObjectLocked 672 DataObject formats list may not be cleared or expanded outside of the OLEStartDrag event
ccExpectedAnArgument 673 Expected at least one argument
ccRecursiveOleDrag 674 Illegal recursive invocation of OLE drag and drop
ccFormatNotByteArray 675 Non-intrinsic OLE drag and drop formats used with SetData require byte array data. GetData may return more bytes than were given to SetData
ccDataNotSetForFormat 676 Requested data was not supplied to the DataObject during the OLESetData event.
ccInvalidSafeModeProcCall 680 Invalid procedure call in Safe mode.
ccIndexOutOfBounds 35600 Index out of bounds
ccElemNotFound 35601 Element not found
ccNonUniqueKey 35602 Key is not unique in collection
ccInvalidKey 35603 Invalid key
ccCol1MustBeLeftAligned 35604 When the ListView control's View property is set to 3 (Report), the left-most column (column 1) can only be left aligned. Any attempt to set the alignment to another value will result in this error.
ccElemNotPartOfCollection 35605 This item's control has been deleted
ccCollectionChangedDuringEnum 35606 Control's collection has been modified
ccMissingRequiredArg 35607 Required argument is missing
ccBadObjectReference 35610 Invalid object
ccReadOnlyIfHasImages 35611 Property is read-only if image list contains images
ccImageListMustBeInitialized 35613 ImageList must be initialized before it can be used
ccWouldIntroduceCycle 35614 This would introduce a cycle
ccNotSameSize 35615 All images in list must be same size
ccMaxPanelsExceeded 35616 Maximum Panels Exceeded
ccImageListLocked 35617 ImageList cannot be modified while another control is bound to it
ccMaxButtonsExceeded 35619 Maximum Buttons Exceeded
ccCircularReference 35700 Circular object referencing is not allowed