Source Code Control Concepts

See Also Tasks

The Microsoft development environment (for Visual J++ and Visual InterDev) integrates source control commands and functions into the Project Explorer (and other menus and windows). You can use source control to manipulate source file (item) locations and versions, set up your source control project hierarchy to match your development directory tree, and more effectively manage team projects by delaying additions, deletions, and renames to the source control database.

Note The examples in this section refer to Visual SourceSafe as the default source code control application. If you are using Visual InterDev for source code control, please see the Visual InterDev topics Source Control or Working with Multiple Developers. If you are using another source code control system, please see your source code control provider for more information.

The following sections provide information to acquaint you with source code control in the Microsoft development environment:

Section Description
What is Source Code Control? Gives a brief overview of using the features of source control and the development environment together.
Setting Up Source Code Control with the Microsoft Development Environment Briefly describes the first steps to integrating the Microsoft development environment with your Visual SourceSafe database.
Different Project Models in Source Code Control Compares directory-based and reference-based project systems, describing how the differences impact source code control.
Overview of Pushing or Pulling Changes to Source Code Control Introduces a means to selectively defer updates to local or database files.