The development environment contains many icons that represent various items, depending upon the application you are using. The following is a list of the most common icons and what they represent.
Note Some applications may have additional icons that do not appear in this list.
This icon | Represents a(n) |
.asp file | |
Any image file | |
Any image map | |
Audio file | |
Cabinet | |
CDF | |
Circular reference | |
Class | |
Class File | |
Compressed class | |
Constant | |
Delegates | |
Enum | |
Error | |
Event | |
Executable file | |
Field variable | |
Folder/Subfolder | |
Global.asa file | |
HTML file | |
Import folder | |
Imported class | |
Imported package | |
Inherited field | |
Inherited members folder | |
Inherited method | |
Inherited variable | |
Initializer | |
Initializer folder | |
Inner class folder | |
Interface | |
Interface folder | |
Intrinsic alias | |
Jar | |
Java source file | |
Library | |
Member class | |
Method | |
Method overload | |
Microsoft Visual J++Ö Project | |
Module | |
Other text file | |
Package | |
Private access | |
Project | |
Property | |
Protected access | |
Resource bundle | |
Resource file | |
Site diagram | |
Stylesheet | |
SuperClass | |
Superclass folder | |
Type library | |
Valid window shortcut | |
Video file | |
X-World file |