Quick view in the HTML editor enables you to:
Note Quick view does not process server script, so it may not accurately reflect how .asp files will look in the browser. For example, if a design-time control is created by run-time server script, it will not appear in Quick view.
Use the tabs at the bottom of the editor window to switch to Quick view. When you are in Quick view, you cannot edit the page. The Document Outline is not visible in Quick view.
Note If a file referenced in your document changes while the document is open ù such as a style sheet, Java applet, or image ù the HTML editor does not automatically update your view of the document. To get the most current versions of elements referenced in your document, choose Refresh from the View menu.
Quick view differs from Design view because the page is interactive. You can click links or HTML controls and see the results of your actions. In addition, the page is displayed more closely resembling the way it will look in Internet Explorer. For example, controls such as the Recordset control, which are displayed in Design view, do not appear in Quick view.
Note All relative URL references work as if the document were in its location on the target Web server.
Quick view presents the document formatted for Internet Explorer 4.0, even if you normally use a different browser. If you have a different browser installed on your computer, you can use that browser to view the page by choosing the Browse With command from the Project Explorer right-click menu.
In Quick view, objects are not checked for signatures when you preview a page. This makes it more convenient for you to preview a page, because you do not have to respond to messages asking you permission to work with objects.
Because Quick view does not participate in browser security, you must: