Allows you to specify the type of link and the target document or bookmark when you specify selected text as a hyperlink.
Specifies the protocol to use when you create a link. The following table lists protocols for common types of links.
To | Choose this protocol |
Jump to another Web page | http: |
Jump to a bookmark on another page | http: |
Jump to a bookmark on the current page | (other) |
Download a file and open it | file: . |
Send e-mail | mailto: |
Access other Internet resources | Protocol required for that resource, such as ftp: , gopher: , telnet: , or wais: . |
Specifies the Universal Resource Locator (URL) for the link. You can select a URL by clicking the button next to the URL text box. Use the following guidelines for entering URLs.
Note If you reference a file that is not already part of your project, the file will not automatically be added to your project.