object License: TLicense Left = 93 Top = 258 Width = 427 Height = 372 Caption = 'License agreement' Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] Icon.Data = {} Position = poScreenCenter Scaled = False PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 16 object xPanel1: TxPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 419 Height = 345 Align = alClient BevelWidth = 2 Caption = '(unknown language set)' TabOrder = 0 data_int = 0 language = 0 object Bevel1: TBevel Left = 8 Top = 8 Width = 401 Height = 297 Shape = bsFrame end object Memo1: TMemo Left = 16 Top = 16 Width = 385 Height = 281 Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] Lines.Strings = ( 'SOFTWARE LICENCE TERMS' '' 'WARNING: THESE ARE NOT THE ENTIRE LICENCE TERMS FOR THE ACCOMPAN' + 'YING ' 'SOFTWARE ("THE SOFTWARE"). PLEASE CLICK ON THE BUTTON INDICATED' + ' BELOW TO ' 'SEE THE REST OF THE CONTRACTUAL TERMS REGARDING THE SOFTWARE, WH' + 'ICH, ' 'TOGETHER WITH THESE TERMS, FORM THE "LICENCE TERMS".' '' 'THE SOFTWARE IS PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWS AND MAY ONLY BE USED' + ', ' 'TRANSMITTED OR REPRODUCED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LICENCE TERMS.' '' 'DO NOT INSTALL, REPRODUCE, TRANSMIT, OR USE THE SOFTWARE UNTIL Y' + 'OU HAVE ' 'READ AND ACCEPTED ALL OF THE LICENCE TERMS. PERMISSION TO USE T' + 'HE ' 'SOFTWARE IS CONDITIONAL UPON YOU AGREEING TO THE LICENCE TERMS. ' 'INSTALLATION, REPRODUCTION, TRANSMISSION OR USE OF THE SOFTWARE ' + 'BY YOU ' 'WILL BE DEEMED TO BE ACCEPTANCE OF THE LICENCE TERMS. ACCEPTANCE' + ' WILL ' 'BIND YOU TO THE LICENCE TERMS IN A LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE CONTRACT ' + 'WITH SFS ' 'SOFTWARE.' '' 'IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO ACCEPT THE LICENCE TERMS, DO NOT INSTALL, ' 'REPRODUCE, TRANSMIT OR USE THE SOFTWARE.' '' '1.'#9'In the licence terms: "free trial period", in respect of the ' 'software, means a period of 30 starts commencing when you instal' + 'l the ' 'software, including any further period permitted by SFS Software' + '; "key" ' 'means a device provided by SFS Software, upon receipt of the lic' + 'ence fee, ' 'which enables the software to operate after the free trial perio' + 'd has ' 'expired; "licence fee" means the amount of $US; "locked software' + '" means ' 'the software, without a key; "SFS Software" means SFS Software, ' + 'of the ' 'address indicated below; and "unlocked software" means the softw' + 'are, ' 'together with and operational through use of a key.' '' '2.'#9'Subject to the licence terms, you are granted a non-exclusive' + ' ' 'right during the free trial period to reproduce, transmit and us' + 'e locked ' 'software on as many computers as you wish, provided that such so' + 'ftware is ' 'used for evaluation purposes only. During the free trial period' + ' the ' 'locked software will operate without a key and the software lice' + 'nce ' 'granted in this clause shall be immediately revocable by SFS Sof' + 'tware ' 'without need to show cause. Upon expiry of the free trial perio' + 'd, the ' 'software licence granted in this clause will automatically termi' + 'nate and ' 'the software will become inoperational without the use of a key.' '' '3.'#9'If you wish to use the software after the free trial period, ' + 'you ' 'must pay the licence fee to SFS Software. Within a reasonable t' + 'ime after ' 'SFS Software receives the licence fee from you, SFS Software wil' + 'l provide ' 'you with a key.' '' '4.'#9'Subject to the licence terms, if you pay the licence fee, you' + ' are ' 'granted a non-exclusive right to cause a single copy of unlocked' + ' software ' 'to be executed on a single central processing unit of a single c' + 'omputer ' 'at any one time. The licence granted in this clause 4 will cont' + 'inue ' 'until copyright in the software expires in the jurisdiction wher' + 'e the ' 'software is being used for the time being.' '' '5.'#9'The software licence extends to any documentation which ' 'accompanies the software, provided that such documentation may n' + 'ot be ' 'copied, modified or used in any way not contemplated or expressl' + 'y ' 'authorised by the licence terms.' '' '6.'#9'You hereby undertake the following obligations:' '' #9'(a)'#9'to not copy, reproduce, transmit, translate, adapt, vary ' 'or modify the software, in whole or in part (including the part ' + 'being the ' 'key), except as expressly authorised by the licence terms;' '' #9'(b)'#9'to ensure your employees, sub-contractors and others who ' 'are permitted by you to have access to the software are made awa' + 're of the ' 'terms of the licence terms and abide by them;' '' #9'(c)'#9'to not use unlocked software for or in connection with an ' 'outsourcing, service bureau or facilities management arrangement' + '; and' '' #9'(d)'#9'to not make unlocked software available across a computer ' 'network.' '' '7.'#9'You acknowledge and agree that:' '' #9'(a)'#9'the software is provided "as is" and is not warranted to ' 'be error free;' '' #9'(b)'#9'the existence of any errors in the software shall not ' 'constitute a breach of the licence terms; and' '' #9'(c)'#9'SFS Software will not be liable or responsible for any ' 'virus or other feature of the software which interferes with the' + ' normal ' 'operation of a computer and in either case which is not intentio' + 'nally ' 'introduced by SFS Software.' '' '8.'#9'Subject to clause 11, all terms not expressly stated in the ' 'licence terms (including terms relating to the standard or quali' + 'ty of the ' 'software or the fitness of the software for a particular purpose' + ') are ' 'excluded from the licence terms.' '' '9.'#9'Subject to clause 11, the maximum liability of SFS Software f' + 'or ' 'any claims, loss or damage suffered or incurred in any way relat' + 'ing to ' 'the software (whether referable to breach of the licence terms, ' 'negligence or otherwise and including any number of claims which' + ' arise ' 'from a single event) will be the licence fee.' '' '10.'#9'Subject to clause 11, SFS Software will not be liable for an' + 'y ' 'indirect or consequential damages however arising (whether throu' + 'gh a ' 'breach of the licence terms, negligence or otherwise).' '' '11.'#9'In the event that any applicable law or statute implies any ' + 'terms ' 'or imposes any liability on SFS Software which cannot lawfully b' + 'e ' 'excluded from the licence terms:' '' #9'(a)'#9'such terms are included in, or as the case may require, ' 'such liability is not excluded by, the licence terms; and' '' #9'(b)'#9'the liability of SFS Software for a breach of such terms ' 'or, as the case may be, such liability, will be limited to the m' + 'aximum ' 'extent permitted under such law or statute.' '' '12.'#9'Nothing in the licence terms entitles you to support or ' 'maintenance services, updates or new releases in respect of the ' + 'software.' '' '13.'#9'You acknowledge and warrant that:' '' #9'(a)'#9'you will acquire a key only after satisfying yourself as ' 'to the fitness of the software for the purpose to which you inte' + 'nd to put ' 'it;' '' #9'(b)'#9'you have not relied on any representation made by SFS ' 'Software which is not stated expressly in the licence terms or u' + 'pon any ' 'descriptions, illustrations or specifications contained in any d' + 'ocument ' 'including catalogues or publicity material produced by SFS Softw' + 'are.' '' '14.'#9'You acknowledge that the software, including the key and all' + ' ' 'accompanying documentation, are the subject of copyright. You s' + 'hall not ' 'at any time permit any act which infringes that copyright and, w' + 'ithout ' 'limiting the foregoing, you specifically acknowledge that you ma' + 'y not ' 'reproduce or copy the software or the key except as otherwise ex' + 'pressly ' 'authorised by the licence terms.' '' '15.'#9'You shall fully indemnify SFS Software against all liabiliti' + 'es, ' 'costs and expenses which SFS Software may incur as a result of a' + ' breach ' 'of the provisions of the licence terms by you or permitted by yo' + 'u.' '' '16.'#9'The agreement comprising the licence terms may be terminated' + ' by ' 'SFS Software in the following circumstances:' '' #9'(a)'#9'if you are in breach of any term of the licence terms;' '' #9'(b)'#9'if you, being a corporation, become the subject of ' 'insolvency proceedings;' '' #9'(c)'#9'if you, being a firm or partnership, are dissolved;' '' #9'(d)'#9'if you, being a natural person, die;' '' #9'(e)'#9'if you destroy the software and documentation for any ' 'reason; ' '' #9'(f)'#9'any circumstances not contemplated by the licence terms ' 'occur which make it reasonable for SFS Software to terminate tha' + 't ' 'agreement; or' '' #9'(g)'#9'SFS Software gives you a notice of its intention to ' 'terminate that agreement, and you do not, within 14 days of disp' + 'atch of ' 'that notice, communicate your intention to continue that agreeme' + 'nt.' '' '17.'#9'Upon such termination, you must cause all remaining copies o' + 'f the ' 'software (including the key and all accompanying documentation) ' + 'to be ' 'destroyed or otherwise returned, disposed of or dealt with in th' + 'e manner ' 'directed by SFS Software.' '' '18.'#9'Such termination shall not affect any rights or remedies whi' + 'ch ' 'SFS Software may otherwise have under the licence terms or at la' + 'w.' '' '19.'#9'The benefit of the licence terms shall not be dealt with in ' + 'any ' 'way by you (whether by assignment, sub-licensing or otherwise) w' + 'ithout ' 'written consent of SFS-Software.' '' '20.'#9'Failure or neglect by either party to enforce at any time an' + 'y of ' 'the provisions of the licence terms shall not be construed or de' + 'emed to ' 'be a waiver of that party�s rights under the licence terms.' '' '21.'#9'The licence terms shall be governed by and construed accordi' + 'ng to ' 'the law of the State of Thuringia, Germany and SFS Software and ' + 'you ' 'submit to the jurisdiction of courts and tribunals exercising ' 'jurisdiction in that State.' '' '' #9'SFS SOFTWARE GbR' #9'Martin-Luther-Ring 31' #9'98574 SCHMALKALDEN / TH�RINGEN' #9'GERMANY' #9'E-mail: info@sfs-software.com' #9'WEB: http://www.sfs-software.com' '') ParentFont = False ScrollBars = ssBoth TabOrder = 0 end object xButton1: TxButton Left = 224 Top = 312 Width = 99 Height = 25 Caption = '&Ich stimme zu' ModalResult = 1 TabOrder = 1 Caption_English = '&I agree' Caption_France = '&I agree' Caption_German = '&I agree' Caption_Spanish = '&I agree' data_int = 0 language = 2 end object xButton2: TxButton Left = 332 Top = 312 Width = 75 Height = 25 Caption = '&Beenden' ModalResult = 2 TabOrder = 2 Caption_English = '&Quit' Caption_France = '&Quit' Caption_German = '&Quit' Caption_Spanish = '&Quit' data_int = 0 language = 2 end end end