Dear Pronto Mail User, We are assuming that you've already signed up with some Internet Service Provider to get access to the Internet and to be able to send and receive Electronic Mail. If you don't have an Internet account yet, it is never late to do so, and you can easily find many offerings in local press. If you already signed up with an ISP and you still have problems setting up Pronto Mail, please contact your ISP for the mail servers settings information. The two Mail Servers used for receiving and sending Electronic Mail are the Receiving (POP3) Mail server and the Sending (SMTP) Mail server. The sending server name is sometimes the same one used for receiving mail depending on your ISP settings. As an example, we have included here the Mail Server settings for Netcom On-line Communication Services: Receiving (POP3) Mail Server name for Netcom: Sending (SMTP) Mail Server name for Netcom :