1 EQViewPrefs 2 MatrixLines 3 InputBoxes 4 Marks 5 EQMisc 6 PrinterMetrics 7 MaxMatrixRows 8 MaxMatrixColumns 9 MetricsFile 10 EQColorRBGs 11 TextColorRed 12 TextColorGreen 13 TextColorBlue 14 TextColorIndex 15 MathColorRed 16 MathColorGreen 17 MathColorBlue 18 MathColorIndex 19 FunctionColorRed 20 FunctionColorGreen 21 FunctionColorBlue 22 FunctionColorIndex 23 HelperColorRed 24 HelperColorGreen 25 HelperColorBlue 26 EQStyle 27 ItalicsInMath 28 ItalicsMode 29 ExtraFracLine 30 ExtraFracSpace 31 InterColSpace 32 InterRowSpace 33 EqnColSpace 34 EqnRowSpace 35 MatrixLeftSpace 36 MatrixRightSpace 37 MatrixUpSpace 38 MatrixDownSpace 39 RootWidth 40 RootDepth 41 RadicalRightSpace 42 ExtraRadicalLine 43 EmptyWidth 44 EmptyHeight 45 EmptyBorder 46 ScriptSpace 47 EQAccents 48 AccRelLift 49 AccAbsLift 50 Accent3 51 Accent4 52 EQEnvironment 53 FontFace 54 FontPitchAndFamily 55 FontSize 56 FontColor 57 FontAttrs 58 FontCharset 59 FontRotation 60 GlobalSettings 61 ScriptSize 62 ScriptScriptSize 63 InlineOpsSize 64 DisplayOpsSize 65 SpaceEndsMath 66 SpaceSpaceMath 67 PanelSize 68 DlgDefaults 69 TeXSavePath 70 TeXImportPath 71 OperatorDlgSelected 72 OperatorDlgLimPos 73 OperatorDlgSize 74 BracketDlgLeft 75 BracketDlgRight 76 FunctionDlgCustom 77 DecorDlgSelected 78 MatrixDlgCols 79 MatrixDlgRows 80 MatrixDlgLRAlign 81 MatrixDlgTBAlign 82 SpaceDlgSelected 83 BinomialDlgLine 84 BinomialDlgSize 85 BinomialDlgLeft 86 BinomialDlgRight 87 RevMatrixDlgSel 88 RevMatxInsertDlgRC 89 RevMatxInsertDlgNum 90 RevMatxInsertDlgPos 91 TabbedX 92 TabbedY 93 AutoRecognize 94 ARdisable 95 AR 96 tr21.efm 97 Times New Roman 98 0 99 *undefined* 100 *undefined* 101 Pr,1,probability,$\Pr$ 102 arccos,1,inverse cosine function ( arc form ),$\arccos$ 103 arcsin,1,inverse sine function ( arc form ),$\arcsin$ 104 arctan,1,inverse tangent function ( arc form ),$\arctan$ 105 arg,1,argument ( of a complex number ),$\arg$ 106 cos,1,cosine function,$\cos$ 107 cot,1,cotangent function,$\cot$ 108 csc,1,cosecant function,$\csc$ 109 deg,1,degrees,$\deg$ 110 det,1,determinant,$\det$ 111 dim,1,dimension,$\dim$ 112 exp,1,exponential function,$\exp$ 113 gcd,1,greatest common divisor,$\gcd$ 114 hom,1,homomorphism,$\hom$ 115 inf,1,infimum,$\inf$ 116 ker,1,kernel,$\ker$ 117 lg,1,logarithm, base 2,$\lg$ 118 lim,1,limit,$\lim$ 119 ln,1,logarithm, base e,$\ln$ 120 log,1,logarithm, base 10,$\log$ 121 max,1,maximum,$\max$ 122 min,1,minimum,$\min$ 123 sec,1,secant function,$\sec$ 124 sin,1,sine function,$\sin$ 125 sup,1,supremum,$\sup$ 126 tan,1,tangent function,$\tan$ 127 lcm,1,least common multiple,$\limfunc{lcm}$ 128 arcsec,1,inverse secant function ( arc form ),$\limfunc{arcsec}$ 129 arccsc,1,inverse cosecant function ( arc form ),$\limfunc{arccsc}$ 130 arccot,1,inverse cotangent function ( arc form ),$\limfunc{arccot}$ 131 Si,1,sine integral,$\limfunc{Si}$ 132 Ci,1,cosine integral,$\limfunc{Ci}$ 133 Ei,1,exponential integral,$\limfunc{Ei}$ 134 erf,1,error function,$\limfunc{erf}$ 135 mod,1,modulo,$\limfunc{mod}$ 136 Re,1,real part ( of a complex number ),$\limfunc{Re}$ 137 Im,1,imaginary part ( of a complex number ),$\limfunc{Im}$ 4000 E&quation 4005 &Text Mode Ctrl+T 4006 &Math Mode Ctrl+T 4007 Show Input &Box Lines 4008 Hide Input &Box Lines 4009 Show &Matrix Lines 4010 Hide &Matrix Lines 4013 Show Ma&rks 4014 Hide Ma&rks 4015 lwpeqn.ini 4016 Error: 4018 &Window 4019 Save &As... 4020 &Import Picture... 4021 Error: 4022 Warning: 4023 FYI: 4031 CF_TEX 4032 LWPEQNW.HLP 4034 Revise 4035 Import Equation 4036 Save Equation 4037 WordPro Equation Help 4038 EQUATION files(*.tex)+*.tex+ 5000 Invalid key class in ProcessKey 5001 Limits error in TeXTextBox 5002 returning NULL char metrics for(%d,%d) 5004 Invalid custom function. 5005 File name contains invalid characters. 5006 File name is too long. 5007 Attempt to allocate more than 64K data space in clipboard 5008 Unable to allocate memory for clipboard 5009 Failed to load font metrics 5010 Incorrect version of FontMetrics file 5011 Error writing file %s 5012 File %s exists.\nOverwrite existing file? 5013 %s\ndoes not exist. 5014 %s was not found.\nFile recreated using defaults. 5015 Cannot revise %dx%d matrix 5016 File %s not found 5017 Range is \n %d to %d 5021 Transparent is not a valid equation text color 5022 A font or fonts used by the equation editor\n is missing: %s 5100 Structure too complex 5101 Out of memory 5102 Matrices restricted to 10 x 10 5103 Disk full\nDelete files and retry. 5104 Error writing to disk. 5105 Sorry, equation is too big. 5106 Error parsing TeX expression 5107 Cannot apply text attributes to more than one character at a time. 5108 Cannot use Revise Character command on more than one character at a time. 5111 Attempting to queue too many commands! 5112 Error creating file %s 5113 Unsupported equation format, %d 5233 inj lim 5234 lim inf 5235 lim sup 5236 proj lim 5237 lim