====================================================================== This package contains binaries of the Personal Web Media (PWM) audio plug-in for the Windows 95/NT operating system ====================================================================== developed at the Distributed Systems Dept, University of Ulm. For licence information read the file licence.txt. What is it? =========== PWM is a live video and audio server that looks like a web server to web clients. The audio web client client is a Netscape plugin and a mixer library Version ======== NPWebAudio.dll 1.1.1 Requirements: ============= Netscape Navigator 3.0 or later Who did it? =========== Stephan Schmid Thanks to: Holger Boenisch for testing Files: ====== README.txt: this file NPWebAudio.dll the Netscape plug-in WinWaveMix.dll the mixer library Usage: ====== -Copy both DLLs to your Netscape plug-in directory. -Restart Netscape. Tips: ===== Check if you use the right version by choosing "about: plugins" from the Netscape "help" menu Changes: ======== 1.1.1 bug fixes 1.0 first version the WebAudio plug-in Known Bugs: =========== Troubleshooting: ================ History: ======== 1.10.97 Holger Bönisch added this readme to version 1.1.1