!!! You can start the shareware version only 40 times !!!
Welcome to the indexpage of the shareware release of W4-server version 2.3a.
There are a few changes since version W4-Server 1.2.
This application offers you an affordable way to present any information you want on the Internet.
This program has some significant advantages compared to other servers under windows.
It's very economical with your (valuable) memory (Less than 100 Kb). This program is absolutely safe, no backdoors.
You can still access the Internet. (Using Netscape, reading your mail, etc.) A logfile is kept, stating Date, Time, Client IP and requested information, reporting every action. Clients can only get files from one directory-tree up, no need for worries about protection of files. You can always, even when the window is minimized, see how many hosts are logged-in on your server. You can view realtime who retrieves which files from your server. The status window also gives you information about the progress in sending a file. Clickable images (NCSA Format)are also supported. You can make your own forms to be filled out by clients. You can use the WWW-Transport-Data-Protocol (WTDP) to do all kinds of things you previously thought were impossible. The price is a real 'Dutch treat' (in other words, it's CHEAP !), only US $69. Register here.
This Internet application is suitable for both private and professional use. Try it, and when you like it, buy it. If you register, the annoying message 'This server uses W4-Server' will disappear and more WTDP programs will be available, at no extra costs ( contrary to unregistred users, you gain access to our WTDP directory ).
Disclaimer & Copyright
These programs are Copyright (C) 1995 by Antelope Software,
All Rights Reserved.
It is provided as shareware with the following limitations:
These programs are shareware and are not to be resold or distributed for sale with other programs which are for sale.
There is no warranty or claim of fitness or reliability.
The programs are distributed AS IS, and as such neither the authors nor Antelope Software shall be held liable for any loss of data, down time, loss of revenue or any other direct or indirect damage or claims caused by these programs.
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