
Perform simple fastcgi request forwarding.


Option Default Values Short Description Example(s)
IOObject + <A Pi3 Object> Prototype IO object for fast cgi application server IOObject "FastCGIIO"
File - <a filename> Filename to match File "App1.fcgi"
FCGIHost localhost <An internet hostname or IP Address> Host to connect to application server FCGIHost "localhost"
FCGIPort 3333 <An internet port> Port to connect to application server FCGIPort 2323
Variable - <Pi3Expression> A variable,value parameter definition Variable "REMOTE_ADDR=$A"
- in the default indicates no default
+ in the default indicates the field is mandatory

Description of Options

Sepcifies an IOObject which will be the prototype of IO objects used to communicate with the fastcgi application server process. This IOObject may directly implement an IPC mechanism (shared memory, TCP/IP or named pipes) or its may be a filter (SSL, monitor) applied to one of the IPC mechanisms.
Specifies a filename to match against to activate this handler with the specified host and port. If this field is not present the will attempt to get the host and port pair from the resource associated with the request (the file should contain the hostname followed by whitespace followed by the port number).
Specifies the hostname that will be passed as argument 1 to the prototype IO object when creating the new IO object using PIIObject_copy(), for TCPIP IO objects this will be used as the hostname on which to connect to the fast cgi application server.
Specifies the port that will be passed as argument 2 to the prototype IO object when creating the new IO object using PIIObject_copy(), for TCPIP IO objects this will be used as the port on which to connect to the fast cgi application server.
Specifies a parameter expression that will be evaluated and sent to the fast cgi application server as part of the parameter definition. This is equivalent to specifying a CGI environment variable.


PIAPI_COMPLETED on success. PIAPI_CONTINUE is this handler ignored the request. If this handler was invoked for a phase other than HANDLE then PIAPI_ERROR is returned.



		Name FastCGI
		Class FastCGIClass

		Handle Condition="&cmp($c,internal/x-fastcgi)" FastCGI \
			File="App1.fcgi" IOObject="FcgiIO" FCGIHost="localhost" \