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MARLA accept post messages and make an automatic report.

In this sample version, the automatic report is in the directory stored in the MARLA.ini file as entry
	REPORTDIR = c:\MARLA\post_rep

The report is created by the external program "appio.exe".
APPIO.EXE make in the directory POST_REP a file with the same name of the file html that require the service and the extension ".rep"
Every form requiring the POST method can have a different file were the messages from users are stored.
A feedback to users can by set making a file "filename.ply" in the directory "cgi-win".
A more detailed description of the APPIO.EXE and the POST method implementation is available with the full registered version.

Here an example

Send me more info about:

  1. Dog's food
  2. Cat's food


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