
To render the "sensitive" image with MARLA, you have to select image (as in the previous page) with a similiar statement:
<A HREF=imagemap.exe/colori> <img BORDER=0 src="/ima/colori.gif" ISMAP> </a>
where MARLA receive from clients the position of user's clic.
All the maps had to be put in a directory and the name of this directory had to be reported in MARLA.INI.

a strip of flags

And, here the contents of "COLORI.MAP"
# this line is a comment
# mappatura di colori.gif
default   /intro/none.htm
rect      /intro/blu.htm      10,45        92,108
rect      /intro/red.htm      97,5         215,65
rect      /intro/green.htm    107,75       185,135
rect      /intro/yellow.htm   206,66       305,108
