ALI-PAL Software P.O. Box 407 Canon City, CO 81215-0407 Order form: Please send me the following games: (Check all that apply & Please Print Clearly) ____ $7.50 for WildRacing II full play version ____ $7.50 for Crazy LaCrosse or ____ $12.50 for WildRacing II full play version, plus Crazy LaCrosse. ____ $2.50 Shipping/Handling or email address * ______________________________ FIND ENCLOSED: ____ TOTAL PAYMENT ($U.S. check drawn on U.S. Bank **) NAME AND ADDRESS: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ ** make checks payable to: Patrick Shields * note: If you supply an email address instead of $2.50 (S&H) the file(s) will be sent via email binary attachment. The files are fairly big for this method: 731Kb for WildRacing II and 216Kb for Crazy LaCrosse. Some email programs and POP servers may not work with this size file. I will NOT receive any notice or warning from "the system" that this is the case, so you will have to notify me yourself and suggest an alternative.