ALPHABETIZED LIST OF PRODUCT FILES ---------------------------------- 32SINST INF (Disk28) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s 32SINST MST (Disk28) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s ACLOCK PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: ACLOCK CPP - OWL example file ACLOCK H - OWL example file ACLOCK ICO - OWL example file ACLOCK IDE - OWL example file ACLOCK RC - OWL example file CUCKOO1 BMP - OWL example file CUCKOO2 BMP - OWL example file CUCKOO3 BMP - OWL example file CUCKOO4 BMP - OWL example file CUCKOO5 BMP - OWL example file CUCKOO6 BMP - OWL example file CUCKOO7 BMP - OWL example file CUCKOO8 BMP - OWL example file FACE_BMP BMP - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file APPLAUNC PAK (Disk24) - Compression file containing the following: APPBTN CPP - OWL example file APPBTN H - OWL example file APPBTNBA CPP - OWL example file APPBTNBA H - OWL example file APPLAUNC CPP - OWL example file APPLAUNC HPJ - OWL example file APPLAUNC ICO - OWL example file APPLAUNC IDE - OWL example file APPLAUNC RC - OWL example file APPLAUNC RH - OWL example file APPLAUNC RTF - OWL example file APPMGR CPP - OWL example file APPMGR H - OWL example file APPWIN CPP - OWL example file APPWIN H - OWL example file DIALOGS CPP - OWL example file DIALOGS H - OWL example file DRAGBTN CUR - OWL example file EXITWIN CPP - OWL example file EXITWIN ICO - OWL example file EXITWIN RC - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file ARRAYS PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: ARRAY CPP - Classlib example file ARRAYS IDE - Classlib example file IARRAY CPP - Classlib example file ISARRAY CPP - Classlib example file MAKEFILE - Classlib example file SARRAY CPP - Classlib example file ASSOCS PAK (Disk22) - Compression file containing the following: ASSOCDD CPP - Classlib example file ASSOCDI CPP - Classlib example file ASSOCID CPP - Classlib example file ASSOCIDD CPP - Classlib example file ASSOCII CPP - Classlib example file ASSOCS IDE - Classlib example file MAKEFILE - Classlib example file AUTOCALC PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: ACALCGER BAS - OCF Example file ACALCGER HPJ - OCF Example file ACALCGER RTF - OCF Example file AUTOCALC BAS - OCF Example file AUTOCALC CPP - OCF Example file AUTOCALC H - OCF Example file AUTOCALC HH - OCF Example File AUTOCALC HPJ - OCF Example File AUTOCALC IDE - OCF Example file AUTOCALC RC - OCF Example file AUTOCALC RH - OCF Example file AUTOCALC RTF - OCF Example File CALLCALC CPP - OCF Example file CALLCALC RC - OCF example file CALLCALC RH - OCF example file MAKEFILE - OCF Example file README TXT - README to explain the ocf autocalc example. WINMAIN CPP - OCF Example file BAGS PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: BAG CPP - Classlib example file BAGS IDE - Classlib example file IBAG CPP - Classlib example file MAKEFILE - Classlib example file BAMGR16 DL_ (Disk1) - Install support file BCEXAMS PAK (Disk25) - Compression file containing the following: BIDSMAKE GEN - OWL example file MAKEFILE GEN - OWL example file OCFMAKE GEN - OCF examples makefile OWLMAKE GEN - OWL example file OWLOCFMK GEN - OCF example file BCSUPRT PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: BORL2MSG DLL - OWLCVT filter GREP2MSG DLL - grep filter dll for IDE HC312MSG DLL - hc31 filter IMPL2MSG DLL - implib filter dll for IDE KEYMAPR EXE - turbo editor macro compiler RC2MSG DLL - rc filter dll for IDE TASM2MSG DLL - tasm filter dll for IDE BCW PAK (Created by concatinating BCW.CA? files found on Disk3, Disk10) - Compression file containing the following: BCW EXE - Borland C++ for Windows IDE BCWDBK16 DLL - IDE support DLL BCWDBV16 DLL - IDE support file BCWIMPRT DLL - IDE support DLL BCWOBJ DLL - IDE support DLL BCWPAGES DLL - IDE support DLL BCWPRJ DLL - IDE support DLL BCWRES DLL - IDE support DLL BCWS16 DLL - IDE support DLL BCWS32 EXE - IDE support file BCWS32A EXE - IDE support file BCWTXCL DLL - IDE support DLL BCWTXSRV DLL - IDE support DLL CAPDOS EXE - IDE support file CAPDOS PIF - IDE support file CM DLL - IDE support DLL CMCORE DLL - IDE support DLL CODEGEN DLL - IDE support DLL IDEBID DLL - IDE support DLL IDECRTL DLL - IDE support DLL IDEEDIT DLL - IDE support DLL IDEKBD DLL - IDE support DLL IDEOWL DLL - IDE support DLL IDEPANE DLL - IDE support DLL IDEWIN DLL - IDE support DLL IMPLIB DLL - Borland binary File TBROWSER DLL - IDE support DLL BGI PAK (Disk19) - Compression file containing the following: ATT BGI - BGI file BGIDEMO C - BGI file BGIDEMO IDE - BGI file BGIOBJ EXE - BGI file BOLD CHR - BGI file CGA BGI - BGI file EGAVGA BGI - BGI file EURO CHR - BGI file GOTH CHR - BGI file HERC BGI - BGI file IBM8514 BGI - BGI file LCOM CHR - BGI file LITT CHR - BGI file PC3270 BGI - BGI file SANS CHR - BGI file SCRI CHR - BGI file SIMP CHR - BGI file TRIP CHR - BGI file TSCR CHR - BGI file BGILIB PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: GRAPHICS LIB - BGI library BIDSAPI PAK (Disk28) - Compression file containing the following: MYCLASS CPP - Classlib example file MYCLASS H - Classlib example file BINTREES PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: BINTREE CPP - Classlib example file BINTREES IDE - Classlib example file IBINTREE CPP - Classlib example file MAKEFILE - Classlib example file BIVBX PAK (Disk15) - Compression file containing the following: BIVBX11 DLL - OWL DLL BIVBX32 PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: BIVBX11 32C - 32-bit vbx thunk dll for win32c BIVBX11 32N - VBX executable BIVBX11 32S - 32-bit vbx thunk dll for win32s BIVBX11C DLL - 16-bit vbx thunk dll for win32c BIVBX11N EXE - VBX executable BIVBX11S DLL - 16-bit vbx thunk dll for win32s BIVBXLIB PAK (Disk28) - Compression file containing the following: BIVBX32 LIB - 32-bit import library for vbx BLAKJAK PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: BLAKJACK CPP - OWL example file BLAKJACK DEF - OWL example file BLAKJACK H - OWL example file BLAKJACK ICO - Black Jack OWL example file BLAKJACK IDE - OWL example file BLAKJACK RC - OWL example file CARD RH - OWL example file MHCD2001 H - OWL example file OWLMAIN CPP - OWL example file OWLMAIN H - OWL example file READ TXT - OWL example file BLOCKS PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: BLOCKS CPP - Borland example file BLOCKS DEF - Borland example file BLOCKS IDE - Borland example file BLOCKS RC - Borland example file BLOCKS RH - Borland example file README TXT - Borland example file BMPVIEW PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: BMPVIEW CPP - OWL example file BMPVIEW H - OWL example file BMPVIEW IDE - OWL example file BMPVIEW RC - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file READ1 BMP - OWL example file READ2 BMP - OWL example file SBSML256 BMP - OWL example file SB_BW BMP - OWL example file BOCOLE PAK (Disk25) - Compression file containing the following: BCOM H - OCF source file BHATCH CPP - OCF source file BHATCH H - OCF source file BOCOF DEF - OCF source file BOCOF RC - OCF source file BOCOFW DEF - Bolero flat model wide character def file BOCOFW RC - Bolero flat model wide character rc file BOCOLE DEF - OCF source file BOCOLE RC - OCF source file BOLE H - OCF source file BOLE32 H - OCF source file BOLECLIP CPP - OCF source file BOLECMAN CPP - OCF source file BOLECMAN H - OCF source file BOLECOMP CPP - OCF source file BOLECOMP H - OCF source file BOLECONT CPP - OCF source file BOLECONT H - OCF source file BOLEDATA CPP - OCF source file BOLEDATA H - OCF source file BOLEDEFS H - OCF source file BOLEDOC CPP - OCF source file BOLEDOC H - OCF source file BOLEFACT CPP - OCF source file BOLEFACT H - OCF source file BOLEGUID CPP - OCF source file BOLEHELP CPP - OCF source file BOLEINTF H - OCF source file BOLEIPS CPP - OCF source file BOLEIPS H - OCF source file BOLEPART CPP - OCF source file BOLEPART H - OCF source file BOLESITE CPP - OCF source file BOLESITE H - OCF source file BOLESVC CPP - OCF source file BOLESVC H - OCF source file BOLEVER CPP - Bolero Source file BOLEVER H - OCF source file HASHTBL CPP - OCF source file HASHTBL H - OCF source file MAKE INC - OCF source file MAKEFILE - OCF source file MORPH BAT - OCF source file OLEDEBUG CPP - OCF source file OLEDEBUG H - OCF source file OLEDLL CPP - OCF source file OLENEW CPP - OCF source file PORTDEFS H - OCF source file UTILS CPP - Bolero source file UTILS H - Bolero header file BOLBIN PAK (Disk24) - Compression file containing the following: BOCOLE DLL - Bolero DLL file BOLEUI PAK (Disk25) - Compression file containing the following: BOLEUI LIB - OCF source file BOLEUI RES - OCF source file COMMON H - OCF source file OLE2UI H - OCF source file OLESTD H - OCF source file BOLEUI32 PAK (Disk5) - Compression file containing the following: ANSIAPI H - OCF source file BOLEUI32 LIB - OCF source file BOLEUI32 RES - OCF source file COMMON H - OCF source file OLE2UI H - OCF source file OLESTD H - OCF source file BOLINC PAK (Disk2) - Compression file containing the following: BOLEINTF H - Bolero header file BORERR PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: OLE_ERR DLL - OLE error messages BUTTON PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: BUTTON IDE - OWL example file BUTTONX CPP - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file BWCC PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: BWCC DLL - 16 bit custom controls dynamic link library BWCC0007 DLL - German 16 bit BWCC dll BWCC0009 DLL - English 16 bit BWCC dll BWCC000C DLL - French 16 bit BWCC dll BWCC32 PAK (Disk24) - Compression file containing the following: BW320007 DLL - German 32 bit BWCC dll BW320009 DLL - English 32 bit BWCC dll BW32000C DLL - French 32 bit BWCC dll BWCC32 DLL - 32 bit custom controls dynamic link library C16DYDLL PAK (Disk20) - Compression file containing the following: BIDS45 DLL - C++ template classes' library file C16DYLIB PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: BIDSI LIB - C++ template classes' library file C16STAT PAK (Disk25) - Compression file containing the following: BIDSC LIB - Classlib 16 bit static library BIDSH LIB - Classlib 16 bit static library BIDSL LIB - Classlib 16 bit static library BIDSM LIB - Classlib 16 bit static library BIDSS LIB - Classlib 16 bit static library C32DYDLL PAK (Disk3) - Compression file containing the following: BIDS45F DLL - C++ template classes' library file C32DYLIB PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: BIDSFI LIB - 32 bit class library file C32STAT PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: BIDSF LIB - 32 bit class library file CALC PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: CALC CPP - OWL example file CALC ICO - OWL example file CALC IDE - OWL example file CALC RC - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file CARDS DL_ (Disk28) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s CHELP PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: CHELP C - Windows example file CHELP DEF - Windows example file CHELP HPJ - Windows example file CHELP IDE - Windows example file CHELP RC - Windows example file CHELP RTF - Windows example file CHELPM H - Windows example file CHELPR H - Windows example file MAKEFILE - Borland source file CLASSHLP PAK (Disk17) - Compression file containing the following: CLASSLIB HLP - Classlib help file CLASSLIB HLX - HelpExpert help file CLASSINC PAK (Disk18) - Compression file containing the following: ALLOCTR H - Classlib header file ARRAYS H - Classlib header file ASSOC H - Classlib header file BAGS H - Classlib header file BINIMP H - Classlib header file COMPILER H - Classlib header file DATE H - Classlib header file DEFS H - Classlib header file DEQUES H - Classlib header file DICT H - Classlib header file DLISTIMP H - Classlib header file FILE H - Classlib header file HASHIMP H - Classlib header file HEAPSEL H - Classlib header file LISTIMP H - Classlib header file MEMMGR H - Classlib header file OBJSTRM H - Classlib header file QUEUES H - Classlib header file RESOURCE H - Classlib header file SETS H - Classlib header file SHDDEL H - Classlib header file STACKS H - Classlib header file STDTEMPL H - Classlib header file STREAMBL H - Classlib header file THREAD H - Classlib header file TIME H - Classlib header file TIMER H - Classlib header file VECTIMP H - Classlib header file VERSION H - Classlib header file VOIDP H - Classlib header file CLASSSRC PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: BINIMP CPP - Classlib Source File CASTABLE CPP - Classlib Source File CLASMAIN CPP - Classlib Source File DATE CPP - Classlib Source File DATEIO CPP - Classlib Source File DATEP CPP - Classlib Source File EXBASE CPP - Classlib Source File FILE CPP - Classlib Source File GEOMETRY CPP - Classlib Source File GEOMSTRM CPP - Classlib Source File HEAPSEL CPP - Classlib Source File LOCALE CPP - Classlib source file LOCALECO CPP - Classlib source file LOCALEID CPP - Classlib source file MAKEFILE - Classlib Source File MEMMGR CPP - Classlib Source File OBJSTRM CPP - Classlib Source File OS2MAIN CPP - Classlib Source File REGHEAP CPP - Classlib source file REGLINK CPP - Classlib Source file THREAD CPP - Classlib Source File TIME CPP - Classlib Source File TIMEIO CPP - Classlib Source File TIMEP CPP - Classlib Source File TIMER CPP - Classlib Source File TMPLINST CPP - Classlib Source File USTRING CPP - Classlib Source file VERSION CPP - Classlib Source File VERSION RC - Classlib Source File CLIB PAK (Disk23) - Compression file containing the following: C0C OBJ - Compact model runtime library file C0FC OBJ - Compact model runtime library file CC LIB - Compact model runtime library file MATHC LIB - Compact model runtime library file NOEHC LIB - Compact model runtime library file CLOBSH PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: ABSTARRY H - Classlib Obsolete header file ARRAY H - Classlib Obsolete header file ASSOC H - Classlib Obsolete header file BAG H - Classlib Obsolete header file BTREE H - Classlib Obsolete header file CLSDEFS H - Classlib Obsolete header file CLSTYPES H - Classlib Obsolete header file COLLECT H - Classlib Obsolete header file CONTAIN H - Classlib Obsolete header file DBLLIST H - Classlib Obsolete header file DEQUE H - Classlib Obsolete header file DICT H - Classlib Obsolete header file HASHTBL H - Classlib Obsolete header file LDATE H - Classlib Obsolete header file LIST H - Classlib Obsolete header file LTIME H - Classlib Obsolete header file OBJECT H - Classlib Obsolete header file PRIORTYQ H - Classlib Obsolete header file QUEUE H - Classlib Obsolete header file SET H - Classlib Obsolete header file SORTABLE H - Classlib Obsolete header file SORTARRY H - Classlib Obsolete header file STACK H - Classlib Obsolete header file STRNG H - Classlib Obsolete header file CLOBSS PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: ABSTARRY CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file ARRAY CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file ASSOC CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file BABSTARY CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file BDICT CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file BSORTARY CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file BTREE CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file BTREEINN CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file BTREELFN CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file COLLECT CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file CONTAIN CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file DBLLIST CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file DEQUE CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file DICT CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file HASHTBL CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file LDATE CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file LIST CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file LTIME CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file OBJECT CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file SORTARRY CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file STACK CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file STRNG CPO - Classlib Obsolete source file CMD16 PAK (Disk21) - Compression file containing the following: BCC EXE - 16 bit compiler CPP EXE - 16 bit preprocessor TLINK EXE - 16 bit linker CMD32 PAK (Disk5) - Compression file containing the following: B32TOOLS PIF - 32 bit dos box tools BCC32 EXE - 32 bit compiler BCC32A EXE - 32 bit compiler original back end CPP32 EXE - 32 bit preprocessor TDSTRP32 EXE - Debug information stripper TLINK32 EXE - 32 bit linker CMDENABL PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: CMDENAB1 CPP - OWL example file CMDENAB2 CPP - OWL example file CMDENAB3 CPP - OWL example file CMDENAB4 CPP - OWL example file CMDENABL H - OWL example file CMDENABL IDE - OWL example file CMDENABL RC - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file CMDLG PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: CMDLG C - Windows example file CMDLG H - Windows example file CMDLG IDE - Windows example file CMDLG RC - Windows example file CMDLGR H - Windows example file MAKEFILE - Windows example file CMDLINE PAK (Disk22) - Compression file containing the following: BUILTINS MAK - Default rules\macros for make.exe MAKE EXE - Make program MAKER EXE - Make program OBJXREF EXE - Object file cross-reference utility RLINK EXE - Resource linker TDMEM EXE - Memory mapping/usage display utility TDSTRIP EXE - Debug information stripper TDUMP EXE - 16 bit tdump TOUCH COM - File date-and-time-stamp update utility TRIGRAPH EXE - Trigraph conversion utility WINRUN EXE - Utility to run Windows applications from a DOS box WR EXE - Utility to run Windows applications from a DOS box COLORDLG PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: CCTLTEST CPP - OWL example file CCTLTEST H - OWL example file CCTLTEST RC - OWL example file CDLGDLL DEF - OWL example file COLORDLG CPP - OWL example file COLORDLG H - OWL example file COLORDLG IDE - OWL example file COLORDLG RC - OWL example file COLORDLG RH - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file USECDLL2 CPP - OWL example file USECDLL2 H - OWL example file COMBOBOX PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: COMBOBOX IDE - OWL example file COMBOBXX CPP - OWL example file COMBOBXX RC - OWL example file COMBOBXX RH - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file COMMDLG PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: COMMDLG IDE - OWL example file COMMDLGX CPP - OWL example file COMMDLGX RC - OWL example file COMMDLGX RH - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file COMPOBJ DL_ (Disk28) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s CURSOR PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: CURSOR CPP - OWL example file CURSOR H - OWL example file CURSOR ICO - OWL example file CURSOR IDE - OWL example file CURSOR RC - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file DATES PAK (Disk28) - Compression file containing the following: DATES IDE - Classlib example file DATEX CPP - Classlib example file MAKEFILE - Classlib example file DDEML PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: DDECLI CPP - OWL example file DDECLI RC - OWL example file DDECLI RH - OWL example file DDECLIR H - OWL example file DDEML IDE - OWL example file DDESVR CPP - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file DDEMLWIN PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: DDECLNT C - Windows example file DDECLNT DOC - Windows example file DDECLNT H - Windows example file DDECLNT ICO - Windows example file DDECLNT RC - Windows example file DDESRVR C - Windows example file DDESRVR H - Windows example file DDESRVR ICO - Windows example file DDESRVR IDE - Windows example file DDESRVR RC - Windows example file MAKEFILE - Windows example file DEF_FILE PAK (Disk7) - Compression file containing the following: DEFAULT DEF - default def file for examples DELIVER PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: DELIVER CPP - Deliver example file DELIVER IDE - Deliver example file DELIVER TXT - Deliver example file DEQUES PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: DEQLIST CPP - Classlib example file DEQUE CPP - Classlib example file DEQUES IDE - Classlib example file IDEQLIST CPP - Classlib example file IDEQUE CPP - Classlib example file MAKEFILE - Classlib example file DIAGXPRT PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: CBACK CPP - OWL example file DIAGXPRT CPP - OWL example file DIAGXPRT H - OWL example file DIAGXPRT IDE - OWL example file DIAGXPRT RC - OWL example file DIAGXPRT RH - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file SETUP CPP - OWL example file SETUP H - OWL example file TOOLHELP CPP - OWL example file DLLDEMO PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: BITMAP CPP - Windows example file BITMAP DEF - Windows example file BITMAP DLL - Windows example file BITMAP H - Windows example file BITMAP RC - Windows example file DLLDEMO CPP - Windows example file DLLDEMO ICO - Windows example file DLLDEMO IDE - Windows example file DLLDEMO RC - Windows example file DLLDEMO1 BMP - Windows example file DLLDEMO2 BMP - Windows example file DLLSHELL CPP - Windows example file MAKEFILE - Windows example file DLLHELLO PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: CALLDLL CPP - OWL example file CALLDLL H - OWL example file CALLDLL RC - OWL example file DLLHELLO CPP - OWL example file DLLHELLO DEF - OWL example file DLLHELLO H - OWL example file DLLHELLO IDE - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file RESOURCE CPP - OWL example file RESOURCE DEF - OWL example file RESOURCE RC - OWL example file DLL_CT32 PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: CTL3D32 DLL - MS resitributable file DLL_CTL3 PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: CTL3DV2 DLL - MS resitributable file DOC PAK (Disk2) - Compression file containing the following: BIVBX WRI - VBX support doc file COLLECT TXT - OWL example file COMPAT TXT - PXEngine, OWL1, TASM, TV compatibility info. EASYWIN TXT - EasyWin text file INTLDEMO TXT - Outline of international support OLE_ERRS TXT - OLE error descriptions OWLDOC WRI - Object Windows Library doc file PE TXT - MS Redistributable File RESCAN WRI - Rescan text file RESFMT TXT - MS Redistributable File RWINI TXT - Resource Workshop INI file UTILS TXT - Borland C++ Utilities file DOCVIEW PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: DOCVIEW IDE - OWL example file DOCVIEWX CPP - OWL example file DOCVIEWX RC - OWL example file DUMPVIEW CPP - OWL example file DUMPVIEW RC - OWL example file DVLOADER CPP - OWL example file DVLOADER RC - OWL example file EDITLIST CPP - OWL example file EDITLIST RC - OWL example file INFOVIEW CPP - OWL example file INFOVIEW RC - OWL example file LINEDOC CPP - OWL example file LINEDOC RC - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file ODLISTBX CPP - OWL example file ODLISTBX H - OWL example file ODLISTVW CPP - OWL example file ODLISTVW RC - OWL example file XCPTVIEW CPP - OWL example file XCPTVIEW RC - OWL example file DPMI PAK (Disk24) - Compression file containing the following: 32RTM EXE - Borland DPMI rut time manager DPMI16BI OVL - Borland C++ DPMI server DPMI32VM OVL - Borland C++ 32 bit DPMI server MAKESWAP EXE - Swapfile creator for 32bit DPMI tools RTM EXE - Borland DPMI run time manager WINDPMI 386 - DPMI extender for enhanced mode Windows DRAGDROP PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: DRAGDROP CPP - OWL example file DRAGDROP IDE - OWL example file DRAGDROP RC - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file DRAGDRP PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: DRAGDROP C - Windows example file DRAGDROP ICO - Windows example file DRAGDROP IDE - Windows example file DRAGDROP RC - Windows example file MAKEFILE - Windows example file DRAW PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: DRAW CPP - OWL example file DRAW IDE - OWL example file DRAW RC - OWL example file DRAW RH - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file DRBIN PAK (Disk17) - Compression file containing the following: CGMZV DLL - Dynatext Reader File DTEXT DLL - Dynatext Reader File DTEXTRO EXE - Dynatext Reader File DRBITMAP PAK (Disk16) - Compression file containing the following: ALINK BMP - Dynatext Reader File ANIM BMP - Dynatext Reader File ANNOT BMP - Dynatext Reader File BITMAPS DDM - Dynatext Reader File BOOKMARK BMP - Reader File COPYRT BMP - Dynatext Reader File DBQUERY BMP - Dynatext Reader File DEFAULT BMP - Dynatext Reader File EXLINK BMP - Dynatext Reader File FNORD BMP - Dynatext Reader File FOOTNOTE BMP - Reader File GRAFFITI BMP - Reader File HYPERLIN BMP - Reader File INLINK BMP - Dynatext Reader File LINK BMP - Dynatext Reader File MINUS BMP - Dynatext Reader File NOTE BMP - Dynatext Reader File PLUS BMP - Dynatext Reader File RASTER BMP - Dynatext Reader File SOUND BMP - Dynatext Reader File TABLE BMP - Dynatext Reader File VECTOR BMP - Dynatext Reader File VIDEO BMP - Dynatext Reader File DRCFG PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: ACCENT X - Dynatext Reader File ERRORS TXT - Dynatext Reader File MSGS TXT - Dynatext Reader File PROPS TXT - Dynatext Reader File QUERY TXT - Dynatext Reader File TEXAAP TXT - Dynatext Reader File TEXISO TXT - Dynatext Reader File VALUES TXT - Dynatext Reader File VERSION TXT - Dynatext Reader File DRCFGC PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: ACCENT X - Dynatext Reader File CGM MAP - Dynatext Reader File DTRC DLL - Dynatext Reader File ERRORS TXT - Dynatext Reader File ISRC DLL - Dynatext Reader File MSGS TXT - Dynatext Reader File PROPS TXT - Dynatext Reader File QUERY TXT - Dynatext Reader File TEXAAP TXT - Dynatext Reader File TEXISO TXT - Dynatext Reader File VALUES TXT - Dynatext Reader File VERSION TXT - Dynatext Reader File DRCFGENU PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: ACCENT X - Dynatext Reader File CGM MAP - Dynatext Reader File DTRENU DLL - Dynatext Reader File ERRORS TXT - Dynatext Reader File ISRENU DLL - Dynatext Reader File MSGS TXT - Dynatext Reader File PROPS TXT - Dynatext Reader File QUERY TXT - Dynatext Reader File TEXAAP TXT - Dynatext Reader File TEXISO TXT - Dynatext Reader File VALUES TXT - Dynatext Reader File VERSION TXT - Dynatext Reader File DRCFGSTY PAK (Disk5) - Compression file containing the following: DEFAULT PV - Dynatext Reader File DEFAULT REV - Dynatext Reader File DEFAULT TV - Dynatext Reader File DEFAULT V - Dynatext Reader File DRHLPEBT PAK (Disk25) - Compression file containing the following: FIGURES TDR - Dynatext Reader File READER DAT - Dynatext Reader File READER EDR - Dynatext Reader File READER TAG - Dynatext Reader File TABLES TDR - Dynatext Reader File TOC TDR - Dynatext Reader File DRHLPFIG PAK (Disk25) - Compression file containing the following: AFTERCOL TIF - Dynatext Reader File AFTEREXP TIF - Dynatext Reader File ANNOTMGR TIF - Dynatext Reader File BBARPREF TIF - Dynatext Reader File BE4COL TIF - Dynatext Reader File BE4EXP TIF - Dynatext Reader File BKMRK TIF - Dynatext Reader File BOOKBAR TIF - Dynatext Reader File BOOKWIN TIF - Dynatext Reader File BWINCOMP TIF - Dynatext Reader File BWINPREF TIF - Dynatext Reader File COLBAR TIF - Dynatext Reader File COLPREF TIF - Dynatext Reader File COLWIN TIF - Dynatext Reader File DESKTOP TIF - Dynatext Reader File EXPORTDB TIF - Dynatext Reader File GRAPHWIN TIF - Dynatext Reader File HOTTEXT TIF - Dynatext Reader File ICONS TIF - Dynatext Reader File JRNLBTNS TIF - Dynatext Reader File JRNLEXPD TIF - Dynatext Reader File JRNLPATH TIF - Dynatext Reader File JRNLPREF TIF - Dynatext Reader File JRNLSHTL TIF - Dynatext Reader File LNS_HIT TIF - Dynatext Reader File MCVWSRCH TIF - Dynatext Reader File MENUBAR TIF - Dynatext Reader File MKBKMRK TIF - Dynatext Reader File MULCOLVU TIF - Dynatext Reader File NEWHPLNK TIF - Dynatext Reader File NEWNOTE TIF - Dynatext Reader File PRINTDIA TIF - Dynatext Reader File PROXSRCH TIF - Dynatext Reader File REFSRCH TIF - Dynatext Reader File SCROLL TIF - Dynatext Reader File SEARCH TIF - Dynatext Reader File SRCHHIST TIF - Dynatext Reader File SRCHPNL TIF - Dynatext Reader File SRCHPREF TIF - Dynatext Reader File TEST TIF - Dynatext Reader File TILE TIF - Dynatext Reader File TOCANNOT TIF - Dynatext Reader File DRHLPNDX PAK (Disk25) - Compression file containing the following: INDEX DAT - Dynatext Reader File INDEX LOG - Dynatext Reader File VOCAB DAT - Dynatext Reader File DRHLPRDR PAK (Disk11) - Compression file containing the following: READER QRS - Dynatext Reader File STYLES ENT - Dynatext Reader File DRHLPSTY PAK (Disk28) - Compression file containing the following: ARBOR REV - Dynatext Reader File BIG V - Dynatext Reader File FIGURES TV - Dynatext Reader File FOOTNOTE REV - Dynatext Reader File FULLTEXT PV - Dynatext Reader File FULLTEXT V - Dynatext Reader File HELP REV - Dynatext Reader File INLINE V - Dynatext Reader File POPUP REV - Dynatext Reader File README TXT - Dynatext Reader File TABLES TV - Dynatext Reader File TEXEQN PRI - Dynatext Reader File TEXEQN REV - Dynatext Reader File TOC TV - Dynatext Reader File DRICONS PAK (Disk21) - Compression file containing the following: ALINK BMP - Dynatext Reader File ANIM BMP - Dynatext Reader File ANNOT BMP - Dynatext Reader File BOOKMARK BMP - Dynatext Reader File COPYRT BMP - Dynatext Reader File DBQUERY BMP - Dynatext Reader File DEFAULT BMP - Dynatext Reader File EQUATION BMP - Dynatext Reader File EXLINK BMP - Dynatext Reader File FOOTNOTE BMP - Dynatext Reader File GRAFFITI BMP - Dynatext Reader File HYPERLIN BMP - Dynatext Reader File INLINK BMP - Dynatext Reader File MINUS BMP - Dynatext Reader File NOTE BMP - Dynatext Reader File PLUS BMP - Dynatext Reader File RASTER BMP - Dynatext Reader File SOUND BMP - Dynatext Reader File TABLE BMP - Dynatext Reader File VECTOR BMP - Dynatext Reader File VIDEO BMP - Dynatext Reader File DRMISC PAK (Disk19) - Compression file containing the following: COUR FNT - Dynatext Reader File COURB FNT - Dynatext Reader File COURBI FNT - Dynatext Reader File COURI FNT - Dynatext Reader File DYNATEXT BAK - Dynatext Reader File DYNATEXT INI - Dynatext Reader File HELV FNT - Dynatext Reader File HELVB FNT - Dynatext Reader File HELVBI FNT - Dynatext Reader File HELVI FNT - Dynatext Reader File README TXT - Dynatext Reader File STYSHEET DTD - Dynatext Reader File SYMB FNT - Dynatext Reader File TIME FNT - Dynatext Reader File TIMEB FNT - Dynatext Reader File TIMEBI FNT - Dynatext Reader File TIMEI FNT - Dynatext Reader File DRSCURTY PAK (Disk6) - Compression file containing the following: DTEXT - Dynatext Reader File DTEXTCTL PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: CTL3D DLL - 16 CTL DLL for dynatext DTEXTINI PAK (Disk28) - Compression file containing the following: DYNATEXT INI - Dynatext Reader File EDIT PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: EDIT IDE - OWL example file EDITX CPP - OWL example file EDITX RC - OWL example file EDITX RH - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file EDITSEAR PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: EDITSEAR IDE - OWL example file EDITSEAX CPP - OWL example file EDITSEAX RC - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file EMU PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: EMU LIB - Floating point emulator file FP87 LIB - Floating point emulator file EXAMPLES PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: BARCHART C - Example C file DEF2 CPP - Example C++ file DEF2 H - Example header file DOSEXAMP IDE - Project file to build DOS examples GETOPT C - C example file HELLO C - C example file LIST2 CPP - C++ example file LIST2 H - C++ example file MYFUNCS CPP - C example file MYFUNCS H - C example header file MYMAIN CPP - C++ example header file VCIRC CPP - C++ example program VPOINT CPP - C++ example program VPOINT H - C++ example header file EXPERT PAK (Disk25) - Compression file containing the following: ADDAUTO SNP - AppExpert Snippet File ADDDATA SNP - AppExpert Snippet File ADDDOCV SNP - AppExpert Snippet File ADDOLEDV SNP - AppExpert Snippet File APPLDOCV ICO - AppExpert icon APPLMDI ICO - AppExpert icon APPLSDI ICO - AppExpert icon APXPREV CPP - AppExpert source file APXPREV H - AppExpert header file APXPRINT CPP - AppExpert source file APXPRINT H - AppExpert header file AREGDEL SNP - AppExpert Snippet File AUTOCLAS SNP - AppExpert Snippet File AUTOREG SNP - AppExpert Snippet File BORABOUT BMP - AppExpert bitmap CADDCXFR SNP - AppExpert Snippet File CADDDATA SNP - AppExpert Snippet File CADDMETH SNP - AppExpert Snippet File CADDPROP SNP - AppExpert Snippet File CADDRSP SNP - AppExpert Snippet File CADDSXFR SNP - AppExpert Snippet File CADDSYM SNP - AppExpert Snippet File CDRAGDRP OWL - AppExpert template CHEADER SNP - AppExpert Snippet File CHKAUTO SNP - AppExpert Snippet File CLASS SNP - AppExpert Snippet File CLIENTCG SNP - AppExpert Snippet File CMDI OWL - AppExpert template CMDIDOCV OWL - AppExpert template COPY BMP - AppExpert bitmap CRESAUTO SNP - AppExpert Snippet File CSDI OWL - AppExpert template CSDIDOCV OWL - AppExpert template CUT BMP - AppExpert bitmap CVBX SNP - AppExpert Snippet File CVBX2 SNP - AppExpert Snippet File DELAUTO SNP - AppExpert Snippet File DELAUTOC SNP - AppExpert Snippet File DELDATA SNP - AppExpert Snippet File DELEVENT SNP - AppExpert Snippet File DOCVIEW SNP - AppExpert Snippet File DRAGDROP OWL - AppExpert template EVENT SNP - AppExpert Snippet File FIND BMP - AppExpert bitmap FIND SNP - AppExpert Snippet File FINDAUTO SNP - AppExpert Snippet File FINDDATA SNP - AppExpert Snippet File FINDDOCV SNP - AppExpert Snippet File FINDFUNC SNP - AppExpert Snippet File FINDNEXT BMP - AppExpert bitmap FNDCLASS SNP - AppExpert Snippet File FNDEVENT SNP - AppExpert Snippet File FNDHDR SNP - AppExpert Snippet File HADDADAT SNP - AppExpert Snippet File HADDAMET SNP - AppExpert Snippet File HADDAPRO SNP - AppExpert Snippet File HADDAUTO SNP - AppExpert Snippet File HADDCXFR SNP - AppExpert Snippet File HADDDATA SNP - AppExpert Snippet File HADDMET1 SNP - AppExpert Snippet File HADDMETH SNP - AppExpert Snippet File HADDPROP SNP - AppExpert Snippet File HADDRSP SNP - AppExpert Snippet File HADDSXFR SNP - AppExpert Snippet File HADDVIR2 SNP - AppExpert Snippet File HADDVIRT SNP - AppExpert Snippet File HAUTOCLA SNP - AppExpert Snippet File HELP BMP - AppExpert bitmap HELP CUR - AppExpert cursor file HELPICON BMP - AppExpert bitmap HFOOTER SNP - AppExpert Snippet File HHEADER SNP - AppExpert Snippet File HMDI OWL - AppExpert template HMDIDOCV OWL - AppExpert template HRESAUTO SNP - AppExpert Snippet File HSDI OWL - AppExpert template HSDIDOCV OWL - AppExpert template HVBX SNP - AppExpert Snippet File KEYS RTF - AppExpert help file MAIN OWL - AppExpert template MAINHELP RTF - AppExpert help file MAKE OWL - AppExpert OWL template MDICHILD ICO - AppExpert icon METHRIP SNP - AppExpert Snippet File NAVAUTO SNP - AppExpert Snippet File NEW BMP - AppExpert bitmap NEXT BMP - AppExpert bitmap OPEN BMP - AppExpert bitmap OWLDB APX - AppExpert OWL database PASTE BMP - AppExpert bitmap PREVIEW BMP - AppExpert bitmap PREVIEW1 BMP - AppExpert bitmap PREVIEW2 BMP - AppExpert bitmap PREVIOUS BMP - AppExpert bitmap PREXIT BMP - AppExpert bitmap PRINT BMP - AppExpert bitmap RC OWL - AppExpert template RENAME SNP - AppExpert Snippet File RENAMRSP SNP - AppExpert Snippet File RESCAN SNP - AppExpert Snippet File RESDVOLE SNP - AppExpert Snippet File SAVE BMP - AppExpert bitmap TAPPLICA OWL - AppExpert template TDIALOG OWL - AppExpert template TDLGCLIE OWL - AppExpert template TEDITFIL OWL - AppExpert template TEDITVIE OWL - AppExpert template TLISTBOX OWL - AppExpert template TLISTVIE OWL - AppExpert template TMDICHIL OWL - AppExpert template TMDICLIE OWL - AppExpert template TOLEVIEW OWL - AppExpert template TOOLBAR RTF - AppExpert help file TWINDOW OWL - AppExpert template TWINDOWV OWL - AppExpert template UNDO BMP - AppExpert bitmap USECLASS SNP - AppExpert Snippet File USENEW SNP - AppExpert Snippet File VBX SNP - AppExpert Snippet File VBXINIT SNP - AppExpert Snippet File VERIFY SNP - AppExpert Snippet File VIRTUAL SNP - AppExpert Snippet File XFRSTATE SNP - AppExpert Snippet File FFIND PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: FFIND C - Windows example file FFIND H - Windows example file FFIND ICO - Windows example file FFIND IDE - Windows example file FFIND RC - Windows example file MAKEFILE - Windows example file FILEBROW PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: FILEBROW CPP - OWL example file FILEBROW IDE - OWL example file FILEBROW RC - OWL example file FILEBROW RH - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file FILTER PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: BORL2MSG C - filter example file FILTER IDE - filter example file FILTER RC - Borland Source File FILTRC H - Borland Source File GREP2MSG C - filter example file HC312MSG C - filter example file IMPL2MSG C - filter example file OCVT2MSG C - filter example file RC2MSG C - filter example file TASM2MSG C - filter example file TOOLAPI H - filter example file TRANTYPE H - filter example file FREECELL EX_ (Disk28) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s FREECELL HL_ (Disk28) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s GAUGE PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: GAUGE IDE - OWL example file GAUGEX CPP - OWL example file GAUGEX RC - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file GDIDEMO PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: ARTY CPP - OWL example file ARTY H - OWL example file ARTYPRIV H - OWL example file BACKGRND BMP - OWL example file BITBLT CPP - OWL example file BITBLT H - OWL example file DEMOBASE H - OWL example file FONTX CPP - OWL example file FONTX H - OWL example file GDIDEMO CPP - OWL example file GDIDEMO IDE - OWL example file GDIDEMO RC - OWL example file LINE CPP - OWL example file LINE H - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file MONOSHIP BMP - OWL example file SHIP BMP - OWL example file GENEXM PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEALL IDE - Project file to build all examples MAKEALL TXT - Project file to build all examples GENINC32 PAK (Disk24) - Compression file containing the following: ATALKWSH H - Borland include file COMMCTRL H - Borland include file DLCAPI H - Borland include file EXCPT H - Borland include file LMCONS H - Borland include file MGMTAPI H - Borland include file NB30 H - Borland include file NDDEAPI H - Borland include file NDDESEC H - Borland include file RAS H - Borland include file RASERROR H - Borland include file RPC H - Borland include file RPCDCE H - Borland include file RPCDCEP H - Borland include file RPCNDR H - Borland include file RPCNSI H - Borland include file RPCNSIP H - Borland include file RPCNTERR H - Borland include file SNMP H - Borland include file VDMDBG H - Borland include file WINBASE H - Borland include file WINCON H - Borland include file WINDEF H - Borland include file WINERROR H - Borland include file WINGDI H - Borland include file WINIOCTL H - Borland include file WSIPX H - Borland include file WSNWLINK H - Borland include file GROUPBOX PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: GROUPBOX IDE - OWL example file GROUPBXX CPP - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file HASHTBLS PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: HASH CPP - Classlib example file HASHTBLS IDE - Classlib example file IHASH CPP - Classlib example file MAKEFILE - Classlib example file HDUMP PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: HDUMP C - Windows example file HDUMP H - Windows example file HDUMP ICO - Windows example file HDUMP IDE - Windows example file HDUMP RC - Windows example file MAKEFILE - Windows example file HELLO PAK (Disk28) - Compression file containing the following: HELLOAPP CPP - OWL example file HELLOAPP IDE - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file HELP PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: HELP CPP - OWL example file HELP HPJ - OWL example file HELP IDE - OWL example file HELP RC - OWL example file HELP RH - OWL example file HELP RTF - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file HELPEX PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: BULLET BMP - Windows example file CHKBOFF BMP - Windows example file CHKBON BMP - Windows example file CODEC BMP - Windows example file CONTINUE BMP - Windows example file DONE BMP - Windows example file HELP CUR - Windows example file HELPEX C - Windows example file HELPEX DLG - Windows example file HELPEX H - Windows example file HELPEX HPJ - Windows example file HELPEX IDE - Windows example file HELPEX RC - Windows example file HELPEX RTF - Windows example file HELPICON BMP - Windows example file HELPIDS H - Windows example file KEYS RTF - Windows example file MAKEFILE - Windows example file TERMS RTF - Windows example file HELPICO PAK (Disk9) - Compression file containing the following: HELP ICO - Borland Help Icon HELPME PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: HELPME WRI - Borland C++ information file HLIB PAK (Disk23) - Compression file containing the following: C0FH OBJ - Huge model RTL file C0H OBJ - Huge model RTL file CH LIB - Huge model RTL file MATHH LIB - Huge model RTL file NOEHH LIB - Huge model RTL file HLPOPEN PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: OPENHELP HLP - OpenHelp help file OPENHELP HLX - OpenHelp help file HLPSTUB PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: APISTUB HLP - Borland help stub file BCDOSTUB HLP - Borland help stub file BCWSTUB HLP - Borland help stub file BWCCSTUB HLP - Stub file for bwcc.hlp CLASSTUB HLP - Classlib help stub file OCFSTUB HLP - Borland help file OLESTUB HLP - OLE2 Help stub file OWLSTUB HLP - Borland help stub file RSLSTUB HLP - Stub file for rsl.hlp RWSTUB HLP - Borland help stub file SIGHTSTB HLP - Borland help stub file SPCTRSTB HLP - Borland help stub file W16STUB HLP - 16bit Windows help stub file W32STUB HLP - 32bit Windows help stub file HLP_API PAK (Created by concatinating HLP_API.CA? files found on Disk4, Disk11) - Compression file containing the following: WIN31WH HLP - Windows 16 bit Help file WIN31WH HLX - Windows 16 bit help index WIN32S HLP - Microsoft redistributable file HLP_BCD PAK (Disk24) - Compression file containing the following: BCDOS HLP - Borland help file BCDOS HLX - HelpExpert file HLP_BCW PAK (Disk14) - Compression file containing the following: BCW HLP - Borland help file with Windows API BCW HLX - HelpExpert file HLP_CTL3 PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: CTL3D HLP - Microsoft redistributable help file HLP_GUI PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: WINSIGHT HLP - Winsight help file WINSIGHT HLX - HelpExpert file WINSPCTR HLP - Winspectr help file WINSPCTR HLX - HelpExpert file HLP_OWL PAK (Created by concatinating HLP_OWL.CA? files found on Disk5, Disk12) - Compression file containing the following: OWL HLP - OWL help file OWL HLX - HelpExpert file HLP_RSL PAK (Disk17) - Compression file containing the following: BWCC HLP - Custom Controls help file BWCC HLX - HelpExpert file RSL HLP - Resource Script help file RSL HLX - Resource Script help file HLP_WIN PAK (Disk22) - Compression file containing the following: CWH HLP - "How to make Windows Help" help CWH HLX - HelpExpert file HELPEX HLP - "How to make Windows Help" help HELPREF HLP - "How to make Windows Help" help HELPREF HLX - HelpExpert file H_CTL3 PAK (Disk14) - Compression file containing the following: CTL3D H - Microsoft redistributable header file IDEHOOK PAK (Disk25) - Compression file containing the following: CPPNSEE CPP - Borland source file CPPNSEE DEF - Borland source file EDHOOK CPP - Borland source file EDHOOK DEF - Borland source file GENVBXH CPP - Borland source file GENVBXH DEF - Borland source file IDEHOOK H - Borland source File IDEHOOK IDE - Borland project file IDEHOOK OBJ - Borland object file IDEHOOKT H - Borland source file LIBMAIN CPP - Borland source file OLETOOLS CPP - IDEHOOK example file OLETOOLS DEF - IDEHOOK example file PATHSPEC CPP - Borland source file PATHSPEC H - Borland source file SECTCOMP CPP - Borland source file SECTCOMP DEF - Borland source file TRGSNPS CPP - Borland source file TRGSNPS DEF - Borland source file WIPEOPTS CPP - Borland source file WIPEOPTS DEF - Borland source file INC PAK (Disk24) - Compression file containing the following: ALLOC H - C++ RTL header file ASSERT H - C++ RTL header file BCD H - C++ RTL header file BIOS H - C++ RTL header file BIVBX H - C++ VBX header file BWCC H - C++ BWCC header file CHECKS H - C++ RTL header file COMPLEX H - C++ RTL header file CONIO H - C++ RTL header file CONSTREA H - C++ RTL header file CSTRING H - C++ RTL header file CTYPE H - C++ RTL header file DIR H - C++ RTL header file DIRECT H - C++ RTL header file DIRENT H - C++ RTL header file DOS H - C++ RTL header file ERRNO H - C++ RTL header file EXCEPT H - C++ RTL header file FCNTL H - C++ RTL header file FLOAT H - C++ RTL header file FSTREAM H - C++ RTL header file GENERIC H - C++ RTL header file GRAPHICS H - C++ RTL header file IO H - C++ RTL header file IOMANIP H - C++ RTL header file IOSTREAM H - C++ RTL header file LIMITS H - C++ RTL header file LOCALE H - C++ RTL header file MALLOC H - C++ RTL header file MATH H - C++ RTL header file MEM H - C++ RTL header file MEMORY H - C++ RTL header file MMSYSTEM INC - C++ RTL header file NEW H - C++ RTL header file PENWIN H - C++ RTL header file PENWOEM H - C++ RTL header file PRINT H - C++ RTL header file PROCESS H - C++ RTL header file REF H - C++ RTL header file REGEXP H - C++ RTL header file SEARCH H - C++ RTL header file SETJMP H - C++ RTL header file SHARE H - C++ RTL header file SIGNAL H - C++ RTL header file STDARG H - C++ RTL header file STDDEF H - C++ RTL header file STDIO H - C++ RTL header file STDIOSTR H - C++ RTL header file STDLIB H - C++ RTL header file STRESS H - C++ RTL header file STRING H - C++ RTL header file STRSTREA H - C++ RTL header file SYSTYPES H - C++ RTL header file TCHAR H - C++ RTL hearder file TIME H - C++ RTL header file TOOLHELP H - C++ RTL header file TOOLHELP INC - C++ RTL include file TYPEINFO H - C++ RTL header file UTIME H - C++ RTL header file VALUES H - C++ RTL header file VARARGS H - C++ RTL header file VER H - C++ RTL header file WINDOWS INC - C++ RTL include file WINMEM32 H - C++ RTL header file _DEFS H - C++ RTL header file _NFILE H - C++ RTL header file _NULL H - C++ RTL header file INCSYS PAK (Disk28) - Compression file containing the following: LOCKING H - RTL header file STAT H - RTL header file TIMEB H - RTL header file TYPES H - RTL header file INIUPD DLL (Disk28) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s INSTALL EXE (Disk1) - Installation program INSTALL TXT (Disk1) - install text file INSTANCE PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: INSTANCE CPP - OWL example file INSTANCE IDE - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file INSTRUN EX_ (Disk1) - Installation program INSTXTRA PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BAENG16 DLL - Install support dll BCINSTAL HLP - BC Install help BOXMGR DLL - Install file BSCOB16 DLL - Install support dll DLL16 DLL - Install support dll DLL32 DLL - Install support dll HLPINST DLL - .hlx file generator INST EXE - Install support dll INSTBOR DLL - Installation DLL INSTCUI DLL - Installation DLL INSTDEL EXE - Installation file INSTDEL LST - Install file INSTDEL PIF - Install file INSTOBJ DLL - Installation DLL INSTRRF DLL - Installation DLL INSTSCR DLL - Installation DLL REGDLL DLL - Install support DLL INTLDEMO PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: APIENG DLL - OWL example file APIFRA DLL - OWL example file APIGER DLL - OWL example file FMTVAL CPP - OWL example file INTLDEMO CPP - OWL example file INTLDEMO H - OWL example file INTLDEMO IDE - OWL example file INTLDEMO RC - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file TEST TXT - OWL example file WORLD ICO - OWL example file KBDSRC PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: BRIEF KB - Sample editor macros file for Brief emulation CLASSIC KB - Classib keyboard mappings for IDE EPSILON KB - Sample editor macros file for Epsilon emulation INTERNAL KB - Internal keyboard mapping file for IDE KEYBOARD IDE - Project file for *.kb TDW KB - Keyboard mappings for IDE LABELS PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: LABELS CPP - Classlib example file LABELS IDE - Classlib example file MAKEFILE - Classlib example file MASTER DAT - Classlib example file NEWSUB TXT - Classlib example file LAYOUT PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: LAYDIA CPP - OWL example file LAYDIA H - OWL example file LAYOUT CPP - OWL example file LAYOUT H - OWL example file LAYOUT IDE - OWL example file LAYOUT RC - OWL example file LAYOUT RH - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file LIB16 PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: OLE2W16 LIB - 16 OLE2 import library LIB_CTL3 PAK (Disk15) - Compression file containing the following: CTL3D32 LIB - Microsoft redistributable CTL3DV2 LIB - Microsoft redistributable LISTBOX PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: LISTBOX IDE - OWL example file LISTBOXX CPP - OWL example file LISTBOXX RC - OWL example file LISTBOXX RH - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file LISTS PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: DLIST CPP - Classlib example file IDLIST CPP - Classlib example file ILIST CPP - Classlib example file ISDLIST CPP - Classlib example file ISLIST CPP - Classlib example file LISTS IDE - Classlib example file LISTX CPP - Classlib example file MAKEFILE - Classlib example file SDLIST CPP - Classlib example file SLIST CPP - Classlib example file LLIB PAK (Disk23) - Compression file containing the following: C0FL OBJ - Large model RTL file C0L OBJ - Large model RTL file CL LIB - Large model RTL file MATHL LIB - Large model RTL file NOEHL LIB - Large model RTL file LOCALIZE PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: LOCALIZE CPP - OCF example file LOCALIZE IDE - OCF Example file LOCALIZE RC - OCF example file LOCALIZE RH - OCF example file MAKEFILE - OCF example file LOOKUP PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: LOOKUP CPP - Classlib example file LOOKUP IDE - Classlib example file MAKEFILE - Classlib example file MCISOUND PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file MCISOUND CPP - OWL example file MCISOUND H - OWL example file MCISOUND IDE - OWL example file MCISOUND RC - OWL example file MCSUPRT PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: BRIEF CKB - IDE configuration file C TOK - IDE configuration file C32 TOK - IDE configuration file CLASSIC CKB - IDE configuration file EPSILON CKB - IDE configuration file INTERNAL CKB - IDE configuration file TDW CKB - IDE configuration file MDI PAK (Disk28) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file MDI CPP - OWL example file MDI IDE - OWL example file MDI RC - OWL example file MDIFILE PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file MDIFILE CPP - OWL example file MDIFILE H - OWL example file MDIFILE IDE - OWL example file MDIFILE RC - OWL example file MDIOLE PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file MDIOLE CPP - OWL example file MDIOLE H - OWL example file MDIOLE IDE - OWL example file MDIOLE RC - OWL example file SAMPCONT CPP - OWL example file SAMPCONT H - OWL example file SAMPCONT RC - OWL example file MDISTRM PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file MDISTRM CPP - OWL example file MDISTRM H - OWL example file MDISTRM IDE - OWL example file MDISTRM RC - OWL example file METEOR PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: METEOR CPP - Borland example file METEOR DEF - Borland example file METEOR IDE - Borland example file METEOR RC - Borland example file METEOR RH - Borland example file METEOR TXT - Borland example file README TXT - Borland example file SPRITE CPP - Borland example file SPRITE H - Borland example file MLIB PAK (Disk24) - Compression file containing the following: C0FM OBJ - Medium model RTL file C0M OBJ - Medium model RTL file CM LIB - Medium model RTL file MATHM LIB - Medium model RTL file NOEHM LIB - Medium model RTL file MSCOMSTF DLL (Disk28) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s MSCUISTF DLL (Disk28) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s MSDETECT INC (Disk28) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s MSDETSTF DLL (Disk28) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s MSGLINC PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: GL H - RTL header file GLU H - RTL header file MSHELP PAK (Created by concatinating MSHELP.CA? files found on Disk4, Disk13) - Compression file containing the following: OLE HLP - OLE help file OLE HLX - OLE HLX file MSHLPDLL PAK (Disk28) - Compression file containing the following: BC45BOOK DLL - OpenHelp DLL PTUI DLL - OpenHelp DLL MSINC PAK (Disk18) - Compression file containing the following: AVICAP H - Microsoft header file BASETYPS H - Microsoft header file CDERR H - Microsoft header file CGUID H - Microsoft header file COBJPS H - Microsoft header file COGUID H - Microsoft header file COLORDLG H - Microsoft header file COMMDLG H - Microsoft header file COMPOBJ H - Microsoft header file CPL H - Microsoft header file CPLEXT H - Microsoft header file CUSTCNTL H - Microsoft header file DDE H - Microsoft header file DDEML H - Microsoft header file DIGITALV H - Microsoft header file DISPATCH H - Microsoft header file DISPDIB H - Microsoft header file DLGS H - Microsoft header file DRIVINIT H - Microsoft header file DVOBJ H - Microsoft header file ERROR H - Microsoft header file EXCHEXT H - Microsoft header file IDF H - Microsoft header file IMESSAGE H - Microsoft header file IMM H - Microsoft header file INITGUID H - Microsoft header file INITOID H - Microsoft header file LM H - Microsoft header file LMACCESS H - Microsoft header file LMALERT H - Microsoft header file LMAPIBUF H - Microsoft header file LMAT H - Microsoft header file LMAUDIT H - Microsoft header file LMBROWSR H - Microsoft header file LMCHDEV H - Microsoft header file LMCONFIG H - Microsoft header file LMERR H - Microsoft header file LMERRLOG H - Microsoft header file LMMSG H - Microsoft header file LMREMUTL H - Microsoft header file LMREPL H - Microsoft header file LMSERVER H - Microsoft header file LMSHARE H - Microsoft header file LMSNAME H - Microsoft header file LMSTATS H - Microsoft header file LMSVC H - Microsoft header file LMUSE H - Microsoft header file LMUSEFLG H - Microsoft header file LMWKSTA H - Microsoft header file LZEXPAND H - Microsoft header file MAPI H - Microsoft header file MAPICODE H - Microsoft header file MAPIDBG H - Microsoft header file MAPIDEFS H - Microsoft header file MAPIFORM H - Microsoft header file MAPIGUID H - Microsoft header file MAPIHOOK H - Microsoft header file MAPINLS H - Microsoft header file MAPIOID H - Microsoft header file MAPISPI H - Microsoft header file MAPITAGS H - Microsoft header file MAPIUTIL H - Microsoft header file MAPIVAL H - Microsoft header file MAPIWIN H - Microsoft header file MAPIWZ H - Microsoft header file MAPIX H - Microsoft header file MCIAVI H - Microsoft header file MCX H - Microsoft header file MIDLES H - Microsoft header file MMREG H - Microsoft header file MMSYSTEM H - Microsoft header file MONIKER H - Microsoft header file MSACM H - Microsoft header file MSACMDLG H - Microsoft header file MSFS H - Microsoft header file MSPAB H - Microsoft header file MSPST H - Microsoft header file MSVIDDRV H - Microsoft header file MSVIDEO H - Microsoft header file NSPAPI H - Microsoft header file OAIDL H - Microsoft header file OBJBASE H - Microsoft header file OBJIDL H - Microsoft header file OLE H - Microsoft header file OLE1CLS H - Microsoft header file OLE2 H - Microsoft header file OLE2DBG H - Microsoft header file OLE2VER H - Microsoft header file OLEAUTO H - Microsoft header file OLECTL H - Microsoft header file OLECTLID H - Microsoft header file OLEDLG H - Microsoft header file OLEGUID H - Microsoft header file OLEIDL H - Microsoft header file OLENLS H - Microsoft header file PBT H - Microsoft header file PCRT32 H - Microsoft header file PDKVER H - Microsoft header file PLAN32 H - Microsoft header file POPPACK H - Microsoft header file PRSHT H - Microsoft header file PSHPACK1 H - Microsoft header file PSHPACK2 H - Microsoft header file PSHPACK4 H - Microsoft header file PSHPACK8 H - Microsoft header file RECGUIDS H - Microsoft header file RECONCIL H - Microsoft header file REGSTR H - Microsoft header file RICHEDIT H - Microsoft header file RICHOLE H - Microsoft header file RPCDCE2 H - Microsoft header file RPCPROXY H - Microsoft header file SCODE H - Microsoft header file SHELLAPI H - Microsoft header file SHLGUID H - Microsoft header file SHLOBJ H - Microsoft header file SMPAB H - Microsoft header file SMPMS H - Microsoft header file SMPXP H - Microsoft header file STORAGE H - Microsoft header file SVCGUID H - Microsoft header file TAPI H - Microsoft header file TLHELP32 H - Microsoft header file TNEF H - Microsoft header file TSPI H - Microsoft header file UNKNWN H - Microsoft header file VARIANT H - Microsoft header file VCR H - Microsoft header file VFW H - Microsoft header file W32SUT H - Microsoft header file WDBGEXTS H - Microsoft header file WFEXT H - Microsoft header file WINDOWS H - Microsoft header file WINDOWSX H - Microsoft header file WINNETWK H - Microsoft header file WINNLS H - Microsoft header file WINNT H - Microsoft header file WINPERF H - Microsoft header file WINREG H - Microsoft header file WINSOCK H - Microsoft header file WINSPOOL H - Microsoft header file WINSVC H - Microsoft header file WINUSER H - Microsoft header file WINVER H - Microsoft header file WOWNT16 H - Microsoft header file WOWNT32 H - Microsoft header file WSHISOTP H - Microsoft header file WSNETBS H - Microsoft header file WTYPES H - Microsoft header file XCMC H - Microsoft header file XCMCEXT H - Microsoft header file XCMCMSX2 H - Microsoft header file XCMCMSXT H - Microsoft header file MSINSSTF DLL (Disk28) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s MSSHLSTF DLL (Disk28) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s MSUILSTF DLL (Disk28) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s MTHREAD PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: ARTY CPP - OWL example file ARTY H - OWL example file ARTYPRIV H - OWL example file DEMOBASE H - OWL example file LINE CPP - OWL example file LINE H - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file MTHREAD CPP - OWL example file MTHREAD IDE - OWL example file MTHREAD RC - OWL example file MUTLITRG PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: MULTITRG CPP - IDE example file MULTITRG ICO - IDE example file MULTITRG IDE - IDE example file MULTITRG RC - IDE example file MULTITRG TXT - IDE example file NOTIFY PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file NOTIFY CPP - OWL example file NOTIFY H - OWL example file NOTIFY IDE - OWL example file NOTIFY RC - OWL example file O16DYDLL PAK (Disk22) - Compression file containing the following: OWL252 DLL - OWL 16 bit dll file O16DYLIB PAK (Disk21) - Compression file containing the following: OWLWI LIB - OWL 16 lib dll file OWLWIU LIB - OWL 16 bit import library O32DYDLL PAK (Disk3) - Compression file containing the following: OWL252F DLL - OWL 32 bit dynamic lib files O32DYLIB PAK (Disk14) - Compression file containing the following: OWLWFI LIB - OWL 32 bit dynamic lib files OCF32LIB PAK (Disk23) - Compression file containing the following: OCFWF LIB - Borland library OCFWFI LIB - Borland library OCF32SYS PAK (Disk25) - Compression file containing the following: BOCOF DLL - Bolero flat model DLL OCFHLP PAK (Disk18) - Compression file containing the following: OCF HLP - Borland Help File OCF HLX - Borland Help File OCFINC PAK (Disk16) - Compression file containing the following: APPDESC H - OCF header file AUTODEFS H - OCF header file AUTOMACR H - OCF header file OCAPP H - OCF header file OCAPP RH - OCF header file OCDATA H - OCF header file OCDEFS H - OCF header file OCDOC H - OCF header file OCFPCH H - OCF header file OCLINK H - OCF header file OCOBJECT H - OCF header file OCPART H - OCF header file OCREG H - OCF header file OCREMVIE H - OCF header file OCSTORAG H - OCF header file OCVIEW H - OCF header file OLEUTIL H - OCF header file OCFLIB PAK (Disk20) - Compression file containing the following: OCFWI LIB - OCF library OCFWIU LIB - OCF library OCFWL LIB - OCF Library OCFWLU LIB - OCF library OCFWM LIB - OCF Library File OCFSRC PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: APPDESC CPP - OCF source file AUTOCLI CPP - OCF source file AUTODISP CPP - OCF source file AUTOSRV CPP - OCF source file AUTOVAL CPP - OCF source file MAKEFILE - OCF makefile OCAPP CPP - OCF source file OCDATA CPP - OCF source file OCDOC CPP - OCF source file OCGUID CPP - OCF source file OCLINK CPP - OCF source file OCPART CPP - OCF source file OCREG CPP - OCF source file OCREMVIE CPP - OCF source file OCSTORAG CPP - OCF source file OCVIEW CPP - OCF source file OLEUTIL CPP - OCF source file TYPELIB CPP - OCF source file OCT_AUTO PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: AUTOGEN CPP - octools source file AUTOGEN RC - octools source file AUTOGEN RH - octools source file MAKEFILE - octools source file OCT_BIN PAK (Disk25) - Compression file containing the following: AUTOGEN EXE - ObjectCrossReference Tool DLLRUN EXE - Borland Executable GUIDGEN EXE - ObjectCrossReference Tool MACROGEN EXE - ObjectCrossReference Tool REGIST32 EXE - 32-bit OLE DLL registration REGISTER EXE - ObjectCrossReference Tool OCT_DLL PAK (Disk28) - Compression file containing the following: DLLRUN CPP - Borland Source file MAKEFILE - Borland Source file OCT_GUI PAK (Disk28) - Compression file containing the following: GUIDGEN CPP - octools source file GUIDGEN RC - octools source file MAKEFILE - octools source file OCT_MAC PAK (Disk28) - Compression file containing the following: MACROGEN CPP - OCF example file MAKEFILE - OCF example file OCT_REG PAK (Disk28) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - octools source file REGISTER CPP - octools source file REGISTER RC - octools source file REGISTER RH - octools source file OLE2 DL_ (Disk28) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s OLE2 RE_ (Disk28) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s OLE2CONV DL_ (Disk28) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s OLE2DISP DL_ (Disk28) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s OLE2NLS DL_ (Disk28) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s OLE2PROX DL_ (Disk28) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s OLE2RDST PAK (Disk19) - Compression file containing the following: COMPOBJ DLL - Microsoft Redistributable file OLE2 DLL - Microsoft Redistributable file OLE2 REG - Microsoft Redistributable file OLE2CONV DLL - Microsoft Redistributable file OLE2DISP DLL - Microsoft Redistributable file OLE2NLS DLL - Microsoft Redistributable file OLE2PROX DLL - Microsoft Redistributable file STDOLE TLB - Microsoft Redistributable file STDTYPE TLB - OCX type library STORAGE DLL - Microsoft Redistributable file TYPELIB DLL - Microsoft Redistributable file OLE2THK DL_ (Disk28) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s OLEERR32 PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: OLE_ERRF DLL - 32 bit Ole error messages OLETUTOR PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file OWLOLE IDE - OWL example file OWLOLE1 CPP - OWL example file OWLOLE1 RC - OWL example file OWLOLE2 CPP - OWL example file OWLOLE2 RC - OWL example file OWLOLE3 CPP - OWL example file OWLOLE3 RC - OWL example file OPENHELP PAK (Disk24) - Compression file containing the following: BORHELP DLL - OpenHelp DLL HELPCFG HLP - OpenHelp help file HELPXDLL DLL - OpenHelp DLL OHELPCFG EXE - OpenHelp file OPENHELP EXE - OpenHelp file OSL_INC PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: DEFS H - OSL header file EXCEPT H - OSL header file GEOMETRY H - OSL header file INLINES H - OSL header file LOCALE H - OSL header file LOCALE RH - OSL header file USTRING H - OSL header file OWL16STA PAK (Disk15) - Compression file containing the following: OWLWL LIB - OWL 16 bit static lib files OWLWLU LIB - Borland OWL Library OWLWM LIB - OWL 16 bit static lib files OWLWS LIB - OWL 16 bit static lib files OWL32STA PAK (Disk18) - Compression file containing the following: OWLWF LIB - OWL 32 bit dynamic lib files OWLBWCC PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: BBUTTON CPP - OWL example file BBUTTON H - OWL example file BCHKBOX CPP - OWL example file BCHKBOX H - OWL example file BDIVIDER CPP - OWL example file BDIVIDER H - OWL example file BGRPBOX CPP - OWL example file BGRPBOX H - OWL example file BRADIO CPP - OWL example file BRADIO H - OWL example file BSTATBMP CPP - OWL example file BSTATBMP H - OWL example file BSTATIC CPP - OWL example file BSTATIC H - OWL example file BWINDOW CPP - OWL example file BWINDOW H - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file OWLBWCC IDE - OWL example file OWLCMD PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file OWLCMD CPP - OWL example file OWLCMD IDE - OWL example file OWLINC PAK (Disk24) - Compression file containing the following: APPDICT H - OWL header file APPLICAT H - OWL header file BITMAPGA H - OWL header file BITSET H - OWL header file BUTTON H - OWL header file BUTTONGA H - OWL header file CELARRAY H - OWL header file CHECKBOX H - OWL header file CHOOSECO H - OWL header file CHOOSEFO H - OWL header file CLIPBOAR H - OWL header file CLIPVIEW H - OWL header file COLOR H - OWL header file COMBOBOX H - OWL header file COMMDIAL H - OWL header file COMPAT H - OWL header file CONTROL H - OWL header file CONTROLB H - OWL header file CONTROLG H - OWL header file DC H - OWL header file DECFRAME H - OWL header file DECMDIFR H - OWL header file DIALOG H - OWL header file DISPATCH H - OWL header file DOCMANAG H - OWL header file DOCTPL H - OWL header file DOCVIEW H - OWL header file DOCVIEW RC - OWL header file DOCVIEW RH - OWL header file EDIT H - OWL header file EDIT RH - OWL header file EDITFILE H - OWL header file EDITFILE RC - OWL header file EDITFILE RH - OWL header file EDITSEAR H - OWL header file EDITSEAR RC - OWL header file EDITSEAR RH - OWL header file EDITVIEW H - OWL header file EDITVIEW RC - OWL header file EDITVIEW RH - OWL header file EVENTHAN H - OWL header file EXCEPT H - OWL header file EXCEPT RC - OWL header file EXCEPT RH - OWL header file FILEDOC H - OWL header file FINDREPL H - OWL header file FLOATFRA H - OWL header file FRAMEWIN H - OWL header file GADGET H - OWL header file GADGETWI H - OWL header file GAUGE H - OWL header file GDIBASE H - OWL header file GDIOBJEC H - OWL header file GROUPBOX H - OWL header file INPUTDIA H - OWL header file INPUTDIA RC - OWL header file INPUTDIA RH - OWL header file LAYOUTCO H - OWL header file LAYOUTWI H - OWL header file LISTBOX H - OWL header file LISTVIEW H - OWL header file LISTVIEW RC - OWL header file LISTVIEW RH - OWL header file MDI H - OWL header file MDI RH - OWL header file MDICHILD H - OWL header file MENU H - OWL header file MESSAGEB H - OWL header file METAFILE H - OWL header file MODULE H - OWL header file OCFEVENT H - OWL header file OLEDLG H - OWL header file OLEDLG RC - OWL header file OLEDLG RH - OWL header file OLEDOC H - OWL header file OLEFACTO H - OWL header file OLEFRAME H - OWL header file OLEMDIFR H - OWL header file OLEVIEW H - OWL header file OLEVIEW RC - OWL header file OLEVIEW RH - OWL header file OLEWINDO H - OWL header file OPENSAVE H - OWL header file OWLALL H - OWL header file OWLAPP RC - OWL header file OWLCORE H - OWL header file OWLDEFS H - OWL header file OWLPCH H - OWL header file POINT H - OWL header file PREVIEW H - OWL header file PRINTDIA H - OWL header file PRINTER H - OWL header file PRINTER RC - OWL header file PRINTER RH - OWL header file PROFILE H - OWL header file RADIOBUT H - OWL header file SCROLLBA H - OWL header file SCROLLER H - OWL header file SIGNATUR H - OWL header file SLIDER H - OWL header file SLIDER RC - OWL header file SLIDER RH - OWL header file STATIC H - OWL header file STATUSBA H - OWL header file STATUSBA RC - OWL header file STATUSBA RH - OWL header file STGDOC H - OWL header file TEXTGADG H - OWL header file TINYCAPT H - OWL header file TOOLBOX H - OWL header file UIHANDLE H - OWL header file VALIDATE H - OWL header file VALIDATE RC - OWL header file VALIDATE RH - OWL header file VBXCTL H - OWL header file VERSION H - OWL header file WINDOW H - OWL header file WINDOW RH - OWL header file WINDOWEV H - OWL header file OWLINI PAK (Disk8) - Compression file containing the following: OWL INI - OWL configuration file OWLPORTE PAK (Disk24) - Compression file containing the following: OWLCVT EXE - OWL configuration file OWLPORTH PAK (Disk4) - Compression file containing the following: APPDICT H - OWL header file APPLICAT H - OWL header file BBUTTON H - OWL header file BCHKBOX H - OWL header file BDIVIDER H - OWL header file BGRPBOX H - OWL header file BRADIO H - OWL header file BSTATBMP H - OWL header file BSTATIC H - OWL header file BUTTON H - OWL header file BWINDOW H - OWL header file CHECKBOX H - OWL header file COMBOBOX H - OWL header file CONTROL H - OWL header file DIALOG H - OWL header file EDIT H - OWL header file EDITACC RC - OWL header file EDITMENU RC - OWL header file EDITWND H - OWL header file FILEACC RC - OWL header file FILEDIAL DLG - OWL header file FILEDIAL H - OWL header file FILEMENU RC - OWL header file FILEWND H - OWL header file GROUPBOX H - OWL header file INPUTDIA DLG - OWL header file INPUTDIA H - OWL header file LISTBOX H - OWL header file MDI H - OWL header file MODULE H - OWL header file OBJSTRM H - OWL header file OWL H - OWL header file OWLDEFS H - OWL header file OWLHDR H - OWL header file OWLRC H - OWL header file RADIOBUT H - OWL header file SAFEPOOL H - OWL header file SCROLLBA H - OWL header file SCROLLER H - OWL header file STATIC H - OWL header file STDWNDS DLG - OWL header file TCOLLECT H - OWL header file WINDOBJ H - OWL header file WINDOW H - OWL header file OWLPRINT PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file PRINTING CPP - OWL example file PRINTING IDE - OWL example file PRINTING RC - OWL example file OWLSRC PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: APPDICT CPP - OWL source file APPLICAT CPP - OWL source file BITMAP CPP - OWL source file BITMAPGA CPP - OWL source file BITSET CPP - OWL source file BRUSH CPP - OWL source file BUILDORD MAK - OWL source file BUILDOWL BAT - OWL source file BUTTON CPP - OWL source file BUTTONGA CPP - OWL source file CELARRAY CPP - OWL source file CHECKBOX CPP - OWL source file CHGICON CPP - OWL source file CHOOSECO CPP - OWL source file CHOOSEFO CPP - OWL source file CLIPBOAR CPP - OWL source file CLIPVIEW CPP - OWL source file COLOR CPP - OWL source file COMBOBOX CPP - OWL source file COMMDIAL CPP - OWL source file COMPAT CPP - OWL source file CONTROL CPP - OWL source file CONTROLB CPP - OWL source file CONTROLG CPP - OWL source file CREATEDC CPP - OWL source file CURSOR CPP - OWL source file DC CPP - OWL source file DECFRAME CPP - OWL source file DECMDIFR CPP - OWL source file DIALOG CPP - OWL source file DIB CPP - OWL source file DISPATCH CPP - OWL source file DOCMANAG CPP - OWL source file DOCTPL CPP - OWL source file DOCVIEW CPP - OWL source file EDIT CPP - OWL source file EDITFILE CPP - OWL source file EDITSEAR CPP - OWL source file EDITVIEW CPP - OWL source file EVENTHAN CPP - OWL source file EXCEPT CPP - OWL source file FILEDOC CPP - OWL source file FILTVAL CPP - OWL source file FINDREPL CPP - OWL source file FLOATFRA CPP - OWL source file FONT CPP - OWL source file FRAMEWIN CPP - OWL source file GADGET CPP - OWL source file GADGETWI CPP - OWL source file GAUGE CPP - OWL source file GDIBASE CPP - OWL source file GDIOBJEC CPP - OWL source file GLOBAL CPP - OWL source file GROUPBOX CPP - OWL source file HSLIDER CPP - OWL source file ICON CPP - OWL source file INPUTDIA CPP - OWL source file INSOBJ CPP - OWL source file LAYOUTWI CPP - OWL source file LIBMAIN CPP - OWL source file LINKGUID CPP - OWL source file LINKS CPP - OWL source file LISTBOX CPP - OWL source file LISTVIEW CPP - OWL source file LOOKVAL CPP - OWL source file MAKEFILE - OWL source file MDICHILD CPP - OWL source file MDICLIEN CPP - OWL source file MDIFRAME CPP - OWL source file MEMORYDC CPP - OWL source file MENU CPP - OWL source file MENUDESC CPP - OWL source file MESSAGEB CPP - OWL source file METAFILE CPP - OWL source file METAFLDC CPP - OWL source file MODULE CPP - OWL source file MODULEOB CPP - OWL source file NOXX CPP - OWL source file OLEDLG CPP - OWL source file OLEDOC CPP - OWL source file OLEFRAME CPP - OWL source file OLEMDIFR CPP - OWL source file OLEMETA CPP - OWL source file OLEVIEW CPP - OWL source file OLEWINDO CPP - OWL source file OPENSAVE CPP - OWL source file OWL CPP - OWL source file OWL RC - OWL source file OWL16 ORD - OWL source file OWLDIAG CPP - OWL source file OWLMAIN CPP - OWL source file OWLX DEF - OWL source file PAINTDC CPP - OWL source file PALETTE CPP - OWL source file PASTESPC CPP - OWL source file PEN CPP - OWL source file PICTVAL CPP - OWL source file POINT CPP - OWL source file PREVIEW CPP - OWL source file PRINTDC CPP - OWL source file PRINTDIA CPP - OWL source file PRINTER CPP - OWL source file PRINTOUT CPP - OWL source file PROFILE CPP - OWL source file RADIOBUT CPP - OWL source file RANGEVAL CPP - OWL source file REGION CPP - OWL source file SCROLLBA CPP - OWL source file SCROLLER CPP - OWL source file SLIDER CPP - OWL source file STATIC CPP - OWL source file STATUSBA CPP - OWL source file STGDOC CPP - OWL source file SWINDOW CPP - OWL source file TEXTGADG CPP - OWL source file TINYCAPT CPP - OWL source file TOOLBOX CPP - OWL source file UIHANDLE CPP - OWL source file VALIDATE CPP - OWL source file VBXCTL CPP - OWL source file VERSION CPP - OWL source file VERSION RC - OWL source file VSLIDER CPP - OWL source file WINDOW CPP - OWL source file WINDOWDC CPP - OWL source file WINMAIN CPP - OWL source file OWLTTYPE PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: FONT RC - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file TRUETYPE CPP - OWL example file TRUETYPE H - OWL example file TRUETYPE ICO - OWL example file TRUETYPE IDE - OWL example file TRUETYPE RC - OWL example file OWNERDRA PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file OWNERDRA CPP - OWL example file OWNERDRA H - OWL example file OWNERDRA IDE - OWL example file OWNERDRA RC - OWL example file PAINT PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: DIBATTR CPP - OWL example file DIBATTR H - OWL example file ELLIPSE CUR - OWL example file ELLIPSE ICO - OWL example file FELLIPSE CUR - OWL example file FELLIPSE ICO - OWL example file FILL CUR - OWL example file FILL ICO - OWL example file FRECT CUR - OWL example file FRECT ICO - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file OWLPAINT ICO - OWL example file PAINT CPP - OWL example file PAINT IDE - OWL example file PAINT RC - OWL example file PAINT RH - OWL example file PEN CUR - OWL example file PEN ICO - OWL example file RECT CUR - OWL example file RECT ICO - OWL example file PALLET PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file NEWTION BMP - OWL example file PALETTE IDE - OWL example file PALETTEX CPP - OWL example file PALETTEX H - OWL example file PALETTEX RC - OWL example file PEEPER PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file PEEPER CPP - OWL example file PEEPER H - OWL example file PEEPER IDE - OWL example file PEEPER RC - OWL example file PEEPER RH - OWL example file PIPELINE PAK (Disk20) - Compression file containing the following: CRAMAPI DLL - Pipeline Redistributable MAILFORM CTL - Pipeline Redistributable PIPELINE DLL - Pipeline Redistributable PIPELINE INI - Pipeline Redistributable REGISTER EXE - Pipeline Redistributable REGPRINT CTL - Pipeline Redistributable REGRMDR EXE - Pipeline Redistributable REMIND EXE - Pipeline Redistributable REMIND SCH - Pipeline Redistributable SDKINTRO GIF - Pipeline Redistributable SLIDSHOW FSS - Pipeline Redistributable SSLIB DLL - Pipeline Redistributable THANKS GIF - Pipeline Redistributable WALLPAPR BMP - Pipeline Redistributable POPUP PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file POPUP CPP - OWL example file POPUP IDE - OWL example file POPUP RC - OWL example file PRNTPREV PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file PRNTPREV CPP - OWL example file PRNTPREV IDE - OWL example file PRNTPREV RC - OWL example file PRNTPREV RH - OWL example file SPACESHI BMP - OWL example file PROGMAN PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file PROGMAN IDE - OWL example file PROGMANX CPP - OWL example file PROGMANX H - OWL example file PROGMANX RC - OWL example file PSTREAMS PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: ELLIPSE CUR - Classlib example file LINE CUR - Classlib example file MAKEFILE - Classlib example file PSTREAM IDE - Classlib example file RECT CUR - Classlib example file STREAM0 CPP - Classlib example file STREAM0 DEF - Classlib example file STREAM1 CPP - Classlib example file STREAM1 DEF - Classlib example file STREAM2 CPP - Classlib example file STREAM2 DEF - Classlib example file STREAMS H - Classlib example file STREAMS RC - Classlib example file QUEUES PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: IQUELIST CPP - Classlib example file IQUEUE CPP - Classlib example file MAKEFILE - Classlib example file QUELIST CPP - Classlib example file QUEUE CPP - Classlib example file QUEUES IDE - Classlib example file QUEUETST PAK (Disk28) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - Classlib example file QUEUETST CPP - Classlib example file QUEUETST IDE - Classlib example file README TXT (Disk1) - file contains last minute information REGTEST PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OCF Example file REGTEST CPP - OCF Example file REGTEST IDE - OCF Example file REGTEST RC - OCF example file REGTEST RH - OCF example file REVERSE PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - Classlib example file REVERSE CPP - Classlib example file REVERSE IDE - Classlib example file RTLDLL16 PAK (Disk25) - Compression file containing the following: BC450RTL DLL - 16 RTL dll RTLDLL32 PAK (Disk25) - Compression file containing the following: CW3215 DLL - 32 RTL dll CW3215MT DLL - 32 RTL dll RTLIMP16 PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: CRTLDLL LIB - Dynamic RTL RTLIMP32 PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: CW32I LIB - 32 bit RTL support modules CW32MTI LIB - 32 bit RTL support modules RW PAK (Disk16) - Compression file containing the following: LOADBWCC EXE - Custom Control loader WORKED1 DLL - Resource Workshop DLL WORKED2 DLL - Resource Workshop DLL WORKED3 DLL - Resource Workshop DLL WORKED4 DLL - Resource Workshop DLL WORKED5 DLL - Resource Workshop DLL WORKLIB1 DLL - Resource Workshop DLL WORKLIB2 DLL - Resource Workshop DLL WORKOP32 DOS - Resource Workshop program file WORKOP32 W32 - Resource Workshop program file WORKRES DLL - Resource Workshop DLL WORKSHOP EXE - Resource Workshop RW_HLP PAK (Disk21) - Compression file containing the following: WORKHELP HLP - Resource Workshop help file WORKHELP HLX - HelpExpert file SCRNSAVE PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file OWLSCRN CPP - OWL example file OWLSCRN DEF - OWL example file OWLSCRN H - OWL example file OWLSCRN IDE - OWL example file OWLSCRN RC - OWL example file TSCRNSAV CPP - OWL example file TSCRNSAV H - OWL example file SCROLLBA PAK (Disk28) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file SCROLLBA IDE - OWL example file SCROLLBX CPP - OWL example file SCROLLER PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file SCROLLER IDE - OWL example file SCROLLEX CPP - OWL example file SDIFILE PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file SDIFILE CPP - OWL example file SDIFILE IDE - OWL example file SDIFILE RC - OWL example file SDIOLE PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OCF Example file SAMPCONT CPP - OCF Example file SAMPCONT H - OCF Example file SAMPCONT RC - OCF Example file SDIOLE CPP - OCF Example file SDIOLE H - OCF Example file SDIOLE IDE - OCF Example file SDIOLE RC - OCF Example file SETS PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: ISET CPP - Classlib example file MAKEFILE - Classlib example file SETS IDE - Classlib example file SETX CPP - Classlib example file SETUP EXE (Disk28) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s SETUP LST (Disk28) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s SETUPAPI INC (Disk28) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s SHAREBIN PAK (Disk16) - Compression file containing the following: BRC EXE - RC compatible shell program BRC32 EXE - Shell for brcc32.exe BRCC EXE - command line resource compiler BRCC32 EXE - Borland 32 bit Resouce Compiler BRCWIN DLL - Resource Compiler DLL GREP COM - Turbo Grep program HC BAT - Batch File to call Win 3.1 help compiler HC31 ERR - Win 3.1 help compiler error list HC31 EXE - Win 3.1 help compiler impdef exe - 32 bit Import Library Tool implib exe - 32 bit Import Library Tool LOCALE BLL - International localization library RC EXE - Microsoft Resource Compiler RCDLL DLL - Microsoft Redistributable RCPP EXE - Microsoft Resource Compiler file RLINK32 DLL - 32 bit Turbo Linker tlib exe - 32 bit Turbo librarian WORKOPT DOS - Resource Workshop program file WORKOPT W32 - Resource Workshop program file SLIB PAK (Disk24) - Compression file containing the following: C0FS OBJ - Small model RTL file C0S OBJ - Small model RTL file CS LIB - Small model RTL file MATHS LIB - Small model RTL file NOEHS LIB - Small model RTL file SLIDER PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file SLIDER IDE - OWL example file SLIDERX CPP - OWL example file SLIDERX RC - OWL example file SOUNDER PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - Windows example file SOUNDER C - Windows example file SOUNDER H - Windows example file SOUNDER IDE - Windows example file SOUNDER RC - Windows example file SOUNDER TXT - Windows example file SOUNDER WAV - Windows example file SRCPOOL PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: SRCPOOL CPP - IDE example file SRCPOOL ICO - IDE example file SRCPOOL IDE - IDE example file SRCPOOL RC - IDE example file SRCPOOL TXT - IDE example file STACKS PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: ISTACK CPP - Classlib example file ISTKLIST CPP - Classlib example file MAKEFILE - Classlib example file STACK CPP - Classlib example file STACKS IDE - Classlib example file STKLIST CPP - Classlib example file START16 PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: BUILDC0 BAT - 16 bit startup code C0 ASM - 16 bit startup code C0D ASM - 16 bit startup code C0W ASM - 16 bit startup code RULES ASI - 16 bit startup code STATIC PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file STATIC IDE - OWL example file STATICX CPP - OWL example file STDOLE TL_ (Disk28) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s STEP13 PAK (Disk28) - Compression file containing the following: STEP13 CPP - OWL example file STEP13 RC - OWL example file STEP13DV CPP - OWL example file STEP13DV RC - OWL example file STEP14 PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: STEP14 CPP - OWL example file STEP14 RC - OWL example file STEP14DV CPP - OWL example file STEP14DV RC - OWL example file STEP15 PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: STEP15 CPP - OWL example file STEP15 RC - OWL example file STEP15DV CPP - OWL example file STEP15DV RC - OWL example file STEP16 PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: CNTRL16 CPP - OWL example file STEP16 CPP - OWL example file STEP16 CXX - OWL example file STEP16 H - OWL example file STEP16 HXX - OWL example file STEP16 RC - OWL example file STEP16 RH - OWL example file STEP16DV CPP - OWL example file STEP16DV H - OWL example file STEP16DV RC - OWL example file STEP17 PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: CNTRL17 CPP - OWL example file STEP17 CPP - OWL example file STEP17 CXX - OWL example file STEP17 H - OWL example file STEP17 HXX - OWL example file STEP17 RC - OWL example file STEP17DV CPP - OWL example file STEP17DV H - OWL example file STEP17DV RC - OWL example file STNRGMAX PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - Classlib example file STRNGMAX CPP - Classlib example file STRNGMAX IDE - Classlib example file STORAGE DL_ (Disk28) - Win32s redistributed file STREAMS PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - Classlib example file STREAM0 CPP - Classlib example file STREAM1 CPP - Classlib example file STREAM2 CPP - Classlib example file STREAM3 CPP - Classlib example file STREAMS IDE - Classlib example file STRMPNT CPP - Classlib example file STRMPNT H - Classlib example file STYLESHT PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: STYLESHT CPP - IDE example file STYLESHT ICO - IDE example file STYLESHT IDE - IDE example file STYLESHT RC - IDE example file STYLESHT TXT - IDE example file SWAT PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: BOARD BMP - OWL example file BOARD2 BMP - OWL example file CRITTER ICO - OWL example file CRITTER2 ICO - OWL example file DEAD BMP - OWL example file DEAD2 BMP - OWL example file GAMEOVE2 BMP - OWL example file GAMEOVER BMP - OWL example file LIVE BMP - OWL example file LIVE2 BMP - OWL example file MAKEFILE - OWL example file MALET CUR - OWL example file MALET2 CUR - OWL example file MALETDO2 CUR - OWL example file MALETDOW CUR - OWL example file SWAT CPP - OWL example file SWAT H - OWL example file SWAT IDE - OWL example file SWAT RC - OWL example file SWAT2 RC - OWL example file SYSINFO PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file SYSINFO CPP - OWL example file SYSINFO H - OWL example file SYSINFO IDE - OWL example file SYSINFO RC - OWL example file TD32BIT PAK (Disk19) - Compression file containing the following: JITIME EXE - Just In Time debugger TD32 EXE - 32 bit Turbo Debugger TD32 ICO - 32 bit Turbo Debugger icon TD32HELP TDH - 32 bit Turbo Debugger help TD32INST EXE - 32 bit debugger installation program TD32INST ICO - 32 bit debugger installation icon TDKBDW16 DLL - DLL for tdw32 TDKBDW32 DLL - DLL for tdw32 TDVIDW16 DLL - DLL for tdw32 TDVIDW32 DLL - DLL for tdw32 TDDLL PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: DUAL8514 DLL - SVGA/8514 sound card support for TDW and TPROFW STB DLL - SVGA/8514 sound card support for TDW and TPROFW SVGA DLL - video DLL for Tubro Debugger TDWGUI DLL - Turbo Debugger for Windows; GUI DLL TDWINI EXE - Debugger video installation utility TDWINI HLP - Debugger video help TDWINTH DLL - DLL for Turbo Debugger for Windows TDDOC PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: TD_ASM TXT - Turbo Debugger Help file TD_HDWBP TXT - Turbo Debugger Help file TD_HELP TXT - Turbo Debugger Help file TD_RDME TXT - Turbo Debugger Help file TD_UTILS TXT - Turbo Debugger Help file TDDOS16 PAK (Disk20) - Compression file containing the following: TD EXE - Turbo Debugger for DOS TD PIF - Turbo Debugger for DOS TDDOS ICO - Turbo Debugger for DOS icon TDHELP TDH - Turbo Debugger for DOS help TDINST EXE - Turbo Debugger for DOS custom configuration TDOSINST ICO - Turbo Debugger for DOS custom configuration icon TDREMOTE PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: TDREMOTE EXE - Remote debugger for DOS TDRF EXE - Remote file transfer utility with tdremote TDW PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - Windows example file S_PAINT C - Windows example file S_PAINT EXE - Windows example file TDWDEMO BUG - Windows example file TDWDEMO H - Windows example file TDWDEMO ICO - Windows example file TDWDEMO IDE - Windows example file TDWDEMO RC - Windows example file TDW16 PAK (Disk20) - Compression file containing the following: TDDEBUG 386 - Device Driver for 80386\80486 processors TDW EXE - Turbo Debugger for Windows TDWHELP TDH - Turbo Debugger for Windows help file TDWINST EXE - TDW custom configuration program TDWINST ICO - TDW custom configuration program icon TESTDIR PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: FILEDATA CPP - Classlib example file FILEDATA H - Classlib example file MAKEFILE - Classlib example file TESTDIR CPP - Classlib example file TESTDIR IDE - Classlib example file THREADS PAK (Disk28) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - Classlib example file THREAD CPP - Classlib example file THREADS IDE - Classlib example file TLIB PAK (Disk25) - Compression file containing the following: C0FT OBJ - Tiny model RTL file C0T OBJ - Tiny model RTL file CT LIB - Tiny model RTL file TODO PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - Classlib example file TODO DEF - Classlib example file TODO IDE - Classlib example file TODODEFS H - Classlib example file TODODLGS CPP - Classlib example file TODODLGS H - Classlib example file TODOLIST CPP - Classlib example file TODOLIST H - Classlib example file TODOWIN CPP - Classlib example file TODOWIN H - Classlib example file TODOWIN RC - Classlib example file TPROF PAK (Disk22) - Compression file containing the following: TFHELP TFH - profiler help TFINST EXE - profiler install TFREMOTE EXE - remote profiler TPROF EXE - DOS turbo profiler TPROF ICO - Turbo Profiler Icon TPROFEXM PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: CALLTEST C - Borland Source File MAKEFILE - Borland makefile PLOST C - Borland Source File PRIME0 C - Borland Source File PRIME1 C - Borland Source File PRIME2 C - Borland Source File PRIME3 C - Borland Source File PRIME4 C - Borland Source File PRIME5 C - Borland Source File PTOLL C - Borland Source File TPRFSMPL IDE - Borland Example File TPROFWIN PAK (Disk23) - Compression file containing the following: TFWHELP TFH - windows profiler help TPROFW EXE - Windows turbo profiler TRANSFER PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file TRANSFER CPP - OWL example file TRANSFER H - OWL example file TRANSFER IDE - OWL example file TRANSFER RC - OWL example file TRUETYPE PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - Windows example file TRUETYPE C - Windows example file TRUETYPE DLG - Windows example file TRUETYPE H - Windows example file TRUETYPE ICO - Windows example file TRUETYPE IDE - Windows example file TRUETYPE RC - Windows example file TSTAPP PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: DDECLNT C - Windows example file DDECLNT H - Windows example file DDEPACK C - Windows example file DDEPACK H - Windows example file DDESRVR C - Windows example file DDESRVR H - Windows example file MAKEFILE - Windows example file MSGPROC C - Windows example file MSGPROC H - Windows example file MSGWND C - Windows example file MSGWND DEF - Windows example file MSGWND H - Windows example file MSGWND ICO - Windows example file MSGWND RC - Windows example file TSTAPP C - Windows example file TSTAPP H - Windows example file TSTAPP ICO - Windows example file TSTAPP IDE - Windows example file TSTAPP RC - Windows example file TTT PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file TTT CPP - OWL example file TTT H - OWL example file TTT IDE - OWL example file TTT RC - OWL example file TUTORIAL PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: CPPOCF IDE - Borland example file CPPOCF0 CPP - Borland example file CPPOCF0 H - Borland example file CPPOCF0 RC - Borland example file CPPOCF0 RH - Borland example file CPPOCF1 CPP - Borland example file CPPOCF1 H - Borland example file CPPOCF1 RC - Borland example file CPPOCF1 RH - Borland example file CPPOCF2 CPP - Borland example file CPPOCF2 H - Borland example file CPPOCF2 RC - Borland example file CPPOCF2 RH - Borland example file CPPOCF3 CPP - OCF example file CPPOCF3 H - OCF example file CPPOCF3 RC - OCF example file CPPOCF3 RH - OCF example file MAKEFILE - Borland example file OCFEVX H - Borland example file OCFHLPR CPP - Borland Example File OCFHLPR H - Borland Example File OCFHLPR RH - Borland Example File TUTOROOT PAK (Disk17) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file STEP01 CPP - OWL example file STEP02 CPP - OWL example file STEP03 CPP - OWL example file STEP04 CPP - OWL example file STEP05 CPP - OWL example file STEP05 RC - OWL example file STEP06 CPP - OWL example file STEP06 RC - OWL example file STEP07 CPP - OWL example file STEP07 RC - OWL example file STEP08 CPP - OWL example file STEP08 RC - OWL example file STEP09 CPP - OWL example file STEP09 RC - OWL example file STEP10 CPP - OWL example file STEP10 RC - OWL example file STEP11 CPP - OWL example file STEP11 RC - OWL example file STEP12 CPP - OWL example file STEP12 RC - OWL example file STEP12DV CPP - OWL example file STEP12DV RC - OWL example file STEPS IDE - OWL example file TVPXOBJ PAK (Disk25) - Compression file containing the following: EDITS OBJ - Compat file for 16 bit RTL FRAMELIN OBJ - Compat file for 16 bit RTL OWLMATHD OBJ - Borland library file OWLMATHL OBJ - Borland library file SETJMP OBJ - Compat file for 16 bit RTL SWAPST OBJ - Compat file for 16 bit RTL SWNDOBJD OBJ - Borland library file SWNDOBJL OBJ - Borland library file SYSINT OBJ - Compat file for 16 bit RTL TGRMV OBJ - Compat file for 16 bit RTL TTPRVLNS OBJ - Compat file for 16 bit RTL TVCURSOR OBJ - Compat file for 16 bit RTL TVEXPOSD OBJ - Compat file for 16 bit RTL TVWRITE OBJ - Compat file for 16 bit RTL VERSIOND OBJ - Borland library file VERSIONL OBJ - Borland library file TYPELIB DL_ (Disk28) - Microsoft Redistributed Win32s file UNPAQ EXE (Disk1) - Borland Executable VALIDATE PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file VALIDATE IDE - OWL example file VALIDATX CPP - OWL example file VALIDATX RC - OWL example file VBDIALOG PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - Windows example file VBDIALOG C - Windows example file VBDIALOG DEF - Windows example file VBDIALOG H - Windows example file VBDIALOG IDE - Windows example file VBDIALOG RC - Windows example file VBXCTL PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - OWL example file VBXCTL IDE - OWL example file VBXCTLX CPP - OWL example file VBXCTLX H - OWL example file VBXCTLX RC - OWL example file VBXCTRL PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: GAUGE VBX - OWL example file PICT VBX - OWL example file SWITCH VBX - OWL example file VBXGEN PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: VBXGEN EXE - VBX code generator VBXHELP PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: VBT300 HLP - MH help file VBXLIB PAK (Disk28) - Compression file containing the following: BIVBX LIB - 16 bit import library bor BIVBX101.DLL VBX_SYS PAK (Disk25) - Compression file containing the following: MHAL200 VBX - VBX Control MHCARDS DLL - Borland example file MHCD200 VBX - VBX Control MHCL200 VBX - VBX Control MHDC200 VBX - VBX Control MHGA200 VBX - VBX Control MHMQ200 VBX - VBX Control MHRUN300 DLL - VBX Control MHSL200 VBX - VBX Control MHSN200 VBX - VBX Control VECTORS PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: IVECTOR CPP - Classlib example file MAKEFILE - Classlib example file VECTOR CPP - Classlib example file VECTORS IDE - Classlib example file WBIN PAK (Disk1) - Compression file containing the following: BUILDSYM EXE - Program to convert .exe to .sys files EXEMAP EXE - Borland .exe to .map program FCONVERT EXE - ASCII <> ANSI conversion utility TMAPSYM EXE - Borland .map to .sym program WCLIB PAK (Disk23) - Compression file containing the following: C0DC OBJ - Windows RTL file C0WC OBJ - Windows RTL file CWC LIB - Windows RTL file MATHWC LIB - Windows RTL file NOEHWC LIB - Windows RTL file WDEVHELP PAK (Created by concatinating WDEVHELP.CA? files found on Disk2, Disk6, Disk7, Disk8, Disk9) - Compression file containing the following: MC HLP - MS redistributable file MCISTRWH HLP - Win 3.1 media control interface help file OPENGL HLP - OPENGL help OPENGL HLX - HLX generated from Microsoft help file RPC HLP - RPC help file RPC HLX - RPC help file SHED HLP - MS dialog help SOC HLP - SOC help SOC HLX - HLX generated from Microsoft help file VFW HLP - Video for Windows help VFW HLX - HLX generated from Microsoft help file WIN31MWH HLP - Win 3.1 multimedia help file WIN32 HLP - WIN32 help WIN32 HLX - HLX generated from Microsoft help file WHELLO PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - Windows example file WHELLO CPP - Windows example file WHELLO ICO - Windows example file WHELLO IDE - Windows example file WHELLO RC - Windows example file WILD16 PAK (Disk28) - Compression file containing the following: FILES C - 16 bit RTL support modules FILES2 C - 16 bit RTL support modules MATHERR C - 16 bit RTL support modules MATHERRL C - 16 bit RTL support modules WILDARGS OBJ - 16 bit RTL support modules WILD32 PAK (Disk28) - Compression file containing the following: FILEINFO OBJ - 32 bit RTL support modules FILES C - 32 bit RTL support modules FILES2 C - 32 bit RTL support modules GP OBJ - 32 bit RTL support modules MATHERR C - 32 bit RTL support modules MATHERRL C - 32 bit RTL support modules WILDARGS OBJ - 32 bit RTL support modules WIN31DEV PAK (Disk15) - Compression file containing the following: DIB DRV - Device independent bitmap driver MARS DLL - pen Windows character recognition DLL MARS MOB - pen Windows character recognition file MSMOUSE DRV - pen Windows mouse driver REGLOAD EXE - Registration database support STRESS DLL - stress testing dll VGAP DRV - pen Windows VGA driver YESMOUSE DRV - pen Windows mouse driver WIN32DSK PAK (Disk28) - Compression file containing the following: WIN32S DSK - MS redistributable flie WINBIN PAK (Disk22) - Compression file containing the following: COMPRESS EXE - DOS lz compression utility MARKMIDI EXE - Microsoft redistributable file MC EXE - Microsoft redistributable file MIDL EXE - Microsoft redistributable file MRBC EXE - Microsoft redistributable file PORT DLL - Microsoft redistributable file PORT INI - Microsoft redistributable file PORTTOOL EXE - Microsoft redistributable file PSTAT EXE - Microsoft redistributable file PVIEW EXE - Microsoft redistributable file SHED EXE - Dialog management utility WINLIB32 PAK (Disk21) - Compression file containing the following: BWCC32 LIB - 32 bit Custom Control library C0D32 OBJ - 32 bit RTL support modules C0W32 OBJ - 32 bit RTL support modules C0X32 OBJ - 32 bit RTL support modules CW32 LIB - 32 bit RTL support modules CW32MT LIB - 32 bit RTL support modules IMPORT32 LIB - RTL library MSEXTRA LIB - Microsoft library file OLE2W32 LIB - RTL header file W32SUT16 LIB - win32s thunking library W32SUT32 LIB - win32s thunking library WINRUN PAK (Disk28) - Compression file containing the following: WINRUN 386 - Winrun utility support file WRA STB - Winrun utility support file WRW STB - Winrun utility support file WINSIGHT PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: WINSIGHT EXE - Winsight program for Windows WSIHOOK DLL - Support DLL for Winsight WSIWIN DLL - Support DLL for Winsight WINSPCTR PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: DFA EXE - Winspector logfile processor WINSPCTR EXE - Program to capture UAE's in Windows WINSTUB PAK (Disk10) - Compression file containing the following: WINSTUB EXE - Windows stub program WLLIB PAK (Disk23) - Compression file containing the following: C0DL OBJ - Windows large model RTL file C0WL OBJ - Windows large model RTL file CWL LIB - Windows large model RTL file MATHWL LIB - Windows large model RTL file NOEHWL LIB - Windows large model RTL file WMLIB PAK (Disk23) - Compression file containing the following: C0DM OBJ - Windows medium model RTL file C0WM OBJ - Windows medium model RTL file CWM LIB - Windows medium model RTL file MATHWM LIB - Windows medium model RTL file NOEHWM LIB - Windows medium model RTL file WREMOTE PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: WREMOTE EXE - Remote debugger utility WRSETUP EXE - WRemote parameter setup utility WSLIB PAK (Disk23) - Compression file containing the following: C0DS OBJ - Windows small model RTL file C0WS OBJ - Windows small model RTL file CWS LIB - Windows small model RTL file MATHWS LIB - Windows small model RTL file NOEHWS LIB - Windows small model RTL file XLIB PAK (Disk26) - Compression file containing the following: BWCC LIB - Import Library for Borland Custom Controls IMPORT LIB - Borland library file OBSOLETE LIB - Borland library file XLIB16 PAK (Disk28) - Compression file containing the following: OVERLAY LIB - RTL overlay library XREF PAK (Disk27) - Compression file containing the following: MAKEFILE - Classlib example file TEXT DAT - Classlib example file TRIVIAL DAT - Classlib example file XREF CPP - Classlib example file XREF IDE - Classlib example file _MSSETUP EXE (Disk28) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s _MSTEST EXE (Disk28) - Microsoft Redistributable for Win32s