#################################################################### # EBT Messages database # # Note: Use '\' to continue a message over consecutive lines. # # Platform: DOS/Windows # Version: 2.3 # Language: English # # Copyright 1990-1994 Electronic Book Technologies, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. #################################################################### # $Id: MSGS.TXT 1994/08/11 05:07:14 glf Exp $ # global messages 0-99 #################################################################### 1 OK 2 Cancel 3 Help 4 Apply 5 Yes 6 No 7 Print 8 Files: 9 Open: 10 Save: 11 Save As: 12 Delete: 13 Open 14 Close 15 Untitled 16 About Box 17 Public 18 Private 19 Print to file 20 Print to printer 21 File Name: 22 None 23 Export 24 ... 25 Path # Message 26: Default Table of Contents stylesheet name: 26 toc # Message 27: Default Fulltext stylesheet name: 27 fulltext 28 print 29 Dialog # Message 30: currently unused # Message 31: Name of custom Tools menu 31 &Tools # InStEd messages 200-299 (Used by INSTED.EXE only) #################################################################### 200 New Style Name: 201 New Group Name: 202 Entity Name: 203 Entity Value: 204 Rename Entity: 205 Entities 206 Edit Entity: 207 Stylesheet path is " %s " 208 Undo 209 Copy Style 210 Paste Style 211 Copy Property 212 Paste Property 213 Copy Entity 214 Paste Entity Value 215 Copy Entity Set 216 Paste Entity Set 218 Property Value is " %s " 219 Paste Entity Reference 220 Copy 221 Paste #--- 222 Selects Itself 223 Selects Another 224 Value inherited from %s 225 Value is the universal default 226 Value is the default 227 Value derived from group %s 228 (not set) 229 Formula: 230 True 231 False 232 Choose Site values: 233 IGNORED - style does a 'select' 234 Origin unknown - style 'selects' 250 (points) 251 --- 252 Error: invalid value 253 UNKNOWN due to select 254 Inherited 255 None (doesn't inherit) 256 " %s " is a virtual style # InStEd Note: 257 is an Inwin message. (Ran out of numbers there) -sbk 257 Are you sure you want to delete stylesheet " %s " ? 258 group 259 (member of group %s) 260 (ungrouped) 261 ungrouped # dtl and dtext messages 300-399 #################################################################### 300 Printing to file '%s'... 301 Printing ... 302 Open 303 Refresh 304 Close 305 Start %s 306 Create %s 307 Open '%s' %s (%s) 308 Delete '%s' %s 309 Opening Book... 310 Closing Book... 311 Exit DynaText? # 312 313 Delete the annotation? 314 Delete the %s '%s'? 315 Graphic 316 Help 317 DynaText Library 318 %s Table of Contents # 319 320 %s Annotation Manager 321 %s - %s 322 Message Log 323 Note 324 Bookmark 325 Hyperlink # 326 -- no longer used # dhelp messages 500-510 #################################################################### 500 DynaHelp Document '%s' 501 Help Items for Document '%s' # Search History messages 1000-1099 #################################################################### 1003 Find: Standard # tok messages 1500-1800 (Used by SGMLRVW.EXE only) #################################################################### 1501 Element start 1502 Element end 1503 Empty element 1504 Text 1505 Unresolved entity 1506 Entity start 1507 Entity end 1508 Can't open entity 1509 Parsing error 1510 End of document 1511 Parameter entity decl. 1512 General entity decl. 1513 Element decl. 1514 Attribute decl. 1515 Notation decl. 1516 Null markup decl. 1517 Comment start 1518 Comment text 1519 Comment end 1520 Marked section start 1521 Marked section end 1522 DOCTYPE decl. start 1523 DOCTYPE decl. end 1524 DOCTYPE expected 1525 PI start 1526 PI end 1527 EBT PI start 1528 EBT PI end 1529 NDATA start 1530 NDATA end 1531 SDATA start 1532 SDATA end 1601 *** Bad option-name character in '%s'. 1602 * Set empty-tag list to: '%s'. 1603 *** Missing value for '%c' option. 1604 * Input file name set to: '%s'. 1606 * Output directory: '%s'. 1608 * Suppressing output until line %d. 1609 * Set public entity directory to: '%s'. 1611 * Checkpoints suppressed. 1612 * Checkpoints every %ld elements. 1613 * Stripping various whitespace characters in text. 1614 * Suppressing output until element %d. 1615 *** Unknown option '%s'. 1620 * Starting statistics for file '%s' 1621 Parser types found 1622 Type-name Frequency Description 1623 ------------------------ --------- --------------------- 1624 Size statistics 1627 *** File does not end in '.sgm', so not checking for '.dtd'. 1628 *** Unable to open DTD from '%s'. 1629 * Reading DTD from file '%s'. 1630 No input document specified. 1632 *** Unable to open the parser. 1635 * Successfully set up output directory '%s'. 1636 *** Unable to set up output directory '%s'. 1638 *** Unable to open document '%s'. 1639 Maximum tag nesting level exceeded. 1640 Location: Line %ld, Element %ld. 1641 WARNING: too many end tags, nothing open. 1642 At element %8ld, line %9ld in entity '%s' 1643 * Unable to set up SGML parser. 1644 * Starting time: %s 1645 * Ending time: %s 1646 *** sgmlcheck: can't resolve entity '%s'. 1647 *** Unknown token type %d ('%s'), token is '%s' 1648 EBTids: old %8s, new %8s; Aux data: '%s' 1649 * Finished '%s', %ld elements. 1650 **************************************** 1651 -infinite- 1652 Document entity size 1653 Bytes parsed 1654 Bytes in attributes 1655 Bytes in CDATA 1656 Total elements 1657 Total attributes 1658 Min CDATA % of total 1659 Text chars per element 1660 Average CDATA length 1661 Average tag depth 1662 Maximum tag depth 1663 Elapsed time 1664 Bytes parsed per second 1665 Elements found, with frequencies: 1666 Data entities found, with frequencies: 1667 Attributes found, with frequencies: # End of msgs.txt