#New Features #0 #Vdraft.hlp Many new features have been added to Vdraft v1.5 based on user feedback. These include stretch, object grips, offset, projects for grouping drawings, object tips for quickly viewing entity information, direct numeric entry, length snap, offset from feature, and improved hyperlink tools for the Web. Click on 'Next Tip' for more details. #5072 Projects give you the ability to quickly load all the drawings in your project. Choose a project name from the Projects toolbar or dialog box and all the drawings are loaded at once. #2622 With Object Cursor Tips turned on, getting object information such as lengths and angles is as simple as moving the mouse over the object. #2122 Using the Display Grips option from the Modify pulldown menu or Select toolbar, you can graphically manipulate objects. With Auto Grips on, you can move the endpoint of line by simply moving the mouse over the endpoint of the line. When a grip appears, click the left button and move the endpoint to its new position. #2122 If you click the right button over a grip, the Options popup menu may provide the ability to change its behavior. For example, to maintain the angle of a line but change its length, choose Change Length from the Options popup. #2122 You can move more than one grip at a time. Click the right mouse button over a grip and choose Activate. When you pick up a grip with the left button or choose Basepoint from the popup menu, all the active grips will move together. Sometimes one grip will constrain the movements of the others. Whenever Vdraft is waiting for you to choose a point, you can type the coordinate value without having to choose a menu option first. When a cursor tip displays length or angle information, you can simply type in the value for the first cursor tip without having to choose a menu option first. After you press enter, you can type in the next cursor tip value if desired. By choosing Length Snap, any distance you draw can be constrained to multiples of any length you wish. This can be combined with Angle Snap. These options are found on the Angles tab of the Grid/Snap Settings dialog. As you draw or move objects, you can choose a point relative to anything in the drawing by using the Offset From option. Click the right mouse button and choose Offset From off the Options popup. You can also select a point midway between two others, or specify a point through which to draw a line. #2353 You can click on a Web link embedded in a drawing and have the default system browser automatically load the proper Web page. As an example, load Links.dwg from the Vdraft\Samples directory.