Did Not Respond in the Allotted Time
When you try to connect to Direct Banking to download statement information and/or send payment information, you receive one of the following error messages:
Money could not complete the call because Online Services did not respond in the allotted time. Please try your call again. or
The call timed out because the server did not respond in a reasonable amount of time. Please try your call again later.
The most common cause of this error is that your financial institution's Online Services provider is experiencing a higher than normal call volume. If you have connected successfully in the past and have made no changes to your system, such as installing new software(i.e. a modem), this is the most likely cause.

This can also be caused by incorrect modem settings.

If you have successfully connected in the past, try your call again, several times if necessary. If you continue to experience this error, try calling at a different time of day. You may also want to contact your financial institution to see if they are aware of any problems on the server.

If it is not caused by a server problem, there are several changes you can make to your modem configuration that may help resolve this error. Refer to the More Information section, below, for instructions on how to make these changes.
NOTE: If you experience this error when Money is making a connection via the Internet, contact your Internet Service Provider for modem troubleshooting steps.

For the latest information on this error message, please see the Microsoft Knowledge base article: Money 99 Err Msg: Did Not Respond in the Allotted Time at http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q184/6/78.asp.
More Information
To change your modem settings when making a direct modem connection in Money, follow the steps outlined below. Step through these changes one at a time, adding each change on top of any previous changes (cumulatively), until you resolve the error.
Lower The Baud Rate
Disable Error Control
Disable Flow Control
Lower The Port FIFO Buffer Settings
To lower the port FIFO buffer settings in Windows 95 or Windows 98, follow these steps:
You cannot lower the port FIFO buffer settings in Windows NT. Instead, you can disable the FIFO buffer settings as a troubleshooting step. To accomplish this, follow these steps:
Install And Use A Standard Modem Driver
To install a Standard Modem driver in Windows 95 and Windows 98, you must determine if you can assign the port used by your modem to a modem driver. If the General tab of the Modem Properties dialog box designates the Port field with a drop-down list-box as Communications Port (COMX), where X is a number, you can install a standard modem driver to use as a test driver with Money.

However, if the Port field simply indicates COMX, this means that the COM port used by your modem is configured by software. If this is the case, you cannot install a standard modem driver for your modem.
NOTE: You may want to contact your modem manufacturer to see if they can help configure your modem to use a standard COM port.

To install a Standard Modem driver in Windows 95 or 98, follow these steps:

On a Windows NT system, you cannot tell from the General Tab of the Modem Configuration General Tab if your COM port is configured by software or not, as the Port field displays the same information either way. To install a Standard Modem driver in Windows NT, follow these steps:
To select the new Standard Modem driver in Money, follow these steps: