Money Has Attempted to Send an Invalid Request
When you attempt to send instructions to your financial institution via Direct Banking and Investing, you receive the following error message after clicking the Connect, Get Statements, or Send Payments button:
Money has attempted to send an invalid request to Online Services. Please try your call again, or call Online Services Customer Support if this problem persists. You can find the number in the Contact Information place in the Online Finances area.
There are several known causes for this error message:
You are sending an electronic payment (Epay) that is missing an account number in the Payee Details.
CheckFree is your Direct Banking and Investing provider and your Financial Institution ID (FID) number is missing from the Online Setup information.
NOTE: If your Direct Banking and Investing service provider is other than CheckFree, this would not apply to you.
You are requesting a payment inquiry on a payment over 2 months old.
This may occur on some computers with Cyrix processors that do not return an expected response to a request for the current date.
NOTE: If your financial institution uses Open Financial Exchange (OFX)
for Direct Statements or Bill Payment, this would not apply to you.
The resolution for this error message depends upon the cause. For step by step instructions for the methods described below, see the "More Information" section later in this article.
Verify that any payments being sent have account numbers in the Payee Details.
Verify that your Financial Institution ID (FID) number is correct.
Delete the payment inquiry request.
If you are using a Cyrix C5x86 80, 100 or 120 MHz (megahertz) processor, Microsoft has confirmed that Money 99 will not work properly with financial institutions using CheckFree Services, Integrion, or Open Financial Connectivity.
For the latest information on this error message, please see the Microsoft Knowledge base article: Money 99 Err Msg: Money Has Attempted to Send an Invalid Request at
More Information
Follow the appropriate steps listed below to resolve this error.
Verify Payee Account Numbers
To verify that all electronic payees have account numbers, follow these steps:
1. In the left pane of the Online Finances area for this financial institution, click Connect.
2. Right-click the payment and then click Go To Payee:<payee name>.
If there is no information in the Account Number field, follow the remaining steps. Otherwise, return to the Online Financial Services area and verify the payee information for all other payees that you pay electronically.
NOTE: If your Direct Bill Payment Service Provider is Integrion, Money sends an update of payee information with every call. You may experience this error if your payee information has changed, even if you are not sending any payments. You should review all electronic payees. You can quickly review all account number fields for all of your payees by following these steps:
a. On the Tools menu, click Payee List.
b. Change the View to Payees and Account Numbers.
c. Scan through your Payee List. If you see a payee that you pay electronically, that does not contain an account number, double-click it and continue.
3. Click the Change Details and Payment Options button.
4. Select the financial institution that you are connecting to, and then click OK.
5. Enter the account number in the Account Number field, making sure it is between 1 and 22 characters, and then click OK.
6. At the right end of the navigation bar, click Back twice to return to the Online Financial Services area.
7. Right-click on the payment you just modified and click Go To Account: <account name>.
This takes you to the Account Register and highlights the selected account.
8. Clear the Epay from the Number field and click Enter.
9. Re-enter Epay in the Number field. This re-creates the Epay transaction with the new payee information.
NOTE: Details about your payees is kept separately at each institution.
There is also one set of details, called Payee Details, which are kept for
your records alone. It is important that you do not edit the Payee Details
account number field to delete the account number.
Financial Institution ID
To verify whether your Online Setup information contains the required Financial Institution ID (FID) number or is missing the FID, follow these steps:
1. In the left pane of the Online Finances area for this financial institution, click Online Setup.
2. In the Online Setup place, click number 5. This may say Change Online Services, Change Online Statements, or Change Online Billpay.
2. Click to select "Change Online Services Access Information" and click Next.
3. Click the Next button twice, and verify that the Financial Institution ID field contains a four-character number. If the number is missing and you know what it is, you can fill in this field with the correct number. Or, you can connect to the Branding Directory Server (BDS) to obtain the correct number. Follow these steps:
a. Click Cancel.
b. Click Investigate Offerings.
c. Complete the wizard to download the latest information about you financial institution from the BDS.
Cyrix Processors
If your computer has one of the Cyrix processors that do not work properly with Money 99, you cannot use the Online Service features with CheckFree, Integrion, Online Financial Connectivity or Internet Quotes. You can however use the Online Financial Services if your financial institution supports Open Financial Exchange (OFX). You can also use the Internet Updates feature of Money 99.