Money 99:How to Bypass the Phone Call for Online Services Setup
Occasionally, your financial institution or online service provider may direct you to bypass the call made during the Investigate Offerings phase of Online Services. This article explains the steps required to do this.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Manual setup is only possible if your financial institution offers online services through CheckFree Services or Integrion and requires special information provided by your financial institution. Do not attempt to follow these steps unless you have this information. Incorrect or incomplete information could cause problems with your Online Services setup.

More Information
Normally there is no need to manually setup Online Service information. The Investigate Offerings step during the Online Services Setup Wizard should download the current Online Service options offered by your financial institution.

However, in certain situations, your financial institution may direct you to manually set up Direct Banking and Brokerage service information. If you are experiencing difficulty in the Investigate Offerings step of Online Setup, bypassing the call may be the simplest way around the problem.

Required Information
Before proceeding, be sure to have the following information on hand:

1. The service provider that your financial institution uses to provide online services: CheckFree Services or Integrion.

2. The services your financial institution provides: Direct Statements and/or Direct Bill Payment.

3. The Financial Institution ID number (FID)or Bank Identification number (Bank ID) used by your financial institution or service provider.

To manually set up for Direct Banking and Investing services, follow these steps:

1. On the navigation bar, click Online Finances.

2. Double-click the financial institution you want to set up Online Services for.

3. In the left pane, click Online Setup.

4. On the Online Setup screen, click Investigate Offerings.

5. On the first screen of the wizard, hold down the SHIFT key while you click Next.

6. Click Browse. The default folder contains several files with MNN file extensions.

The following table outlines the features of these files:

File Name Service Provider Features Requires
Iscbillp.mnn CheckFree Services Bill Payment FID
Iscstmts.mnn CheckFree Services Statements FID
Iscstbp.mnn CheckFree Services Statements & Bill Payment FID
Vsabillp.mnn VISA ePay Bill Payment Bank ID
Vsastmts.mnn Integrion Statements Bank ID
Vsastbp.mnn Integrion Statements & Bill Payment Bank ID

7. Click the appropriate MNN file, and then click Open.

8. Continue through the wizard.

When you are prompted for a Financial Institution ID number or Bank Identification number, enter the information provided by your financial institution.

NOTE: If entering a Bank ID, make sure to enter it in all lower case letters.

9. Complete the wizard and continue through the steps of Online Setup.