If you temporarily travel away from your tax home, you can use this section to determine if you have deductible travel expenses. This section defines "tax home,""temporary," and different types of travel expenses. It also discusses the rules for travel inside and outside the United States and deductible convention expenses.
Travel expenses defined. For tax purposes, travel expenses are the ordinary and necessary expenses of traveling away from home for your business, profession, or job. An ordinary expense is one that is common and accepted in your field of business, trade, or profession. A necessary expense is one that is helpful and appropriate to your business. An expense does not have to be indispensable to be considered necessary. However, you cannot deduct expenses to the extent they are lavish or extravagant.
You will find examples of deductible travel expenses in Table 28-1.
Traveling away from home. You are traveling away from home if:
Example 1. You are a railroad conductor. You leave your home terminal on a regularly scheduled round-trip run between two cities and return home 16 hours later. During the run, you have 6 hours off at your turnaround point where you eat two meals and rent a hotel room to get necessary sleep before starting the return trip. You are considered to be away from home, and you can deduct travel expenses.
Example 2. You are a truck driver. You leave your terminal and return to it later the same day. You get an hour off at your turnaround point to eat. Because you are not off to get necessary sleep and the brief time off is not an adequate rest period, your trip is not considered as travel away from home. You cannot deduct travel expenses.
To deduct travel expenses, you must first determine the location of your tax home.
Generally, your tax home is your regular place of business or post of duty, regardless of where you maintain your family home. It includes the entire city or general area in which your business or work is located. If you have more than one regular place of business, your tax home is your main place of business. If you do not have a regular or a main place of business because of the nature of your work, then your tax home may be the place where you regularly live. See No main place of business or work, later.
If you do not have a regular place of business or post of duty and there is no place where you regularly live, you are considered a transient (an itinerant) and your tax home is wherever you work. As a transient, you cannot claim a travel expense deduction because you are never considered away from home.
Main place of business or work. If you have more than one place of work, you should use the following factors to determine your main place of business or work:
Example. You live in Cincinnati where you have a seasonal job for 8 months and earn $25,000. You work the remaining 4 months in Miami, also at a seasonal job, and earn $9,000. Cincinnati is your main place of work because you spend most of your time there and earn most of your income there.
No main place of business or work. You may have a tax home even if you do not have a regular or main place of work. Your tax home may be the home where you regularly live.
Factors used to determine tax home. If you do not have a regular or main place of business or work, use the following three factors to see if you have a tax home.
If you meet all three factors, your tax home is the home where you regularly live, and you may be able to deduct travel expenses. If you meet only two of the factors, you may have a tax home depending on all the facts and circumstances. If you meet only one factor, you are a transient; each place you work becomes your tax home and you cannot deduct travel expenses.
Example. You are single and live in Boston in an apartment you rent. You have worked for your employer in Boston for a number of years. Your employer enrolls you in a 12-month executive training program. You do not expect to return to work in Boston after you complete your training.
During your training, you do not do any work in Boston. Instead, you receive classroom and on-the-job training throughout the United States. You keep your apartment in Boston and return to it frequently. You use your apartment to conduct your personal business. You also keep up your community contacts in Boston. When you complete your training, you are transferred to Los Angeles.
You have not satisfied factor (1) because you did not work in Boston. You have satisfied factor (2) because you have duplicate living expenses. You also satisfy factor (3) because you do not abandon your apartment in Boston as your traditional home, you keep your community contacts, and you frequently return to live in your apartment. You have a tax home in Boston for travel expense deduction purposes.
Transient workers. If you move from job to job, maintain no fixed home, and are not associated with any particular business locality, each place you work becomes your main place of business and your tax home. You cannot deduct your expenses for meals and lodging.
Living away from your tax home. If you (and your family) live in an area outside your tax home (main place of work), you cannot deduct travel expenses between your tax home and your family home. You also cannot deduct the cost of meals and lodging while at your tax home. See Example 1, below.
If you are working temporarily in the same city where you and your family live, you may be considered as traveling away from home. See Example 2, below.
Example 1. You are a truck driver and you and your family live in Tucson. You are employed by a trucking firm that has its terminal in Phoenix. At the end of your long runs, you return to your home terminal in Phoenix and spend one night there before returning home. You cannot deduct any of your travel costs in Phoenix because Phoenix is your tax home.
Example 2. Your family home is in Pittsburgh, where you work 12 weeks a year. The rest of the year you work for the same employer in Baltimore. In Baltimore, you eat in restaurants and sleep in a rooming house. Your salary is the same whether you are in Pittsburgh or Baltimore.
Because you spend most of your working time and earn most of your salary in Baltimore, that city is your tax home. You cannot deduct any expenses you have for meals and lodging there. However, when you return to work in Pittsburgh, you are away from your tax home even though you stay at your family home. You can deduct the cost of your round trip between Baltimore and Pittsburgh. You can also deduct your part of your family's living expenses for meals and lodging while you are living and working in Pittsburgh.
You may regularly work or carry on your business activities within the city or general area of your tax home and also work or conduct business at another location. It may not be practical to return home from this other location at the end of each day's work.
If your assignment or job away from your main place of work is temporary, your tax home does not change. You are considered to be away from home for the whole period, and your travel expenses are deductible. Generally, a temporary assignment in a single location is one that is realistically expected to last (and does in fact last) for one year or less.
However, if your assignment or job is indefinite, that location becomes your new tax home and you cannot deduct your travel expenses while there. Your assignment or job in a single location is considered indefinite if it is realistically expected to last for more than one year, whether or not it actually lasts for more than one year.
If your assignment is indefinite, you must include in your income any amounts you receive from your employer for living expenses, even if they are called travel allowances and you account to your employer for them. You may be able to deduct the cost of relocating to your new tax home as a moving expense. See chapter 19 for more information.
Exception for federal crime investigations. If you are a federal employee participating in a federal crime investigation, you may be able to deduct travel expenses even if you are away from your tax home for more than one year.
The Attorney General must certify that you are traveling:
As this publication was being prepared for print, Congress was considering legislation that would expand the definition in (3) to include prosecution of a federal crime. See Publication 553, Highlights of 1997 Tax Changes.
Determining temporary or indefinite. You must determine whether your assignment is temporary or indefinite when you start work. If you expect employment to last for one year or less, it is temporary unless there are facts and circumstances that indicate otherwise. Employment that is initially temporary may become indefinite due to changed circumstances. A series of assignments to the same location, all for short periods but that together cover a long period, may be considered an indefinite assignment.
Going home on days off. If you go back to your tax home from a temporary assignment on your days off, you are not considered away from home while you are in your hometown. You cannot deduct the cost of your meals and lodging there. However, you can deduct your travel expenses, including meals and lodging, while traveling from the area of your temporary place of work to your hometown and back to work. You can claim these expenses up to the amount it would have cost you for meals and lodging had you stayed at your temporary place of work.
If you keep your hotel room during your visit home, you can deduct the cost of your hotel room. In addition, you can deduct your expenses of returning home up to the amount you would have spent for meals had you stayed at your temporary place of work.
Probationary work period. If you take a job that requires you to move, with the understanding that you will keep the job if your work is satisfactory during a probationary period, the job is indefinite. You cannot deduct any expenses for meals and lodging during the probationary period.
Members of the Armed Forces. If you are a member of the U.S. Armed Forces on a permanent duty assignment overseas, you are not traveling away from home. You cannot deduct your expenses for meals and lodging. You cannot deduct these expenses even if you have to maintain a home in the United States for your family members who are not allowed to accompany you overseas. If you are transferred from one permanent duty station to another, you may have deductible moving expenses, which are explained in chapter 19.
A naval officer assigned to permanent duty aboard a ship that has regular eating and living facilities has a tax home aboard ship for travel expense purposes.
Once you have determined that you are traveling away from your tax home, you can determine what travel expenses are deductible.
When you travel away from home on business, you should keep records of all the expenses you incur and any advances you receive from your employer. You can use a log, diary, notebook, or any other written record to keep track of your expenses. The types of expenses you need to record, along with supporting documentation, are described in Table 28-2.
Deductible travel expenses include those ordinary and necessary expenses you incur while traveling away from home on business. The type of expense you can deduct depends on the facts and your circumstances.
Table 28-1 summarizes travel expenses you may be able to deduct. You may have other deductible travel expenses that are not covered there, depending on the facts and your circumstances.
Additional rules on the cost of meals and on paying travel expenses for others are explained next.
Meals. You cannot deduct the cost of meals if it is not necessary for you to stop for sleep or rest to properly perform your duties unless you meet the rules for business entertainment. These rules are explained later under Entertainment Expenses.
50% limit on meals. You can use either the actual cost of your meals or a standard amount to figure your meals expense. (See Standard Meal Allowance later in this section.) However, you can deduct only 50% of the cost of your unreimbursed business-related meals.
If you are reimbursed for these expenses, how you apply the 50% limit depends on whether your employer's reimbursement plan was accountable or nonaccountable. This limit applies whether the unreimbursed meal expense is for business travel or business entertainment. The 50% limit is explained later under Entertainment Expenses. Accountable and nonaccountable plans are discussed later under How To Report.
Lavish or extravagant. You cannot deduct expenses for meals to the extent they are lavish or extravagant. An expense is not considered lavish or extravagant if it is reasonable based on the facts and circumstances. Expenses will not be disallowed merely because they are more than a fixed dollar amount or take place at deluxe restaurants, hotels, nightclubs, or resorts.
Travel expenses for another individual. If a spouse, dependent, or other individual goes with you (or your employee) on a business trip or to a business convention, you generally cannot deduct his or her travel expenses. You can only deduct the travel expenses you pay or incur for an accompanying individual if that individual:
Exception for business associate. If a business associate travels with you and meets the conditions in (2) and (3) above, you can claim the deductible travel expenses you pay for that person. A business associate is someone with whom you can reasonably expect to actively conduct business. It does not matter if you have already conducted business with the person as long as you reasonably expect to do so. A business associate can be a customer, client, supplier, employee, agent, partner, or professional advisor.
Bona fide business purpose. For a bona fide business purpose to exist, you must prove a real business purpose for the individual's presence. Incidental services, such as typing notes or assisting in entertaining customers, are not enough to warrant a deduction.
Example. Jerry drives to Chicago on business and takes his wife, Linda, with him. Linda is not Jerry's employee. Even if her presence serves a bona fide business purpose, her expenses are not deductible.
Jerry pays $115 a day for a double room. A single room costs $90 a day. He can deduct the total cost of driving his car to and from Chicago, but only $90 a day for his hotel room. If he uses public transportation, he can deduct only his fare.
You generally can deduct a standard amount for your daily meals and incidental expenses (M&IE) while you are traveling away from home on business. Incidental expenses include, but are not limited to, your costs for the following items:
The standard meal allowance method is an alternative to the actual cost method and allows you to deduct a set amount, depending on where and when you travel, instead of keeping records of your actual costs. If you use the standard meal allowance, you still must keep records to prove the time, place, and business purpose of your travel. See the recordkeeping rules explained later under Recordkeeping.
There is no optional standard lodging amount similar to the standard meal allowance. Your allowable lodging expense deduction is your actual cost.
Who can use the standard meal allowance. You can use the standard meal allowance whether you are an employee or self-employed, and whether or not you are reimbursed for your traveling expenses. You cannot use the standard meal allowance, however, if you are related to your employer as defined next.
Related to employer. You are related to your employer if:
Limit on standard meal allowance. If you are not reimbursed or if you are reimbursed under a nonaccountable plan for meal expenses, you can deduct only 50% of the standard meal allowance. If you are reimbursed under an accountable plan and you are deducting amounts that are more than your reimbursements, you can deduct only 50% of the excess amount. Accountable and nonaccountable plans are discussed later under How To Report.
Other expenses that can qualify for the standard meal allowance. You can use the standard meal allowance to prove meal expenses you incur when traveling in connection with investment and other income-producing property. You can also use it to prove meal expenses you incur when traveling for qualifying educational purposes. You cannot use the standard meal allowance to prove the amount of your meals if you are traveling for medical or charitable purposes.
Amount of standard meal allowance. The standard meal allowance is the federal M&IE rate. For travel in 1997, the rate is $30 a day for most areas in the United States. Other locations in the United States are designated as high-cost areas, qualifying for higher standard meal allowances. Appendix A in Publication 463 lists the locations qualifying for rates of $34, $38, or $42 a day for travel on or after January 1, 1997.
If you travel to more than one location in one day, use the rate in effect for the area where you stop for sleep or rest. If you work in the transportation industry, however, see Special rate for transportation workers, later in this section.
Standard meal allowance for areas outside the continental United States. The standard meal allowance rates do not apply to travel in Alaska, Hawaii, or any other locations outside the continental United States. The federal per diem rates for these locations are published monthly in the Maximum Travel Per Diem Allowances for Foreign Areas.
Your employer may have these rates available, or you can purchase
the publication from the:
Superintendent of Documents
U.S. Government Printing Office
P.O. Box 371954
Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954
You can also order it by calling the Government Printing Office at 1-202-512-1800 (not a toll-free number).
Internet addresses. Per diem rates are also available on the Internet.
If you have a computer and a modem, you can access domestic per
diem rates at:
You can access foreign per
diem rates at:
Special rate for transportation workers. You can use a special standard meal allowance if you work in the transportation industry. You are in the transportation industry if your work:
Using the special rate for transportation workers eliminates the need for you to determine the standard meal allowance for every area where you stop for sleep or rest. If you choose to use the special rate for any trip, however, you must continue to use the special rate (and not use the regular standard meal allowance rates) for all trips you take that year.
Travel for days you depart and return. For both the day your travel begins and the day your travel ends, you must prorate the standard meal allowance. You can do so by one of two methods.
Example. Jen is employed in New Orleans as a convention planner. In March, her employer sent her on a three-day trip to Washington, DC, to attend a planning seminar. She left her home in New Orleans at 10 a.m. on Wednesday and arrived in Washington, DC, at 5:30 p.m. After spending two nights there, she flew back to New Orleans on Friday and arrived back home at 8:00 p.m. Jen's employer gave her a flat amount to cover her expenses and included it with her wages.
Under Method 1, Jen can claim 2 1/2 days of the standard meal allowance for Washington, DC: 3/4 of the daily rate for Wednesday and Friday (the days she departed and returned), and the full daily rate for Thursday.
Under Method 2, Jen could also use any method that she applies consistently and that is in accordance with reasonable business practice. For example, she could claim 3 days of the standard meal allowance even though a federal employee would be limited to only 2 1/2 days.
The following discussion applies to travel in the United States. For this purpose, the United States includes the 50 states and the District of Columbia. The treatment of your travel expenses depends on how much of your trip was business related and on how much of your trip occurred within the United States.
You can deduct all your travel expenses if your trip was entirely business related. If your trip was primarily for business and, while at your business destination, you extended your stay for a vacation, made a nonbusiness side trip, or had other nonbusiness activities, you can deduct your business-related travel expenses. These expenses include the travel costs of getting to and from your business destination and any business-related expenses at your business destination.
Example. You work in Atlanta and take a business trip to New Orleans. On your way home, you stop in Mobile to visit your parents. You spend $630 for the 9 days you are away from home for travel, meals, lodging, and other travel expenses. If you had not stopped in Mobile, you would have been gone only 6 days, and your total cost would have been $580. You can deduct $580 for your trip, including the round-trip transportation to and from New Orleans. The cost of your meals is subject to the 50% limit on meals mentioned earlier.
If your trip was primarily for personal reasons, such as a vacation, the entire cost of the trip is a nondeductible personal expense. However, you can deduct any expenses you have while at your destination that are directly related to your business.
A trip to a resort or on a cruise ship may be a vacation even if the promoter advertises that it is primarily for business. The scheduling of incidental business activities during a trip, such as viewing videotapes or attending lectures dealing with general subjects, will not change what is really a vacation into a business trip.
If part of your trip is outside the United States, use the rules described later under Travel Outside the United States for that part of the trip. For the part of your trip that is inside the United States, use the rules in this section. Travel outside the United States does not include travel from one point in the United States to another point in the United States. The following discussion can help you determine whether your trip was entirely within the United States.
Public transportation. If you travel by public transportation, any place in the United States where that vehicle makes a scheduled stop is a point in the United States. Once the vehicle leaves the last scheduled stop in the United States on its way to a point outside the United States, you apply the rules under Travel Outside the United States.
Example. You fly from New York to Puerto Rico with a scheduled stop in Miami. You return to New York nonstop. The flight from New York to Miami is in the United States, so only the flight from Miami to Puerto Rico is outside the United States. Because there are no scheduled stops between Puerto Rico and New York, all of the return trip is outside the United States.
Private car. Travel by private car in the United States is travel between points in the United States, even when you are on your way to a destination outside the United States.
Example. You travel by car from Denver to Mexico City and return. Your travel from Denver to the border and from the border back to Denver is travel in the United States, and the rules in this section apply. The rules under Travel Outside the United States apply to your trip from the border to Mexico City and back to the border.
Private plane. If you travel by private plane, any trip, or part of a trip, for which both your takeoff and landing are in the United States is travel in the United States. This is true even if part of your flight is over a foreign country.
Example. You fly nonstop from Seattle to Juneau. Although the flight passes over Canada, the trip is considered to be travel in the United States. This is because both your takeoff and landing are in the United States.
If any part of your business travel is outside the United States, some of your deductions for the cost of getting to and from your destination may be limited. For this purpose, the United States includes the 50 states and the District of Columbia.
How much of your travel expenses you can deduct depends in part upon how much of your trip outside the United States was business related.
See chapter 1 of Publication 463 for information on luxury water travel.
Even if your trip is not entirely for business, it may be considered entirely for business if certain conditions are met.
Travel entirely for business. If you travel outside the United States and you spend the entire time on business activities, all your expenses of getting to and from your business destination are deductible.
Travel considered entirely for business. Even if you did not spend your entire time on business activities, your trip is considered entirely for business and you can deduct all of your business-related travel expenses if you meet at least one of the following four exceptions.
Exception 1 - No substantial control. Your trip is considered entirely for business if you did not have substantial control over arranging the trip. You are not considered to have substantial control merely because you have control over the timing of your trip.
You are considered not to have substantial control over your trip if you:
"Related to your employer" was defined earlier in this chapter under Standard Meal Allowance. A "managing executive" is an employee who has the authority and responsibility, without being subject to the veto of another, to decide on the need for the business travel.
A self-employed person generally has substantial control over arranging business trips.
Exception 2 - Outside U.S. no more than a week. Your trip is considered entirely for business if you were outside the United States for a week or less, combining business and nonbusiness activities. One week means seven consecutive days. In counting the days, do not count the day you leave the United States, but count the day you return to the United States.
Exception 3 - Less than 25% of time on personal activities. Your trip is considered entirely for business if you were outside the United States for more than a week, but you spent less than 25% of the total time you were outside the United States on nonbusiness activities. For this purpose, count both the day your trip began and the day it ended.
Exception 4 - Vacation not a major consideration. Your trip is considered entirely for business if you can establish that a personal vacation was not a major consideration, even if you have substantial control over arranging the trip.
Travel not entirely for business. If you do not meet any of the above exceptions, you may still be able to deduct some of your expenses. See Travel Primarily for Business, next.
If you travel outside the United States primarily for business purposes but spend some of your time on nonbusiness activities, you generally cannot deduct all of your travel expenses. You can only deduct the business portion of your cost of getting to and from your destination. You must make an allocation between your business and nonbusiness activities to determine your deductible amount. These travel allocation rules are discussed in chapter 1 of Publication 463.
Exception. You do not have to allocate your travel expense deduction if you meet one of the four exceptions listed earlier under Travel considered entirely for business. In those cases, you can deduct the total cost of getting to and from your destination.
If you travel outside the United States primarily for vacation or for investment purposes, the entire cost of the trip is a nondeductible personal expense. This is true even if you spend some time attending brief professional seminars or a continuing education program. You can, however, deduct your registration fees and any other expenses incurred that were directly related to your business.
You can deduct your travel expenses when you attend a convention if you can show that your attendance benefits your trade or business. You cannot deduct the travel expenses for your family. If the convention is for investment, political, social, or other purposes unrelated to your trade or business, you cannot deduct the expenses. Nonbusiness expenses, such as social or sightseeing expenses, are personal expenses and are not deductible.
Your appointment or election as a delegate does not, in itself, entitle you to or deprive you of a deduction. Your attendance must be connected to your own trade or business.
Convention agenda. The agenda of the convention does not have to deal specifically with your official duties or the responsibilities of your position or business. It is enough if the agenda is so related to your active trade or business and your responsibilities that attendance for a business purpose is justified.
Foreign conventions. See chapter 1 of Publication 463 for information on conventions held outside the North American area.