test -- "on test put 1 into i repeat while i < 220 put the scripttext of cast i into temp if (temp <> "") then put temp put "**********************************************************************" end if put i+1 into i end repeat end test " -- "**********************************************************************" -- "on mouseUp newPage 1 end" -- "**********************************************************************" -- "on mouseUp newPage 2 end" -- "**********************************************************************" -- "on mouseUp newPage 3 end" -- "**********************************************************************" -- "on mouseUp newPage 4 end" -- "**********************************************************************" -- "on mouseUp newPage 5 end" -- "**********************************************************************" -- "on mouseUp newPage 6 end" -- "**********************************************************************" -- "on exitFrame global calcType getValues puppetSprite 24, true puppetSprite 25, true case calcType of "term": set the memberNum of sprite 24 = 14 "payment": set the memberNum of sprite 25 = 14 end case end" -- "**********************************************************************" -- "on exitFrame global bookmarks, firstTimeThrough getValues go to frame (the frame + getAt(bookmarks,2)) end" -- "**********************************************************************" -- "on exitFrame getValues go to frame (the frame + getAt(bookmarks,3)) end " -- "**********************************************************************" -- "on exitFrame global bookmarks, loanType puppetSprite 13, true getValues puppetSprite 24, true puppetSprite 25, true case loanType of "homeequity": set the memberNum of sprite 24 = 14 "personal": set the memberNum of sprite 25 = 14 end case set the locV of sprite 13 = (the locV of sprite (16 + getAt(bookmarks,4))) + 7 set the text of member "explanation" = line (getAt(bookmarks,4)) of the text of member "exp4" go to frame (the frame + getAt(bookmarks,4)) end " -- "**********************************************************************" -- "on exitFrame global bookmarks, loanType, numBoxes, calcType puppetSprite 13, true getValues set the locV of sprite 13 = (the locV of sprite (23 + getAt(bookmarks,5))) + 7 set the text of member "explanation" = line (getAt(bookmarks,5)) of the text of member "exp5" if loanType = "personal" then puppetSprite 19, true puppetSprite 27, true set the locH of sprite 19 = 800 set the locH of sprite 27 = 800 setAt numBoxes, 5, 3 if getAt(bookmarks, 5) > getAt(numBoxes, 5) then setAt bookmarks, 5, getAt(numBoxes, 5) end if else setAt numBoxes, 5, 4 end if if calcType = "term" then set the text of member "termorpaymenttext" = "Monthly" & RETURN & "payment:" set the text of member "termorpayment" = the text of member "payment" else set the text of member "termorpaymenttext" = "Length" & RETURN & "of loan:" set the text of member "termorpayment" = the text of member "term" end if go to frame (the frame + getAt(bookmarks,5)) end" -- "**********************************************************************" -- "on exitFrame getValues end" -- "**********************************************************************" -- "on enterframe checkRollOver 43 end on exitFrame go the frame end on keyUp keyboardNav 1 end on mouseUp global numBoxes, calcType, bookmarks if rollover(24) or rollover(16) then set the memberNum of sprite 24 = 14 set the memberNum of sprite 25 = 13 set calcType = "term" end if if rollover(25) or rollover(17) then set the memberNum of sprite 24 = 13 set the memberNum of sprite 25 = 14 set calcType = "payment" end if end " -- "**********************************************************************" -- "on enterframe checkRollOver 44 end on keyUp keyboardNav 2 end on exitFrame go the frame end on mouseUp global bookmarks if (rollover(16) or rollover(24)) then setAt bookmarks, 2, 1 page 2 end if if (rollover(17) or rollover(25)) then setAt bookmarks, 2, 2 page 2 end if if (rollover(18) or rollover(26)) then setAt bookmarks, 2, 3 page 2 end if if (rollover(19) or rollover(27)) then setAt bookmarks, 2, 4 page 2 end if end " -- "**********************************************************************" -- "on enterframe checkRollOver 45 end on keyUp keyboardNav 3 end on exitFrame go the frame end on mouseUp global bookmarks if (rollover(16) or rollover(24)) then setAt bookmarks, 3, 1 page 3 end if if (rollover(17) or rollover(25)) then setAt bookmarks, 3, 2 page 3 end if if (rollover(18) or rollover(26)) then setAt bookmarks, 3, 3 page 3 end if if (rollover(19) or rollover(27)) then setAt bookmarks, 3, 4 page 3 end if end " -- "**********************************************************************" -- "on enterframe checkRollOver 46 end on keyUp keyboardNav 4 end on exitFrame go the frame end on mouseUp global numBoxes, loanType, bookmarks if rollover(24) or rollover(17) then set the memberNum of sprite 24 = 14 set the memberNum of sprite 25 = 13 set loanType = "homeequity" end if if rollover(25) or rollover(18) then set the memberNum of sprite 24 = 13 set the memberNum of sprite 25 = 14 set loanType = "personal" end if if (rollover(17) or rollover(24)) then setAt bookmarks, 4, 1 page 4 end if if (rollover(18) or rollover(25)) then setAt bookmarks, 4, 2 page 4 end if end " -- "**********************************************************************" -- "on enterframe checkRollOver 47 end on keyUp keyboardNav 5 end on exitFrame go the frame end on mouseUp global bookmarks if (rollover(16) or rollover(24)) then setAt bookmarks, 5, 1 page 5 end if if (rollover(17) or rollover(25)) then setAt bookmarks, 5, 2 page 5 end if if (rollover(18) or rollover(26)) then setAt bookmarks, 5, 3 page 5 end if if (rollover(19) or rollover(27)) then setAt bookmarks, 5, 4 page 5 end if end " -- "**********************************************************************" -- "on enterframe checkRollOver 48 end on exitFrame go the frame end on keyUp keyboardNav 6 end " -- "**********************************************************************" -- "on exitFrame global bookmarks, numBoxes, maxPages, loanType, ccActive, ccBalance, ccInterest, ccFees, LActive, LBalance, LInterest, LPayment, term, irate, fees, marginal, payment, calcType, frameNum set the floatPrecision to 12 set loanType = "homeequity" set calcType = "term" set maxPages = 6 set thisRoll = 0 puppetSprite 40, true set n = 0 repeat while n < 5 set n = n + 1 set the text of member "cc" & n & "b" = "$0" set the text of member "cc" & n & "i" = "0%" set the text of member "cc" & n & "f" = "$0" set the text of member "L" & n & "b" = "$0" set the text of member "L" & n & "i" = "0%" set the text of member "L" & n & "p" = "$0" end repeat set term = float(12) set the text of member "term" = "12 months" set irate = float(10) set the text of member "irate" = "10%" set fees = float(0) set the text of member "fees" = "$0" set payment = float(100) set the text of member "payment" = "$100" set marginal = float(36) set the text of member "marginal" = "36%" set bookmarks = list(1,1,1,1,1,1) set frameNum = list(2,5,22,39,51,58) set numBoxes = list(1,15,15,2,4,1) set ccActive = list(0,0,0,0,0) set ccBalance = list(0.0000000000,0.0000000000,0.0000000000,0.0000000000,0.0000000000) set ccInterest = list(0.0000000000,0.0000000000,0.0000000000,0.0000000000,0.0000000000) set ccFees = list(0.0000000000,0.0000000000,0.0000000000,0.0000000000,0.0000000000) set LActive = list(0,0,0,0,0) set LBalance = list(0.0000000000,0.0000000000,0.0000000000,0.0000000000,0.0000000000) set LInterest = list(0.0000000000,0.0000000000,0.0000000000,0.0000000000,0.0000000000) set LPayment = list(0.0000000000,0.0000000000,0.0000000000,0.0000000000,0.0000000000) end" -- "**********************************************************************" -- "on otherRoll global thisRoll if (thisRoll <> 0) and not(rollover(43) or rollover(44) or rollover(45) or rollover(46) or rollover(47) or rollover(48) or rollover(16) or rollover(17) or rollover(18) or rollover(19) or rollover(20) or rollover(21) or rollover(22) or rollover(23)) then resetColors 0 end if end" -- "**********************************************************************" -- "on checkRollOver exempt global thisRoll set n = 43 repeat while (n < 49) if (rollover(n) and (thisRoll <> (the memberNum of sprite n)) and (n <> exempt)) then resetColors n end if set n = n + 1 end repeat if (exempt <> 0) and (exempt <> 48) and (exempt <> 44) and (exempt <> 45) then set n = 16 repeat while (n < 24) if (rollover(n) and (thisRoll <> (the memberNum of sprite n))) then resetColors n end if set n = n + 1 end repeat end if otherroll end " -- "**********************************************************************" -- "on newPage thisPage puppetSprite 13, false puppetSprite 16, false puppetSprite 17, false puppetSprite 18, false puppetSprite 19, false puppetSprite 20, false puppetSprite 21, false puppetSprite 22, false puppetSprite 23, false puppetSprite 24, false puppetSprite 25, false puppetSprite 26, false puppetSprite 27, false puppetSprite 28, false puppetSprite 29, false getValues set the locV of sprite 40 = 800 case thisPage of 6: compare page thisPage otherwise page thisPage end case end " -- "**********************************************************************" -- "on getValues global bookmarks, numBoxes, maxPages, loanType, ccActive, ccBalance, ccInterest, ccFees, LActive, LBalance, LInterest, LPayment, term, irate, fees, marginal, payment, calcType, frameNum set the floatPrecision = 2 if (the frame >= getAt(frameNum,2)) and (the frame < getAt(frameNum,3)) then set n = 0 repeat while n < 5 set n = n + 1 set incomeString = line 1 of the text of member ("cc" & n & "b") calcNum incomeString set incomeString = the result setAt ccBalance, n, value(incomeString) if getAt(ccBalance,n) < 0 then setAt ccBalance, n, 0 set incomeString = "0" end if calcDollar incomeString, 0 set incomeString = the result set the text of member ("cc" & n & "b") = incomeString set incomeString = line 1 of the text of member ("cc" & n & "i") calcNum incomeString set incomeString = the result setAt ccInterest, n, value(incomeString) if getAt(ccInterest,n) > 100 then setAt ccInterest, n, 100 end if if getAt(ccInterest,n) < 0 then setAt ccInterest, n, 0 end if set the text of member ("cc" & n & "i") = getAt(ccInterest,n) & "%" set incomeString = line 1 of the text of member ("cc" & n & "f") calcNum incomeString set incomeString = the result setAt ccFees, n, value(incomeString) if getAt(ccFees,n) < 0 then setAt ccFees, n, 0 set incomeString = "0" end if calcDollar incomeString, 0 set incomeString = the result set the text of member ("cc" & n & "f") = incomeString if (getAt(ccBalance,n) = 0) or (getAt(ccInterest,n) = 0) then setAt ccActive, n, 0 setAt ccBalance, n, 0 set the text of member ("cc" & n & "b") = "$0" setAt ccInterest, n, 0 set the text of member ("cc" & n & "i") = "0%" setAt ccFees, n, 0 set the text of member ("cc" & n & "f") = "$0" else setAt ccActive, n, 1 end if end repeat end if if (the frame >= getAt(frameNum,3)) and (the frame < getAt(frameNum,4)) then set n = 0 repeat while n < 5 set n = n + 1 set incomeString = line 1 of the text of member ("L" & n & "b") calcNum incomeString set incomeString = the result setAt LBalance, n, value(incomeString) if getAt(LBalance,n) < 0 then setAt LBalance, n, 0 set incomeString = "0" end if calcDollar incomeString, 0 set incomeString = the result set the text of member ("L" & n & "b") = incomeString set incomeString = line 1 of the text of member ("L" & n & "i") calcNum incomeString set incomeString = the result setAt LInterest, n, value(incomeString) if getAt(LInterest,n) > 100 then setAt LInterest, n, 100 end if if getAt(LInterest,n) < 0 then setAt LInterest, n, 0 end if set the text of member ("L" & n & "i") = getAt(LInterest,n) & "%" set incomeString = line 1 of the text of member ("L" & n & "p") calcNum incomeString set incomeString = the result setAt LPayment, n, value(incomeString) if getAt(LPayment,n) < 0 then setAt LPayment, n, 0 set incomeString = "0" end if calcDollar incomeString, 0 set incomeString = the result set the text of member ("L" & n & "p") = incomeString if (getAt(LBalance,n) = 0) or (getAt(LPayment,n) = 0) then setAt LActive, n, 0 setAt LBalance, n, 0 set the text of member ("L" & n & "b") = "$0" setAt LInterest, n, 0 set the text of member ("L" & n & "i") = "0%" setAt LPayment, n, 0 set the text of member ("L" & n & "p") = "$0" else setAt LActive, n, 1 end if end repeat end if if (the frame > getAt(frameNum,5)) and (the frame < getAt(frameNum,6)) then if calcType = "term" then --PAYMENT set incomeString = line 1 of the text of member "termorpayment" calcNum incomeString set incomeString = the result set payment = value(incomeString) if payment <= 0 then set payment = 100 set incomeString = "100" end if calcDollar incomeString, 0 set incomeString = the result set the text of member "payment" = incomeString set the text of member "termorpayment" = incomeString else --TERM set incomeString = line 1 of the text of member "termorpayment" calcNum incomeString set incomeString = the result set term = value(incomeString) set term = integer(term) if term <= 1 then set term = 1 end if if term = 1 then set the text of member "term" = term & " month" set the text of member "termorpayment" = term & " month" else set the text of member "term" = term & " months" set the text of member "termorpayment" = term & " months" end if end if --IRATE set incomeString = line 1 of the text of member "irate" calcNum incomeString set incomeString = the result set irate = value(incomeString) if irate > 50 then set irate = 50 end if if irate <= 0 then set irate = 0 end if set the text of member "irate" = irate & "%" --FEES set incomeString = line 1 of the text of member "fees" calcNum incomeString set incomeString = the result set fees = value(incomeString) if fees < 0 then set fees = 0 set incomeString = "0" end if calcDollar incomeString, 0 set incomeString = the result set the text of member "fees" = incomeString --MARGINAL set incomeString = line 1 of the text of member "MARGINAL" calcNum incomeString set incomeString = the result set marginal = value(incomeString) if marginal > 70 then set marginal = 50 end if if marginal < 0 then set marginal = 0 end if set the text of member "marginal" = marginal & "%" end if set the floatPrecision = 12 end " -- "**********************************************************************" -- "on clearSprites puppetSprite 13, false puppetSprite 16, false puppetSprite 17, false puppetSprite 18, false puppetSprite 19, false puppetSprite 20, false puppetSprite 21, false puppetSprite 22, false puppetSprite 23, false puppetSprite 24, false puppetSprite 25, false puppetSprite 26, false puppetSprite 27, false puppetSprite 28, false puppetSprite 29, false end " -- "**********************************************************************" -- "on calcNum thisString if (the number of chars in thisString = 0) then set thisString = "0" end if set minus = "false" set n = 1 set decimal = "false" repeat while (n <= the number of chars in thisString) if not((value(char n of thisString) >= 0) and (value(char n of thisString) <= 9)) then if (not(char n of thisString = ".")) or decimal = "true" then if ((char n of thisString = "-") and (n = 1)) then set minus = "true" end if delete char n of thisString else set decimal = "true" set n = n + 1 end if else set n = n + 1 end if end repeat set zeros = TRUE repeat while (zeros = TRUE) if (char 1 of thisString) = "0" then delete char 1 of thisString else set zeros = FALSE end if end repeat if decimal = "true" then set zeros = TRUE repeat while (zeros = TRUE) if (char (the number of chars in thisString) of thisString) = "0" then delete char (the number of chars in thisString) of thisString else set zeros = FALSE end if end repeat end if if thisString = "." then set thisString = "0" end if if (the number of chars in thisString = 0) then set thisString = "0" end if if (minus = "true") and not(thisString = "0") then set thisString = "-" & thisString end if repeat while (the number of chars in thisString) > 8 delete char (the number of chars in thisString) of thisString end repeat if char (the number of chars in thisString) of thisString = "." then delete char (the number of chars in thisString) of thisString end if return thisString end " -- "**********************************************************************" -- "on resetColors n global thisRoll if (thisRoll <> 0) then cursor -1 set the locV of sprite 40 = 800 end if if (n <> 0) then if (n < 43) then cursor [1,2] end if set thisRoll = (the memberNum of sprite n) if (n > 42) then set the locV of sprite 40 = 46 + (37 * (n - 43)) cursor [1,2] end if else set thisRoll = 0 end if end " -- "**********************************************************************" -- "on page thisPage global frameNum case thisPage of 1: go to frame (getAt(frameNum,1)) 2: set the text of member "temp1" = the text of member "cc1b" set the text of member "temp2" = the text of member "cc2b" set the text of member "temp3" = the text of member "cc3b" set the text of member "temp4" = the text of member "cc4b" set the text of member "temp5" = the text of member "cc5b" set the text of member "temp6" = the text of member "cc1i" set the text of member "temp7" = the text of member "cc2i" set the text of member "temp8" = the text of member "cc3i" set the text of member "temp9" = the text of member "cc4i" set the text of member "temp10" = the text of member "cc5i" set the text of member "temp11" = the text of member "cc1f" set the text of member "temp12" = the text of member "cc2f" set the text of member "temp13" = the text of member "cc3f" set the text of member "temp14" = the text of member "cc4f" set the text of member "temp15" = the text of member "cc5f" go to frame (getAt(frameNum,2)) 3: set the text of member "temp1" = the text of member "L1b" set the text of member "temp2" = the text of member "L2b" set the text of member "temp3" = the text of member "L3b" set the text of member "temp4" = the text of member "L4b" set the text of member "temp5" = the text of member "L5b" set the text of member "temp6" = the text of member "L1i" set the text of member "temp7" = the text of member "L2i" set the text of member "temp8" = the text of member "L3i" set the text of member "temp9" = the text of member "L4i" set the text of member "temp10" = the text of member "L5i" set the text of member "temp11" = the text of member "L1p" set the text of member "temp12" = the text of member "L2p" set the text of member "temp13" = the text of member "L3p" set the text of member "temp14" = the text of member "L4p" set the text of member "temp15" = the text of member "L5p" go to frame (getAt(frameNum,3)) 4: go to frame (getAt(frameNum,4)) 5: getValues set the text of member "temp1" = the text of member "termorpayment" set the text of member "temp2" = the text of member "irate" set the text of member "temp3" = the text of member "fees" set the text of member "temp4" = the text of member "marginal" go to frame (getAt(frameNum,5)) 6: go to frame (getAt(frameNum,6)) end case end " -- "**********************************************************************" -- "on calcDollar thisString, decimal set minus = "false" set n = 0 if (char 1 of thisString = "-") then delete char 1 of thisString set minus = "true" end if set x = the number of chars in thisString repeat while (n < x) set n = n + 1 if (char n of thisString = ".") then set x = n - 1 if decimal = 0 then delete char n to (the number of chars in thisString) of thisString else delete char (n + 3) to (the number of chars in thisString) of thisString end if end if end repeat set n = 0 repeat while (n < x - 1) set n = n + 1 if (n mod 3 = 0) then set thisString = chars(thisString,1,x - n) & "," & chars(thisString,x - n + 1,the number of chars in thisString) end if end repeat if minus = "false" then set thisString = "$" & thisString else set thisString = "-$" & thisString end if if decimal <> 0 then if char (the number of chars in thisString) of thisString = "." then set thisString = thisString & "0" end if if char ((the number of chars in thisString) - 1) of thisString = "." then set thisString = thisString & "0" end if if char ((the number of chars in thisString) - 2) of thisString <> "." then set thisString = thisString & ".00" end if end if return thisString end " -- "**********************************************************************" test -- "on setDefaults global firstTimeThrough, fedtaxes1, statetaxes1, socsec1, fedtaxes2, statetaxes2, socsec2, i196, i296, s96 if (firstTimeThrough = 0) then set firstTimeThrough = 1 --set fedTaxes = ((i196 + i296) * 0.1029) - 2134 --set stateTaxes = ((i196 + i296) * 0.02589) - 415 if (i196 > 62700) then set templow1 = 62700 set temphigh1 = i196 - 62700 else set templow1 = i196 set temphigh1 = 0 end if if (i296 > 62700) then set templow2 = 62700 set temphigh2 = i296 - 62700 else set templow2 = i296 set temphigh2 = 0 end if set socsec1 = (templow1 * 0.0765) + (temphigh1 * 0.0145) set socsec2 = (templow2 * 0.0765) + (temphigh2 * 0.0145) case s96 of 2,4: set socsec1 = socsec1 + socsec2 end case set the floatPrecision = 2 --calcDollar string(fedTaxes) --set incomeString = the result --set the text of member "fedTaxes" = incomeString --calcDollar string(stateTaxes) --set incomeString = the result --set the text of member "stateTaxes" = incomeString calcDollar string(socsec1) set incomeString = the result set the text of member "socsec1" = incomeString calcDollar string(socsec2) set incomeString = the result set the text of member "socsec2" = incomeString set the floatPrecision = 12 end if end " -- "**********************************************************************" -- "on compare global bookmarks, numBoxes, maxPages, loanType, ccActive, ccBalance, ccInterest, ccFees, LActive, LBalance, LInterest, LPayment, term, irate, fees, marginal, payment, calcType, frameNum --FIRST, CALCULATE THE TOTAL AMOUNT OWED. set n = 0 set currentTotal = 0 set tempRate = float(irate) / float(1200) set tempTaxRate = float(marginal) / float(100) repeat while n < 5 set n = n + 1 if getAt(ccActive,n) <> 0 then set currentTotal = currentTotal + getAt(ccBalance,n) end if if getAt(LActive,n) <> 0 then set currentTotal = currentTotal + getAt(LBalance,n) end if end repeat --SECOND, SPLIT UP THE TASK DEPENDING ON WHETHER CALCULATING TERM OR PAYMENT. set totalNewInterest = float(0) set totalNewTaxes = float(0) if calcType = "term" then --WE KNOW THE PAYMENT; GET THE TERM OF THE LOAN, PLUS TOTAL INTEREST AND TAXES set tempTotal = float(currentTotal) set term = 0 repeat while tempTotal > 0 set term = term + 1 set thisInterest = float(float(tempTotal) * float(tempRate)) if loanType = "homeequity" then set thisTax = float(float(thisInterest) * float(tempTaxRate)) else set thisTax = 0 end if set totalNewInterest = float(totalNewInterest) + float(thisInterest) set totalNewTaxes = float(totalNewTaxes) + float(thisTax) set tempTotal = float(tempTotal) + float(thisInterest) - float(thisTax) - float(payment) end repeat set totalNewPayments = (payment * term) + tempTotal + fees set the text of member "term" = term & " month" if term <> 1 then set the text of member "term" = the text of member "term" & "s" end if else --WE KNOW THE TERM; GET THE PAYMENT set rate = float(1) + float(tempRate) set n = -1 set tempTotal = float(0) repeat while (n < (term - 1)) set n = n + 1 set tempTotal = float(tempTotal) + (power(float(rate),n)) end repeat set payment = currentTotal * (power(float(rate),term)) / float(tempTotal) put "payment: " & payment --THEN CALCULATE INTEREST AND TAXES set tempTotal = float(currentTotal) set totalNewInterest = float(0) set totalNewTaxes = float(0) set n = 0 repeat while n < term set n = n + 1 set thisInterest = float(tempTotal) * float(tempRate) if loanType = "homeequity" then set thisTax = float(thisInterest) * float(tempTaxRate) else set thisTax = 0 end if set totalNewInterest = float(totalNewInterest) + float(thisInterest) set totalNewTaxes = float(totalNewTaxes) + float(thisTax) set tempTotal = float(tempTotal) + float(thisInterest) - float(thisTax) - float(payment) end repeat set totalNewPayments = (payment * term) + fees end if --THIRD, PRIORITIZE PAYMENT ORDER OF CREDIT CARDS. set ccOrder = list(0,0,0,0,0) set m = 0 repeat while m < 5 set m = m + 1 set n = 0 set highest = -1 repeat while n < 5 set n = n + 1 set p = 1 set taken = FALSE repeat while p < m if getAt(ccOrder,p) = n then set taken = TRUE end if set p = p + 1 end repeat if (getAt(ccInterest,n) > highest) and (getAt(ccActive,n) <> 0) and (taken = FALSE) then set highest = getAt(ccInterest,n) setAt ccOrder, m, n end if end repeat end repeat --FOURTH, RUN THE TIME CALCULATIONS ON OLD LOANS. set n = 0 set tempCCBalance = list(0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000) set tempLBalance = list(0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000) set tempCCInterest = list(0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000) set tempLInterest = list(0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000) set tempCCActive = list(0,0,0,0,0) set tempLActive = list(0,0,0,0,0) repeat while n < 5 set n = n + 1 if getAt(ccActive,n) <> 0 then setAt tempCCBalance, n, getAt(ccBalance,n) setAt tempCCInterest, n, (float(getAt(ccInterest,n)) / float(1200)) setAt tempCCActive, n, 1 end if if getAt(LActive,n) <> 0 then setAt tempLBalance, n, getAt(LBalance,n) setAt tempLInterest, n, (float(getAt(LInterest,n)) / float(1200)) setAt tempLActive, n, 1 end if end repeat set tempMonths = 0 set alldone = FALSE set totalOldInterest = float(0) set totalOldPayments = float(0) set tempSavings = float(0) repeat while (tempMonths < term) and (alldone = FALSE) set tempMonths = tempMonths + 1 if tempMonths = 1 then set tempPayment = payment + fees else set tempPayment = payment end if --ADD INTEREST TO REMAINING BALANCES set n = 0 repeat while n < 5 set n = n + 1 if getAt(tempCCActive,n) <> 0 then set tempInterest = (getAt(tempCCBalance,n) * (float(getAt(tempCCInterest,n)))) set totalOldInterest = float(totalOldInterest) + float(tempInterest) setAt tempCCBalance, n, (float(getAt(tempCCBalance,n)) + float(tempInterest)) if ((tempMonths - 6) mod 12) = 0 then setAt tempCCBalance, n, (float(getAt(tempCCBalance,n)) + float(getAt(ccFees,n))) end if end if if getAt(tempLActive,n) <> 0 then set tempInterest = (getAt(tempLBalance,n) * (float(getAt(tempLInterest,n)))) set totalOldInterest = float(totalOldInterest) + float(tempInterest) setAt tempLBalance, n, (float(getAt(tempLBalance,n)) + float(tempInterest)) end if end repeat --SUBTRACT PAYMENTS FROM REMAINING BALANCES --SUBTRACT REQUIRED PAYMENTS set n = 0 repeat while n < 5 set n = n + 1 if getAt(tempLActive,n) <> 0 then if getAt(tempLBalance,n) > getAt(LPayment,n) then set tempPayment = tempPayment - getAt(LPayment,n) set totalOldPayments = totalOldPayments + getAt(LPayment,n) setAt tempLBalance, n, (getAt(tempLBalance,n) - getAt(LPayment,n)) else set tempPayment = tempPayment - getAt(tempLBalance,n) set totalOldPayments = totalOldPayments + getAt(tempLBalance,n) setAt tempLBalance, n, 0 setAt tempLActive, n, 0 end if end if end repeat --PAY CREDIT CARD MINIMUMS set n = 0 repeat while n < 5 set n = n + 1 if getAt(tempCCActive,n) <> 0 then if getAt(tempCCBalance,n) > 15 then set tempMinimum = (float(0.013) * float(getAt(tempCCBalance,n))) if tempMinimum < 15 then set tempMinimum = float(15) end if set tempPayment = tempPayment - tempMinimum set totalOldPayments = totalOldPayments + tempMinimum setAt tempCCBalance, n, (getAt(tempCCBalance,n) - tempMinimum) else set tempPayment = tempPayment - getAt(tempCCBalance,n) set totalOldPayments = totalOldPayments + getAt(tempCCBalance,n) setAt tempCCBalance, n, 0 setAt tempCCActive, n, 0 end if end if end repeat --(C) ALLOT REMAINING BALANCE --IF NEED TO BORROW FROM CC TO MAKE PAYMENTS if tempPayment <= 0 then if tempPayment < 0 then set n = 5 set tempLastOne = 0 --FIND CC WITH LOWEST RATE repeat while n <> 0 if getAt(ccOrder,n) <> 0 then set tempLastOne = getAt(ccOrder,n) set n = 0 else set n = n - 1 end if end repeat --CREATE NEW CC IF NONE EXISTS if tempLastOne = 0 then set tempLastOne = 1 setAt ccOrder, 1, 1 setAt tempCCActive, 1, 1 setAt tempCCInterest, 1, 18.000000 end if setAt tempCCBalance, tempLastOne, (getAt(tempCCBalance,tempLastOne) - tempPayment) set tempPayment = 0 end if --IF THERE'S MONEY LEFT OVER else set n = 0 repeat while n < 5 set n = n + 1 if getAt(ccOrder,n) <> 0 then if getAt(tempCCBalance,(getAt(ccOrder,n))) > tempPayment then setAt tempCCBalance, (getAt(ccOrder,n)), (getAt(tempCCBalance,(getAt(ccOrder,n))) - tempPayment) set totalOldPayments = totalOldPayments + tempPayment set tempPayment = 0 set n = 5 else set totalOldPayments = totalOldPayments + getAt(tempCCBalance,(getAt(ccOrder,n))) set tempPayment = tempPayment - getAt(tempCCBalance,(getAt(ccOrder,n))) if tempPayment <= 0 then set tempPayment = 0 set n = 5 end if setAt tempCCBalance, (getAt(ccOrder,n)), 0 setAt tempCCActive, (getAt(ccOrder,n)), 0 setAt ccOrder, n, 0 end if end if end repeat --IF THERE'S STILL MONEY LEFT OVER, PUT IT IN ZERO-INTEREST SAVINGS if tempPayment > 0 then set tempSavings = tempSavings + tempPayment end if --IF THERE'S ENOUGH SAVINGS, PAY OFF OTHER LOANS set n = 0 repeat while n < 5 set n = n + 1 if (getAt(tempLActive,n) <> 0) and (tempSavings >= (getAt(tempLBalance,n))) then set totalOldPayments = totalOldPayments + (getAt(tempLBalance,n)) set tempSavings = tempSavings - (getAt(tempLBalance,n)) setAt tempLBalance, n, 0 setAt tempLActive, n, 0 end if end repeat end if --FIGURE OUT IF WE'RE DONE set n = 0 set alldone = TRUE repeat while n < 5 set n = n + 1 if (getAt(tempCCActive,n) <> 0) or (getAt(tempLActive,n) <> 0) then set alldone = FALSE end if end repeat end repeat set n = 0 set termBalance = 0 repeat while n < 5 set n = n + 1 if getAt(tempCCActive,n) <> 0 then set termBalance = termBalance + getAt(tempCCBalance,n) end if if getAt(tempLActive,n) <> 0 then set termBalance = termBalance + getAt(tempLBalance,n) end if end repeat --FINALLY, FILL THE FIELDS ON THE LAST PAGE. if alldone then set oldTermText = tempMonths & "month" if tempMonths <> 1 then set oldTermText = oldTermText & "s" end if else set oldTermText = "an infinite amount of time" end if if loanType = "homeequity" then set tempLoanType = "home equity" else set tempLoanType = "personal" end if calcDollar string(payment), 0 set tempPaymentText = the result calcDollar string(termBalance), 0 set termBalanceText = the result set the text of member "totaltext" = "If you consolidate your debts into one " & tempLoanType & " loan (with an interest rate of " & the text of member "irate" & " and a monthly contribution of " & tempPaymentText & "), it will take you " & the text of member "term" & " to pay off all your debts." calcDollar string(totalOldPayments), 0 set the text of member "remainingBefore" = termBalanceText set the text of member "remainingAfter" = "$0" calcDollar string(totalOldPayments), 0 set the text of member "incomeBefore" = the result calcDollar string(totalNewPayments), 0 set the text of member "incomeAfter" = the result calcDollar string(totalOldInterest), 0 set the text of member "interestBefore" = the result calcDollar string(totalNewInterest), 0 set the text of member "interestAfter" = the result set the text of member "taxesBefore" = "$0" calcDollar string(totalNewTaxes), 0 set the text of member "taxesAfter" = the result calcDollar string(totalOldPayments + totalOldInterest + termBalance), 0 set the text of member "totalBefore" = the result calcDollar string(totalNewPayments + totalNewInterest - totalNewTaxes), 0 set the text of member "totalAfter" = the result end " -- "**********************************************************************" -- "on keyboardNav pageNum global bookmarks, 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