Learn what's new and improved in the Money 99 Planner
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The Lifetime Planner is better than ever, and lets you easily create the most complete, most accurate plan for achieving your financial goals. Some places weÆve improved are:
After the upgrade is complete, itÆs important to go through the Planner from beginning to end. ThatÆs how you can ensure your plan is complete and that youÆve taken advantage of the new and improved features. By taking the time to make your assumptions better, youÆll get a more accurate financial plan.
Why is my forecast different than it was in Money 98?
The Money 99 PlannerÆs analysis is smarter than ever, so your forecast is more accurate. For example, your plan now figures into the analysis such factors as contribution limits and survivor benefits options on Social Security and pensions. For a technical explanation of how your forecast is calculated, point to Microsoft on the Web on the Help menu, and then click Microsoft Money Home Page.