Troubleshoot Expenses problems (in the Planner)
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I can't tell what to include in living expenses and what to include in "College & Other."
Living expenses include day-to-day expenses. In the Living Expenses place, enter adjustments to living expenses for events that will require you to increase or decrease your day-to-day spending. For example, your family's living expenses increase as your family grows, and they decrease when your kids move away and you retire.
Other expenses are one-time and short-term expenses. In the College & Other place, enter sizeable one-time or short-term expenses that you plan on having in your future. For example, you need to plan for one-time adoption costs or hospital bills when you have a new family member. You need to plan for short-term expenses when your child is in day care or college.
Some of the difference is due to the fact that subtotals for income, taxes, savings contributions, loan payments, and other expenses are all rounded to the nearest $1,000. Here's what's included in the Lifetime Planner estimates:
Compare these amounts in both your lifetime plan and budget, and adjust if necessary.
I've taken out more than one loan to pay for college. How do I enter multiple loans?
Instead of creating a loan from within the New College or Other Expense wizard, create accounts for each of the college loans you have. See Create an account.
Where do I enter current college expenses and where do I enter future college expenses?
Enter each in the College & Other place. One you'll add as a "Future College" expense using the Other Expense wizard and one you'll enter as "Other." For details, see Add future college expenses to my plan and Add current college expenses to my plan.
Create accounts for each of the college loans you have. See Create an account.