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Responsible for the assembly of this crew of rogues and liberal arts types, Margot Page has a freezer full of cookie dough and assorted other items in plastic bags. She almost never talks about boating in any context.

Writer Joe Perez really is an international man of mystery. That's all we're permitted to say here.

Writer Carolyn Gronlund's fate was permanently altered by a freak snowstorm that caused her ancestors to miss a train heading east. It's not Carolyn's fault that she became a hard core surf punk with a taste for opera.

Danna Katzman is more than just a writer. Danna has brought democracy to no less than 13 small nations with her uncanny diplomatic abilities. Her knowledge of plastics is truly astounding.

Writer Nate Sandstrom used to long for a life of adventure, but no more. He's hung up his racing gear and now aspires to a quiet life, appropriately accessorized with fine imported teas and shortbread in the shape of Scotty dogs.

Lisa Buchwalter's extensive collection of western memorabilia has raised eyebrows throughout the nation of Nepal. By day, a not-so-mild mannered editor, Lisa spends her off hours as a volunteer firefighter.

Technical writer Allison McKenzie was born on a freighter crossing the South China Sea at the peak of WWII. When Allison isn't farming organic lettuces for export to the gourmet restaurants of Paris, she converts rtfs to html and builds model rockets in the backyard of her beachfront estate.

Sharon Benton commutes from the Serengeti in her human powered aircraft to help out on the Answer Wizard. Sharon has no trouble sleeping through the occasional elephant stampede and is able to communicate with most of the wildlife surrounding her home in their own languages.

A true Jane of all Trades, Doralee Moynihan, editor and writer, has won awards for sculptures she's made out of nothing but ordinary office supplies. The peak of her craft was documented in the short film, "The Supply Room Faces Mortality," which shows Doralee covering the entire Arctic Circle with extra large binder clips.

Pam Mandel took a break from her career as a sport miner to work on the Answer Wizard. She says there's a remarkable similarity between her office and a mine shaft that makes her feel right at home, though she misses the presence of her canary, Luigi.

An amateur geneticist, UA localization manager Ciaran Buckley breeds miniature sheep in several kinds of plaid as well as an attractive shade of taupe that goes with almost any dΘcor.