Microsoft Money limits
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Use these limits to plan how you organize and enter your financial information.
You can have up to...
- Unlimited non-loan or investment accounts per file.
- Unlimited loan accounts per file.
- Unlimited investment accounts per file.
- Unlimited categories (Labels that you assign to each transaction so that you can see spending and income patterns in MoneyÆs reports. Examples are Bills, Food, and Insurance. Using categories consistently helps you better track your spending.) and subcategories (Subsets of an income or expense category. For example, for a category called Bills, you could have a water subcategory and an electricity subcategory. The subcategory field is located just to the right of the category field.) per file.
- Two classifications (Use classifications in addition to income and expense categories to further organize your transactions. For example, with classifications, transactions can be organized by family member, property, or project. You can create up to two classifications in the Categories and Payees place.) per file.
- Unlimited classes (Parts of a classification. For example, if you own rental property, you might set up a Property classification with ôHouse at 1000 High St.ö and ôApartment on Burton Rd.ö as a class.) and subclasses (Subsets of a class in a classification. For example, if you own rental property, you might set up a Property classification with: ôCondo at 1000 High St.ö as an class, and Apartments A, B, and C as subclasses; ôApartments on Burton Rd.ö as another class, and Apartments 1, 2, 3, and 4 as subclasses.) for each classification.
- Unlimited favorite reports.
- Fourteen (14) digits in any amount field.
In other words, the maximum transaction amount you can enter is $999,999,999,999.99. If you have a transaction amount that exceeds this limit, you can divide it into two transactions.
- Unlimited currency list items per file.
- Unlimited payees (The individual or business to whom a check is written.) per file.
- Unlimited transactions (Any deposit, transfer, purchase, withdrawal, or other action you enter in an account.) or investments (Assets that an investor purchases with the hope that they will grow in value over time, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, certificates of deposit (CDs), and money market funds.) per file.
You would have to enter 100 transactions per month for 27 years without archiving to reach this limit. Splits (Transactions divided into two or more parts. You can split a transaction according to existing or new categories or classifications, or you can give each part a separate description. You can also have positives and negatives in a split so you can record cash back from a transaction.) are considered transactions in this calculation.
- Money accepts dates between 1/1/1900 and 12/31/2200.