Learn about the Investment Portfolio

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The Investment Portfolio shows a summary of your current investment holdings and their values. You enter buys and sells, view performance, check investment allocations, watch the performance of investments you don't own, and more.

You can also update the market prices of your investments manually or electronically. The Money 99 Financial Suite provides a link to Microsoft Investor, where you can take investment tracking and research even further.

To use Money's Investment Portfolio successfully, you should understand the difference between investments and investment accounts in Money:

Use investment accounts to track:

Once youÆve entered investment transactions in Money, you can study price histories, analyze the market value of your holdings, and track gains and losses for tax purposes.

Retirement plans such as Keoghs, IRAs, Roth IRAs, 401(k)s, 403(b)s, RRSPs, SIMPLEs, and SEPs can be tracked in Money using retirement accounts.

  Play the Creating new investment accounts video.

  Play the Enter investment transactions video.

How do I create an investment account?

Which investment accounts should I set up?

How do I enter my current investment holdings?

How do I enter an investment purchase or sale?

How do I create a retirement account?

How do I create an asset account?