Use a credit card that's in my debt plan
Money needs to know the amount of charges you expect to make so that your debt plan will be accurate.
2 In the upper-right of the screen, click Next to see the Include debt accounts in your plan screen.
No. Now you need to include the projected expenses (that you plan on using the card for) in the Expenses place in the Budget Planner. See Schedule a new budgeted expense.
How is my estimated monthly spending factored into my debt plan?
Money applies your estimated monthly spending to all future months in your debt plan. When you enter your estimated spending, you are indicating how much you are planning to spend each month after the current month. If the current month is half over and youÆre planning to spend more this month, that amount will not be applied to the debt plan for this month until it has been entered into the register.
Money always assumes that you will pay off your future spending in full.
Also, if your current balance is less than what you plan to pay in future spending on that account, then Money assumes that you will pay off your current balance in full.