1 If the account already exists in Money, go on to step 2. Otherwise, click New Account, and follow the instructions.
2 Under Debt Accounts Not in Debt Plan, click the account name, and then click Move into plan.
4 In the upper-right of the screen, click Next.
5 For Base my plan on (under Define your payment plan at the top of the screen), click an option for how you want to pay off your debt.
6 At the top of the screen, enter the amount or the date.
Move the slider to experiment with different amounts or dates. The text at the bottom of the screen describes the effects of your choice.
7 To make an extra payment, in Making a One-Time, Extra Payment, enter the amount of the payment.
8 In the upper-right corner, click Next.
A view of your debt plan appears.
9 To see a different view, click the down-arrow
on the
view bar (The horizontal bar at the top of the Debt Reduction Planner screen that lets you choose what is displayed in the list. Click the triangle to see the available options.). Then click the view you want.
10 In the upper-right corner, click Next.
YouÆll see a list of recommended debt payments.
11 To schedule a payment, choose the check box next to it.
Money will remind you to make the payment, just as it reminds you to pay any bill.
12 In the upper-right corner, click Finish.
How does my debt plan affect my Money file?