Learn about the Budget Planner

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  Play Money 99's Budgeting Philosophy video.

Many people budget by figuring out what's left over for spending money (and maybe a little savings) after paying the bills.

Money 99 helps you take a different approach to getting out of debt and saving money. First you specify exactly how much you'll save each month, and then how much you'll spend on bills and debt.

Money's method of budgeting differs from the typical budgeting method:

With Budget Planner, you can walk through the steps to create a budget:

1  Identify your income.
2  Identify your savings goals.
3  Identify the debt you need to pay off.
4  Identify the bills you need to pay.
5  Because budgeting is an iterative process, repeat 1 û 4 as many times as needed.

  Play the Creating a Budget video.

How do I set up a budget?