Balance investment records against a statement
It's a good idea to reconcile your investment records in Money each time you receive a brokerage statement to make sure theyÆre consistent.
If you don't see the account you want, look for it under Other Open Accounts or Closed Accounts.
3 In the Account Register, point to a transaction that matches what's shown on the statement, and then right-click that transaction to display the menu. Point to Mark As, and then click Reconciled (R) to mark it as reconciled (The process of verifying that all transactions shown on your statement are properly recorded in Money.). An R appears in the Cleared (C) field.
Repeat this step for each transaction on the statement.
If you find a discrepancy, change your investment transaction or call your financial institution.
Tell me more about balancing investment records in Money.
Money's regular balance feature is not available for investments. The reconciled mark is for your reference only.
Sometimes discrepancies occur because of rounding differences. Since it is important that the quantity and total transaction price agree with your statement, fill in these fields and allow Money to calculate the price.
How do I undo a transaction I accidentally reconciled?
Point to the transaction, and then right-click on that transaction to display the menu. Point to Mark As, and then click Unreconciled (U).
How do I update a retirement account with my latest statement?