Use Investment Portfolio views
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In the Investment Portfolio, the views in the left pane of the Money window let you view your investments in different ways ù just click the view you want.
- Holdings View See a list of your investment accounts and individual investments, latest share prices, quantity of shares, total market value of each investment, and your total portfolio value.
- Performance View See latest share prices, the percentage of increase or decrease in share price, and the annual percentage of return for your investment.
- Quotes View See the latest price at which the security sold, changes in price, high and low price, and the volume of shares traded for your last quote update.
- Fundamentals View See latest share prices, historical trends over time such as the 52 week high (The highest price at which a security sold in the past 52 weeks.) the 52 week low (The lowest price at which a security sold in the past 52 weeks.), and the price/earnings ratio. (Price of a stock divided by its earnings per share. Typically, the higher the P/E, the more investors are paying for the security, and therefore the more earnings growth they are expecting. Stocks with a high P/E tend to be riskier than stocks with a low P/E.) of the shares you own.
- Positions View Compare individual investments to see latest market price, quantity of shares you own, and the market value of those shares.
- Investment Allocation See your current investment holdings graphically. You'll see what percentage of your investments you have in stocks, mutual funds, CDs, and so on. (Note that you canÆt update investment information in this view.)
Money 99 Financial Suite users have two additional features:
- Investments to Watch See the latest market price, gain/loss in share price, historical trends over time such as the 52 week high (The highest price at which a security sold in the past 52 weeks.), the 52 week low (The lowest price at which a security sold in the past 52 weeks.), and the price/earnings ratio (Price of a stock divided by its earnings per share. Typically, the higher the P/E, the more investors are paying for the security, and therefore the more earnings growth they are expecting. Stocks with a high P/E tend to be riskier than stocks with a low P/E.) for investments you don't currently own but want to monitor. You can also compare investments against common market indexes such as the Dow Jones and NASDAQ.
- Microsoft Investor Connect to the table of contents for Microsoft Investor, a Web site with the latest investment news. In this view, you can choose where in Investor you want to go. When you click on a link, you'll connect to the Internet and access Investor.