Update currency exchange rates
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With Money 99, you can download exchange rate information from the Internet. Or, if you don't have an Internet connection, you can update the rate manually. Keeping the exchange rates is important when you want to enter transactions or check the value of your portfolio.
Update exchange rates online:
Exchange rates will update during an Internet connection on a per-currency basis. If Update exchange rate online is checked for a particular currency, Money will obtain online exchange rate data before online quote data to ensure accurate quote conversion.
Not all currenciesÆ exchange rates are available online.
Update exchange rates manually:
For example, if you know there are 1.25 Canadian dollars for each U.S. dollar, choose Canadian dollar per U.S. dollar. However, if you know there are .8 U.S. dollars for each Canadian dollar, choose U. S. dollars per Canadian dollar. Either way, the exchange rate will produce the same result.