Move an investment transaction to a different account
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You might need to move an investment transaction to a different account in Money if the transaction was accidentally entered in the wrong account, or if you moved your investments to a different brokerage firm.
To enter transactions in the new account:
Money will treat the investment as if the original purchase of that investment occurred with the date and price of the transfer date, not the date you first purchased it. Note that the capital gains report might show higher than actual capital gains because the transfer date will be more recent than the original purchase date.
To move an investment to a different investment account:
If you don't see the account you want, look for it under Other Open Accounts or Closed Accounts.
2 As a temporary transaction only, enter a buy transaction for the investment you wish to transfer with a quantity larger than all your sell transactions combined. The date of this temporary transaction should be before the first buy for this investment. If you don't know what that quantity might be, enter a very large quantity.
This is only a temporary transaction. This step allows you to move subsequent transactions without putting the investment into a negative balance.
If Money warns you that this transaction has been reconciled, click OK.
Repeat steps 8 รป 10 for each transaction listed, except for the initial temporary buy transaction.