Enter a transaction in an associated cash account
When you sell an investment, youÆll usually transfer the proceeds to the associated cash account (The cash portion of an investment account. This is a place to temporarily store cash you use to buy investments, or to deposit cash from investment sales and profits. Associated cash accounts have the same name as the corresponding investment account, followed by the word ôCash." (For example, ôHanson Brothers (Cash).ö). If your investment brokerage account has checking privileges, you might make other withdrawals from the cash account.
1 Go to the Account Register for the associated cash account where you want to enter a transaction.
If you don't see the account you want, look for it under Other Open Accounts or Closed Accounts.
2 Click a transaction tab. (For example, click Deposit to record cash you put into the account, or Transfer if you're transferring investment proceeds to a checking or savings account.)
Play the Enter investment transactions video.
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