Create an associated cash account
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By default, Money associates a cash account with every investment account (An account type specifically tailored for investment record keeping. Generally, youÆll set up one investment account for each account statement you receive. YouÆll then add individual investments to this investment account.) you create. If you choose not to create an associated cash account (The cash portion of an investment account. This is a place to temporarily store cash you use to buy investments, or to deposit cash from investment sales and profits. Associated cash accounts have the same name as the corresponding investment account, followed by the word ôCash." (For example, ôHanson Brothers (Cash).ö), or inadvertently delete it, you can always add one later.
1 On the navigation bar (The strip at the top of the Money screen where you can click to go to the different areas in Money.), click Investments, and then click Holdings View in the left pane.
If you have cash stored in a brokerage account, or if you've been making regular contributions to an investment account but haven't purchased the actual investments yet, enter the amount of cash available for the opening balance.
To view the associated cash account you've just created, click Investments on the navigation bar. The new account appears under the investment account with ô(Cash)ö after the name.
How can I tell between an investment account and an investment within an investment account?
In the Investment Portfolio, click Holdings View on the left pane. YouÆll see your investment accounts highlighted with a colored bar with the individual investments contained within the account below.