Choosing a Document to Work With

You can debug scripts in any document currently executing in Microsoft Internet Explorer, Microsoft OutlookÖ, or another ActiveX Debugging host. If you are debugging a Java program, you can choose the name of the Java function that you want to debug.

To choose a document to work with

  1. From the View menu, choose Running Documents.

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    Click on the Debug toolbar.

  2. In the Running Documents window, click a node containing the application whose document you want to debug.

    A list of open documents for that application appears.

    Note For information about how to debug scripts in Global.asa files, see Debugging a Global.asa File.

  3. Double-click a document name to open it.

Tip You can right-click the name of a document to break at the first statement in that document. For details, see Setting Breakpoints.

See Also

Debugging Java Applications

Managing Documents

Starting Microsoft Script Debugger

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