1. Default preferences
This brings the map as it would appear the first time you
use Amiglobe
2. Locale preferences
You can choose the reference country and the reference
currency. You can use the reference country to compare figures of the selected
country and figures of the reference country in the info
window. By default, Amiglobe tries to determine in which country you
are based on the Windows regional settings. But sometimes, Windows give
a country name that Amiglobe does not understand. This is the case if you
live in Trinidad And Tobago: for Windows, the english name for this country
is Trinidad Y Tobago, which does not match Amiglobe country name.
The currency is used every time Amiglobe displays an
amount of money. By default, the reference currency is the United States
3. Save preferences
Save the current zoom level and map projection, so that the
next time you start Amiglobe, this view will be used
4. Print map
Print the current map
5. About Amiglobe
The current version of Amiglobe, and copyright notice
6. Quit
Quit the program