1. Copyright

Amiglobe is cardware. It is Copyrighted ©1994-98 by Olivier Collard and is freely distribuable if you respect the following rules:
  • the archive must not be modified.
  • It is strictly forbidden to make profit in selling Amiglobe copies. The only fees you may ask to pay for are duplicate disk fees. These fees should not exceed 20(twenty) French Francs or US$ 4 (four) per disk or CD.
  • 2. Sources

    The World Map and most of the economic data come from the Central Intelligence Agency ruled by James Woosley.

    The Central Intelligence Agency produced the World Data Bank, which is the map of the world in 170,000 vectors.

    The World Fact Book is released every year. It is a economic database. Amiglobe uses the 1997 Factbook, released in april, 1998.