2 AntiVirenKit 8\nAvk\nAvk Document\n\n\nAvk.Document\nAvk Document 3 Version main program: %d.%02d %s\nVersion kernel: %s\nİ G DATA Software GmbH 1988 - 98\nSiemensstr. 16, 44793 Bochum 4 Programming:\n Andreas Lüning, Thorsten Kraft, Jörg Plewe\nCooperation:\n Dr. Dirk Hochstrate, Thorsten Brinkschmidt\n Ralph Werthmann, Monika Pfuhl\nDesign:\n Frank Born, Andreas Gehlisch 50 No interruption of the analysis 51 Check-back due to virus infection 52 Remove virus immediately 53 Delete infected file immediately 54 File 55 Directory 56 Virus 57 Status 100 Report files (*.log) | *.log |alle Dateien (*.*) | *.* || 200 Could not open report file. Please check the selected path of this file. If you want to start the analysis without creating a report, please select 'Ok'. 201 Could not access the selected drive or directory. Please check your adjustments. The analysis has been cancelled. 202 Could not open or create the reference information in the selected directory. Please check the reference path. The analysis has been cancelled. 203 There is not enough memory on the drive with the reference path. The analysis has been cancelled. 204 There is not enough main memory. The analysis has been cancelled. 205 The reference information is not responsible. The reference data is possibly damaged.\nThe analysis has been cancelled. 206 The file AVKV6.DLL was not found or is damaged. Please check whether this file has the same directory as the program AVKWIN32.EXE.\nIf necessary, reinstall the AntiVirenKit. 207 Could not remove the virus from the file.\nA possible reason may be a write protected medium or safety installation (e.g. digiloc) which controls write access on executable files. 208 Could not delete the file.\nA possible reason may be a write protected medium or safety installation (e.g. digiloc) which controls write access on executable files. 209 Could not move the file.\nA possible reason may be a write protected medium or safety installation (e.g. digiloc) which controls write access on executable files.\nFurthermore, check the path adjustments under "Options". 210 Could not accept the reference deviation.\nA possible reason may be a write protected medium or errors in the reference information. If necessary, please ask for our support. 211 Could not reconstruct the system area of the master boot sector. A possible reason may be a write protected medium or safety installation (e.g. digiloc) which controls write access on system areas. 212 A directory contains more than 2000 files. Please reduce the analysis on program files. 213 This is the 32Bit version of the AntiVirenKit.\nThe program only is made for use with Windows95 or Windows NT. Under Windows 3.1 or 3.11, please start or install the 16Bit version. 214 The virus '%s' was detected in the memory. We recommend closing the AntiVirenKit, closing Windows and carrying out a BASIC VIRUS ANALYSIS.\nClose AntiVirenKit now? 215 This version of the AntiVirenKit is no longer up to date. We recommend that you order an update. Please inform yourself about the update procedure in the enclosed manual. 216 You are using the SCAN version of the AntiVirenKit. In this version the function for removing viruses is not available.\nPlease buy the full version of the AntiVirenKit to remove viruses from files. 217 This version of the AVK Scan is no longer up to date. You should buy a current version of AVK Scan or should exercize your option to buy a privileged upgrade to the full version (see "Upgrade" in the help text). 218 The file AVPLNK32.DLL was not found or is damaged. Please check whether this file has the same directory as the program AVKWIN32.EXE.\nIf necessary, please reinstall the AntiVirenKit. 219 Could not reconstruct the system area of the boot sector. A possible reason may be a write protected medium or safety installation (e.g. digiloc) which controls write access on system areas. 300 Error on file access. The analysis has been cancelled.\n 301 The virus analysis has been successfully completed.\n 302 Start of the virus analysis on: 303 Analysis directory: 304 Files to scan: 305 Virus analysis was not (!) carried out completely.\n 306 Access to the reference directory denied.\n 307 The drive of the reference path does not have enough memory. 308 Not enough memory available. 309 The reference information is not responsible.\nThe reference data may be damaged.\n 310 Ignored, the analysis was continued.\n\n 311 The virus was successfully removed.\n\n 312 The virus removal failed.\n\n 313 The file was successfully moved.\n\n 314 The file move failed.\n\n 315 The file was successfully deleted.\n\n 316 The file deletion failed.\n\n 317 The reference deviation was accepted.\n\n 318 The reference deviation was not accepted.\n\n 319 analyzing: master boot sector\n 320 analyzing: boot sector\n 321 Error on master boot sector access.\nThe sector will not be analyzed.\n\n 322 Error on boot sector access.\nThe sector will not be analyzed.\n\n 323 Master boot sector is infected by virus: 324 Boot sector is infected by virus: 325 Start system with the original disk.\nRemove virus with A:SYS A: C:.\nCarry out a BASIC VIRUS ANALYSIS.\n\n 326 Too many files in a directory.\n 327 AntiVirenKit version number: %d.%02d %s\nVirus Detector version number: %s\n 328 Copy all Datafiles from the Floppydisk to save media.\nReformat the Disk (no Quickformat).\n\n 400 Analyzing: 401 Reference (deviation) 402 Virus (not removable) 403 Virus (was removed) 404 Virus (file was moved) 405 Virus (file was deleted) 406 Virus (removable) 407 Virus (mutated) 408 Reference (deviation accepted) 409 Reference (file was moved) 410 Reference (file was deleted) 411 Read error (not analyzed) 450 The reference information in the data portion of the AntiVirenKit differs from the current information of this file. If several files are affected in this way, this is a hint of an infection by an unknown virus. 451 The file is virus infected. The virus has deleted or overwritten relevant parts of the program. A reconstruction of the original program is not possible. 452 The file was virus infected. The virus was removed by the AntiVirenKit. The original file was completely reconstructed. 453 The file is virus infected. It was deleted from its original directory and copied to a save directory (see "Options"). 454 The file is virus infected. It was deleted. 455 The file is virus infected. The AntiVirenKit can remove the virus completely from the file. 456 The file is virus infected. The virus differs from its original structure (Mutation), therefore the AntiVirenKit cannot reconstruct the file. Please send us the infected file. 457 The reference information in the data portion of the AntiVirenKit differs from the current information of this file. The deviation was accepted. Please note that these deviations hint at an unknown virus. 458 The reference information in the data portion of the AntiVirenKit differs from the current information of this file. The file was deleted from its original directory and copied to a save directory (see options). 459 The reference information in the data material of the AntiVirenKit differs from the current attributes of this file. The file was deleted. 460 Analysis completed. 461 Analysis stopped early. 462 The file could not be opened. A reason could be a defective data carrier or access limitations in the network.\nTo analyze the file, please ensure, that it isn´t being used by an other program. 463 System areas are virus infected. To remove the virus, please restart your system from an original DOS disk or from a Windows 95 start disk (both write protected). Please call "A:SYS A: C:" and carry out a BASIC VIRUS ANALYSIS. 464 System areas are virus infected. A restoration with the standard adjustments is possible but also dangerous. By the use of boot managers and non-DOS- or Windows operating systems there is the danger of data loss. 465 System areas are virus infected. Standard adjustments have been used. Please restart your computer immediately and carry out a BASIC VIRUS ANALYSIS. 466 Sector not available. 467 Sector read, no virus. 468 Virus detected. 469 Virus detected, removed. 470 Read error, not analyzed. 471 System areas of this disk are infected by a virus. Please copy all data from the disk to a save media and reformat it (no Quickformat). 472 The file is indected by a virus. Because it is part of another packed or archieved file the virus cannot be removed. To do this unpack this file and check it again. 473 This file contains infected files in an archieved or compressed state. To remove viruses in these files please uncompress them and check them again 500 So far: 501 &Remove virus 502 &Delete file 503 &Move file 504 &Accept 505 &OK 506 &Go on 507 Missing 508 Read error 509 Analyzed, no virus 510 Virus 511 512 513 514 515 Do you want to stop the analysis early? 516 &Start 517 Adjust analysis options 519 check for &virusinfection (AVK 8) 520 check all selected files for infections of viruses (AVK 8) 521 The AntiVirenKit was called interactivly. All selected files are scanned for viruses. 522 this job is beeing executed: 600 AntiVirenKit [report list] 601 There are problems with your printer.\The AntiVirenKit cannot print. Please check the connection to the printer and its installation. 602 AntiVirenKit report 603 G DATA Software GmbH 604 Siemensstr. 16, 44793 Bochum 605 Version of the main program: 606 Version of the virus detector: 607 Date/time: 608 Page: 32782 Starts the AVK assistant 57344 AntiVirenKit 8 57345 Ready 57600 Start a new analysis 57601 Load an existing analysis 57602 Delete the current analysis 57603 Save the current analysis 57604 Save the current analysis under another name 57607 Print the current result 57664 Show information about the AntiVirenKit 6 57665 Quit the AntiVirenKit 6 58000 Start analysis 58001 Adjust analysis options 58002 Remove virus 58003 Delete infected file 58004 Move infected file 58005 Information about the infected file 58500 AntiVirenKit Help 58501 Survey of some viruses 59136 EXT 59137 CAP 59138 NUM 59139 SCRL 59140 OVR 59141 REC 61184 Change the window size 61185 Change the window position 61186 Reduce the window to an icon 61187 Enlarge the window to full size 61188 Switch to the next document window 61189 Switch to the previous document window 61190 Close the active window and prompt to save the documents 61202 Restore the window to normal size 61203 Activate Task List 61204 Shall more media be analyzed in drive %s?\nClick 'Ok' to analyze more media; click 'No' to go on with the next drive; click 'Cancel' to stop the analysis.