
Product Overview

Installation & Use

Support & Troubleshooting




updated: 6/17/98




Product Overview

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[General, Basic, Advanced]

Product Description

AppleShare IP (ASIP) 6.0 is an integrated server solution that provides the following services for Mac OS-centric workgroups over the Internet or an intranet:

  • ASIP File and Web Server allows a Macintosh to host a Web Site, and provide file sharing services to clients over AppleTalk or TCP/IP networks. File services include:

    • AFP (AppleTalk Filing Protocol) AFP provides an AppleTalk connection between client and server; Mac clients establish a connection using the AppleShare Client software in the Chooser, by selecting the file server from a list of available servers.

    • AFP over TCP/IP With AFP over TCP/IP enabled, Mac OS clients (using client software 3.7 or greater) still select the file server in the Chooser as they always have, but if both the client and the server have TCP/IP enabled, an IP connection will be made behind the scenes, for increased performance and network efficiency. If desired, the client could also simply enter the ASIP server's IP address directly in the Chooser window.

    • FTP (File Transfer Protocol). FTP is a TCP/IP protocol. FTP clients such as Fetch or a Web Browser can be used to log onto the server over a TCP/IP network, and download or upload files.

    • SMB (Server Message Block) The Windows file sharing protocol is "Server Message Block" (SMB). This is the protocol that Microsoft uses for file sharing in LAN Manager, Windows for Workgroups, Windows 95, and Windows NT. Now Windows clients can access the ASIP file server without requiring special software that provides an AppleTalk protocol stack.

  • ASIP Mail Services support SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), the standard protocol for mail exchange on the Internet. Version 6.0 provides support for both POP and IMAP connections, described briefly below:

    • POP (Post Office Protocol) is a TCP/IP protocol used by mail clients to retrieve mail from the mail server. With POP, waiting mail is normally downloaded to the user's workstation on each connection. Once the mail has been downloaded, the client can disconnect from the server, and read, organize, reply to, or compose new mail. Popular mail clients that support POP are Claris Emailer, MS Outlook Express (which also supports IMAP) and Eudora.

    • IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) is another TCP/IP protocol that enables clients to access mail from the server. With IMAP, both new and read mailmessages are typically stored on the server, which allows the clients to gain access to his or her mail regardless of the workstation he connects from. Because the mail is stored on the server, the client remains connected to the server while working with mail. IMAP clients include Microsoft's Outlook Express (which also supports POP) and Mulberry.

  • ASIP Print Services allows print jobs to be centralized on the server, and printed, in turn to one or more printers attached to the print queue. ASIP Print Server 6.0 supports both AppleTalk or TCP/IP protocols for spooling and printing. The Queue monitor and Printing logs allow the server administrator to manage print jobs, and track usage.

Also bundled with ASIP is MacDNS, a domain name server for the Macintosh platform, allowing network administrators to manage their own primary name server for improved performance and greater control over their domain name space.

With these integrated services and ease of use and management, AppleShare IP 6.0 is a complete solution for educational institutions, small businesses, and independent workgroups in large business, with large population of Macintosh users.

What's New in 6.0

AppleShare IP 6.0 is a follow-on release to AppleShare 5.0. In addition to bug fixes and performance improvements over ASIP 5.x, version 6.0 provides many new features for administrators and client, listed below by major component:


  • Support for more Macintosh Systems: ASIP is supported on any Apple Power Macintosh or Workgroup Server with a G3, 604, 604e, or 601 microprocessor. The Power Macintosh 6500 (603e microprocessor) has also been tested and qualified as an ASIP server.

  • Bug fixes.

  • Online update to manual: ASIP 6.0 includes on line help files in html format, to assit in setting up and configuring the server.

File Services:

  • Dynamic RAM Allocation: On Macintosh Server G3 computers with 128 MB of RAM or more, the maximum number of concurrent clients is increased from 250 to 500, when a sufficient amount of memory (12MB) is free when the Web & File Server launches.

  • Idle Disconnect: This feature allows the administrator to set a time after which idle connections will be terminated. Separate settings can be configured for guests and registered users, and clients with open files can be exempted.

  • Separate web guest privileges: You can now allow guest access to your Web pages, while restricting guest access to file services.

  • Performance improvements: Improved data caching and overall system optimization.

  • SMB Services: The Windows file sharing protocol is "Server Message Block" (SMB), used for file sharing in Microsoft's LAN Manager, Windows for Workgroups, Windows 95, and Windows NT.

    SMB runs on top of a protocol called NetBIOS, which can run on top of several other protocols such as NetBEUI, Novell IPX, and TCP/IP.

    AppleShare IP only supports SMB via TCP/IP.

FTP Services:

  • Alias Resolution: FTP clients can now open aliases on the server's local volumes (requires sufficient access privileges to the original).

  • Separate FTP guest privileges: Anonymous FTP can be enabled, separately from guest access to other file services.

  • ISO Character Support: Improves interoperability with Windows clients, that in the past had problems due to differences in character sets. Version 6.0 maps names to ISO characters sets.

Web Services:

  • W*API 1.2 support: Maintains compatibility with third-party plug-ins.

  • User Editable Error files: User-created error.html and noaccess.html files, if present in the Web Folder, will override ASIP's default error messages.

  • Alias Resolution: Web clients can resolve aliases to other folders on the server's local volumes (requires appropriate access privileges).

  • HTTP 1.1 support: The Web Server now supports HTTP 1.1, including persistent connections, byte-range requests, and file upload.

  • Separate web guest privileges: Guest access to the Web server can be enabled, independent of other services.

  • Enhanced security options: Administrators can enable/disable directory listing and turn on copy protection.

Mail Services:

  • IMAP Support: New to version 6.0 is support for IMAP, enabling mail clients to retain their messages and folders on the server.

  • Integration of V-Twin: The mail server uses Apple's V-Twin technology to search mail server database. (There is no human interface component with this feature).

  • Domain/address access control: The administrator can allow or reject mail from hosts on a user-created host list. Mail can also be allowed or rejected on a host-by-host basis. An anti-spamming feature allows the administrator to verify that mail purported to be from an ASIP mail server user is actually from a valid user who has mail service enabled.

Print Services:

  • LPR Support: Print queues can support AppleTalk (via PAP, Printer Access Protocol), TCP/IP (via LPR, Line Printer Remote) or both. Printers can be attached via PAP or LPR.

  • Extensible by third-parties for accounting.

  • User Authentication: Administrators can create print queues that will accept print jobs only from designated users or groups.

AppleShare Client 3.8:

  • Asynchronous Login: The main dialogs will be moveable modal, and a status dialog box will enable the user to cancel lookups and pending connections.

System Requirements

Server Requirements:

  • Any Power Macintosh or Apple Macintosh Servers based on PowerPC 601, 604, 604e, or G3 processors. The Power Macintosh 6500 (603e processor), has also been tested and qualified as an ASIP server.

  • Mac OS 8.1 or later with OpenTransport 1.3 or later.

  • 48 MB of RAM with virtual memory turned on (64MB with VM turned off.)

All AppleShare IP services do not need to run on the same computer. In fact, it is recommended that certain services be divided amongst different machines for optimum performance.

  • Web, File, FTP and SMB services are all provided by the Web & File Server application and must run on the same system.

  • ASIP Print Server can run independently of other services. (Personal File Sharing cannot be enabled on the Print Server, since the Users & Groups Data File is modified for use with the Print Server.

  • ASIP Mail Server can run independently of other services.

  • MacDNS can run independently of all ASIP services. System requirements are a 68020 processor or Power PC processor, 1500K of free memory, a TCP/IP connection with static IP address, System 7 or later (7.5.3 recommended), MacTCP 2.0.6 or OT 1.1 or later.


Client Requirements:

For logging onto the file server via Appletalk:

  • Macintosh Clients
    • Recommended: Mac OS 8.1, Open Transport 1.3, AppleShare client 3.8.
      • The AppleShare client 3.8 has minimum system requirements of System Software version 7.6 and OT 1.1.2.
      • Older versions of Appleshare client software will provide basic functionality, but may not support new features, such as the ability to cancel a connection that is taking too long (3.8 required), to connect via AFP over TCP/IP (3.7 required), or to receive messages from the server (3.0 required).

  • Windows Clients
    • Windows 3.x and 95 clients need an AppleTalk file sharing client (such as CopsTalk or MacLAN Connect).


For logging onto the file server via TCP/IP

  • Macintosh Clients
    • Recommended: Mac OS 8.1, Open Transport 1.3, AppleShare client 3.8.
    • Minimum: System Softwaree 7.5.3, Open Transport 1.1.2, AppleShare Client 3.7.

For logging onto the file server via SMB:

  • Windows Clients
    • Windows 95/98
    • Windows NT 3.5.1/4.0/5.0
    • Windows for Workgroups 3.1.1
    • DAVE 1.0/2.0

  • Unix clients
    • Samba

      AppleShare IP only supports SMB via TCP/IP.

For accessing Web or FTP services:

  • All Clients:
    • Your favorite Web browser or FTP client. There are no special requirements for accessing ASIP servers.

For printing using AppleTalk:

  • Macintosh clients:
    • LaserWrtier driver 7.x or 8.x for Macintosh clients.

  • Windows Clients
    • An Appletalk LW driver

For printing using TCP/IP:

  • Macintosh Clients:
    • Desktop Printer Utility version 1.0 or greater (installed with Mac OS 8.1, and with LW Driver 8.5.1.)

  • Non-Mac Clients:
    • Most LPR clients are compatible.

For accessing mail:

  • All clients
    • Third-party mail clients that support either POP3 or IMAP.



AppleShare IP is available in 10-client packs, 50-client packs, or unlimited-client packs (up to between 250 and 500 concurrent users supported, depending on server configuration). This user license determines how many users can be logged into the file and web server simultaneously. With a 10-client pack, you can install the AppleShare client software on any number of Macintosh workstations you like, but only 10 will be able to log into the file server at the same time.

Upgrades are also available for previous ASIP and AppleShare 4.x customers. The upgrade from AppleShare 4.x is the unlimited-client pack



General, Basic, Advanced