Advanced Call Center

Telephone Answering Machine

Advanced Call Center can function as an advanced, programmable telephone answering machine.  Once set up, it can monitor incoming calls, play back greeting announcement (either default or specified for each caller separately) and record other party's message.  The program can be set up so that it will ignore (block) messages from a groups of callers ('black list') and/or give you control over messages from another group ('white list').

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There are two ways to enable telephone auto-answering.


Both settings are equal and do exactly the same.  To disable the answering machine and only use Caller ID display, select Answering Machine Off mode.

Greeting Message

You can select (and record) greeting messages via Tools -> Answering Machine -> Greeting Message.  If you are using a third-party program to create your greeting message, please remember about valid Greeting Message File Format (see below).

You can also modify your selection from the Options -> Sounds tab.

Each caller can be assigned a different greeting message and sound alarm.  In the contacts list double-click on the caller's name who's properties you want to modify.  Select Sound Events tab and choose an appropriate greeting message.

Voice source (modem/handset)
Telephone line
Select if your handset is plugged to Telco, not to modem 'telephone' connector
Select if your handset is plugged into modem 'telephone' connector
Modem internal microphone. Select if no other method works
Sound card recording

You can record greeting message using microphone attached to the sound card. If you don't hear any voice after recording, check if 'Microphone' device is selected in the Windows volume control (mixer).

Greeting Messages' File Format

Every message you assign must be a valid PCM .WAV file recorded or saved as 8 or 16 bit PCM mono at sample rate equal to your modem supported sample rate (Options -> Modem Properties).


TAPI mode requires you to record messages EXACTLY as follows: 16-bit PCM, mono, 8,000 Hz WAV.

Wave files and messages

Advanced Call Center stores recorded messages in plain 16-bit mono PCM files which are in Microsoft RIFF (.wav) format.  You can play or edit them with any sound player/editor, including standard Microsoft Media Player and Sound Recorder.

All messages recorded with Advanced Call Center are stored in the Inbox folder under the current identity folder.

There are three types of .wav files produced by the program.

msg files are completed messages recorded with ACC answering machine. They usually contain voice data and, if applicable, caller number, name and other information about caller in a separate LIST chunk.  You can play or edit these files in any sound editor.

bite files are parts of conversation recorded with Record-on-demand function (usually a button with Rec word on it or standard record picture).  These files do contain voice/sound data and last detected telephone number and caller data (or your number if you originate the call).

log files do not contain any voice or sound data.  They contain only LIST chunk (defined in Microsoft RIFF file format as a chunk containing text or other user data) with NMBR sub-chunk.  The files contain only caller information and are created after each call as just another logging facility.

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© 1998 - 2001 Oleg Afonin.