ACT! 2000 for Windows 95/98 and Windows NT ReadMe for ACT! 2000, August 17, 1999 Copyright 1999 Symantec Corporation. All rights reserved. Please review this information before running ACT! You can also print a copy of this file for future reference. ACT! for Windows CE ******************* Symantec no longer provides technical support for the ACT! for Windows CE product or for the link included within ACT! 2000 to Windows CE. ACT! and WordPerfect ******************** ACT! 2000 does not support any version of WordPerfect. If you used a previous version of ACT! and you set your default word processor to WordPerfect, ACT! 2000 will set your default word processor to ACT! word processor. To learn about converting your WordPerfect templates, see chapter 8 of "ACT! 2000 User's Guide". Installation instructions ************************* If you have a problem with CD Autorun, you can install the software on this CD-ROM by doing the following: 1. Click the Windows Start menu and select Run. 2. Type the following and click the OK button to install each product. (Substitute X with the drive letter of your CD-ROM drive.) ACT! 2000 X:\Act2000\Setup.exe ACT! PalmPilot Link X:\ACTPALM\Setup.exe Adobe Acrobat Reader X:\ADOBE\ar40eng.exe AT&T Internet Service Software X:\ATT\PCV\PCVKIT.EXE Earthlink Internet Service Software X:\EarthLnk\Setup.exe FoneSync X:\FoneSync\Setup.exe Mobile WinFax trial X:\MWinFax\MWinFaxT.exe Norton AntiVirus for Win 95/98 trial X:\Nav\NAVT9x\nav9xtr.exe Norton AntiVirus for Windows NT trial X:\NAV\NAVTNT\navnttr.exe pcAnywhere Trial X:\pcA\Setup.exe Quicken ExpensAble 98 trial X:\QETrial\QEtrial.exe TalkWorks trial X:\TalkWrks\Setup.exe WinFax PRO trial X:\WinFax\Wfx90t\Setup.exe